Sammenhold (or Offensive? Redux)
I am saddened, but not surprised, that our American media has choosen to kow-tow
to the fascists in radical Islam. For they are only more than willing to hand over their "cherished" free expression to a regime as long as that regime holds fast to the presses anti American sentiment. Shame on the US Media!
Now in the two years that have passed since Michelle Malkin's first Sammenhold blog burst, we have gotten some members of the media to admit what we have long suspected - that the media is afraid to criticize Islam, however we have also seen that the blogosphere has no such fear.
Jyllands Posten and every other paper that ran the cartoons two years ago apologized for "offending" the religion of the perpetually offended. Not content with that apology and burning down half of Paris (and any other city with a large Islamic population), a few members of the "Religion of Peace" decided to impose a little "justice" on cartoonist Kurt Westergaard (who drew the cartoon below).
This week, 5 European newspapers reprinted the "Mohammed cartoons" in a display of solidarity for Jyllands Posten and Kurt Westergaard and free speech everywhere!
Berlingske Tidende, was one of the newspapers involved in the republication by newspapers in Denmark. It said: "We are doing this to document what is at stake in this case, and to unambiguously back and support the freedom of speech that we as a newspaper always will defend," in comments reported by The Associated Press.
In a renewed spirit of Sammenhold (for Mr. Westergaard and Jyllands Posten), I am joining Michelle and Captain Ed in showing our solidarity for Mr. Westergaard, Jyllands Posten and every other paper that has reprinted the Mohammed cartoons in the last week. It is time for the religion of the perputally offended to "grow up" and learn to take editorial cartoons like the rest of the world does. With a shurg and a resounding "WHATEVER...."
Now if the US media would just man up and follow suit.
Labels: Insulting Religion, Islam
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