Tell Us Your Caucus Story
Now that caucuses are over and the votes are counted, I would love to hear your caucus stories. Was turn out high in your city or low? Did everything run smoothly or was it a giant mess? I'll start....
As a leader in my BPOU, I actually started away from my precinct. The Savage Lands had two new precincts since the last caucus and they needed a caucus leader who knew what they were doing and I volunteered! The room I was in had probably 45 people in it and all of them were first time caucus goers! It was a lot of fun. These new caucus goers (most of them in the 20-30 range too) were all very excited and energetic! All around the Savage Lands, the scene was the same. Packed classrooms - most standing room only - and people ready to take on the fight.
Returning to my home precinct, I found the same thing. Full to overflowing classrooms, short on ballots and resolution forms and was just mind blowing to this seasoned caucus goer.
So now it's your turn....tell us about your caucus experience in the comments!
As a leader in my BPOU, I actually started away from my precinct. The Savage Lands had two new precincts since the last caucus and they needed a caucus leader who knew what they were doing and I volunteered! The room I was in had probably 45 people in it and all of them were first time caucus goers! It was a lot of fun. These new caucus goers (most of them in the 20-30 range too) were all very excited and energetic! All around the Savage Lands, the scene was the same. Packed classrooms - most standing room only - and people ready to take on the fight.
Returning to my home precinct, I found the same thing. Full to overflowing classrooms, short on ballots and resolution forms and was just mind blowing to this seasoned caucus goer.
So now it's your turn....tell us about your caucus experience in the comments!
Labels: Precinct Caucus
Wow. In 2006 we had about 7 people in my room. Tonight we had 49, and over 1100 showed up at our caucus. Ran out of seats in the H.S. auditorium and in many classrooms!
SD-45 Results:
Mitt Romney: 533
John McCain: 208
Mike Huckabee: 179
Ron Paul: 171
Alan Keyes: 7
Write in: 3
Total Voting: 1,101
Paul-bots were plentiful, but not enough to outmanuever the Romney surge!
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM
Scott County - New Market Township: I have not seen near these numbers since 1980!!!!
2006 - 5 attendees; 2008 - a bunch more.
Preference tally:
Romney - 31
McCain - 11
Huckabee - 9
Paul - 7
Anonymous, at 1:11 AM
There was a record turnout in SD40- over 1600 people attended and 1278 ballots cast in the straw ballot for president. Here are the results for the presidential straw ballot:
Senate District 40 Republicans attended their precinct caucuses on Tuesday, February 5 in six times the numbers they did in 2006. Here are the results of the presidential preference poll are on
Romney was the big winner with 572 votes.
House District 40A caucus goers at Burnsville High School were quoted in the Star and Tribune article:
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM
2008 SD 35 Comparison GOP vs. DFL Straw Poll/Presidential Preference Poll Results-
35A –GOP 719; DFL 1450; GOP just under half of DFL turnout
35B – GOP 699; DFL 1094; GOP less than 2/3 of DFL turnout
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM
Hey LL,
I wrote about 50B on my blog. We had a wonderful turnout; well over 700 people. Romney won big, not that it matters any more.
Mr. D
p.s. I know you write for True North; how does one get stuff published there? I'd like to send some stuff there if they are interested....
Mr. D, at 10:08 PM
Anonymous - the problem with your numbers is that the DFL allowed people to come and vote and then leave. Every single one of those Republican straw poll voters stayed for at least part of the meeting....and they stayed for the important part - the election of BPOU delegates and alternates and Precinct officials!
Mr D. - email me and we'll chat!
The Lady Logician, at 10:18 PM
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