Ladies Logic

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Governor Pawlenty goes to Vegas to make new global warming friends

More from Logical Lady Sue Jeffers

Minnesota has a growing budget deficit combined with an out of control governor and legislators who continue to regulate, mandate, tax and fee its residents. This legislative session promises much more and will continue to be the driving factor for the increased costs for food, gas, energy, health care and education for all Minnesotans.

Last years Renewable Energy Standards bill provided funding and courage to mandate and regulate unsustainable, unproven, unreliable and costly sources of energy. Environmental buzz words make politicians feel good but this type of legislation costs a lot of our tax dollars to pay for these useless good intentions. It should come as no surprise that our legislators, with the help of our governor, are not done yet.

In the State of the State speech Governor Pawlenty proudly proclaimed that Minnesota already ranks near the top in E-85 pumps, wind energy, renewable energy and recycling. We do. Governor Pawlenty said more must be done to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, producing cleaner energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our republican governor called on Minnesotans to continue to “Americanize” energy production, grow green collar jobs and keep America from becoming an energy hostage.

If we the people aren’t willing to go green on our own, not to worry, the governor and the legislators will “help” us. One of the governor’s suggestions included another costly mandate; increasing the diesel fuel soybean mandate from 2% to 20% by 2015. In the first week of the session House Representatives Hortman, Tschumper; Faust; Hornstein; Liebling; Murphy E.; Loeffler; Morrow; Brynaert; Knuth; Davnie; Hilstrom; Slocum; Bly; Greiling; Paymar; Kahn; Ruud introduced HF 863 calling for the California vehicle emissions standards to be adopted, and updates provided to comply with the federal Clean Air Act.

Not to be outdone, and regrettably not up for reelection, the Minnesota Senate introduced SF 481 authored by Senators Marty; Carlson; Skogen; Doll; and Rummel calling for the similar mandates. Also introduced was SF 2818 calling for establishing principles of a cap and trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, establishing a climate trust fund, requiring studies and appropriating money from the general fund. Yes, THAT $34.5 Billion general fund which could also be used to pay for oh maybe…. roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

The $650 per year out of pocket costs we can expect from this year's gas tax increase will be nothing compared to the legislation signed into law last session and is being considered this session. And just think of all the new ideas that Governor Pawlenty and Harry Reid can come up with together in Vegas with this group.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty will travel to Las Vegas next week to be a keynote speaker at a renewable energy conference that also will feature U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Pawlenty will address the Power-Gen Renewable Energy & Fuels conference on Tuesday afternoon. More than 3,000 leading players in the renewable energy industry are expected to attend.

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