Ladies Logic

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's Going To Be A LONG Year...

You know it's going to be a long year for Democrats when it starts out like this.....
Just 15% of American voters say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job. A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 46% now give Congress a poor rating. Bleak as those figures are, they reflect a modest improvement from a month ago when just 13% were willing to give the legislators
good or excellent marks for their efforts.

It's not just a national phenomenon either. Locally is almost as bleak according to this KSTP/SurveyUSA Poll.

9 Asked of 700 Adults
of Sampling Error for this question = ± 3.8%

Do you approve or disapprove of the job being done by the Minnesota state

29% Approve

50% Disapprove

20% Not Sure
Of course, when you have things like this dogging you like Majority Leader Kelliher does, it is no wonder the legislatures approval rating is so low.

(Speaker) Kelliher doesn’t want the Legislature’s Transportation Contingency
Appropriations Group (TCAG), an eight-member group she co-chairs, to authorize
MnDOT to spend nearly $200 million in federal funds that was sent from Congress
following the I-35W bridge collapse. This is after she reneged on a December
agreement saying she would call a January meeting to review MnDOT’s financial
We’re now in February, and MnDOT’s still waiting for the authorization to spend $200 million of additional federal transportation funds. That means $55 million in construction projects across the state will soon be delayed. Kelliher says decisions by an eight-member committee of lawmakers should be reserved for emergencies.
The $200 million that arrived from Congress comes from a fund called the "Emergency Relief Program.” Don’t you think a funding decision regarding the collapse of a bridge carrying 141,000 vehicles a day qualifies as an emergency?
A lot of Minnesota voters are asking the same question. We have a bridge that needs to be built and yet the Senate and House Majority leadership is more concerned about raising our taxes than they are raising up a new bridge. How low will the approval ratings have to go before the DFL Majority "gets it"? If Republicans are lucky maybe it will take until November for them to get the hint.



  • They have nothing else to offer, LL. That's a party that hasn't had a new idea since 1965. The only thing that changes with the DFL is tactics.

    By Blogger Mr. D, at 9:36 AM  

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