Where DO We Go From Here?
This song goes out to all of the disgruntled Conservatives out there. You know who you are...you are the ones who are saying that no matter what you say or what you do, the Republican Party is a mess and nothing can clean it up. Well Logical Lady Michelle Malkin has a few words for you!
BINGO Michelle! This is something that I was saying two years ago. You say you are mad at President Bush for his free-spending, open borders ways...you say you are mad at Governor Green Jeans for his sophomoric enviro-centric ways????? Then get behind someone like Rep. Mark Buesgens (HD35B) or Rep. Steve Gottwalt (HD15A) or Rep. Chris DeLaForest (HD49A) or Logical Lady Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (HD36A). This is just a small sample of some of the FANTASTIC conservative representation that we have right here in Minnesota. Any one of these folks could be our next Governor, Senator or even President!
These are the kinds of future leaders we have in this state, but in order for that to happen we all have work to do. We ALL need to get out and identify who the "good" conservative leaders are in this state and we need to GET BEHIND THEM! We need to support them with our money and with our time. It is simply childish to punish good conservatives like we did Tim Wilken and Phil Krinkie (in 2006) by staying home because we are ticked at the top of the ticket!
If you are really that determined to "make a statement" go to the polls and don't vote for the candidate that you are ticked off with. There are a lot of really good candidates down ticket that are busting their butts to earn your vote. Your one vote may not adversely affect the Presidential or Gubernatorial candidate that you are mad at, but it will hurt some really good folks who can actually get the work done that we need to have done!
If you don't go to the polls at all, no one will notice. However, if your Congressman gets more votes in your district than the Presidential candidate does, or if you State Senator gets more votes in your district than the Governor does - THAT will get their attention!
"Quo vadis," conservatives? It's the ancient, apocryphal question the apostle Peter asked Jesus while fleeing persecution in Rome. Where are you going? Where do we go from here? ...Dissatisfied with the flawed crop of GOP candidates who lacked the energy, organizational skills, and ideological strength to carry the conservative banner and ignite your passions? Then pay attention to the next generation of Republican state legislators who do vote consistently to lower your taxes, uphold the sanctity of life, defend marriage, and cut government spending. Support their re-election bids. Reward them for standing with you instead of their Democrat pponents and the liberal media.
Look at Barack Obama. Four years ago, he was in the Illiniois legislature. Now, he's on the cusp of the presidency.
BINGO Michelle! This is something that I was saying two years ago. You say you are mad at President Bush for his free-spending, open borders ways...you say you are mad at Governor Green Jeans for his sophomoric enviro-centric ways????? Then get behind someone like Rep. Mark Buesgens (HD35B) or Rep. Steve Gottwalt (HD15A) or Rep. Chris DeLaForest (HD49A) or Logical Lady Rep. Mary Liz Holberg (HD36A). This is just a small sample of some of the FANTASTIC conservative representation that we have right here in Minnesota. Any one of these folks could be our next Governor, Senator or even President!
These are the kinds of future leaders we have in this state, but in order for that to happen we all have work to do. We ALL need to get out and identify who the "good" conservative leaders are in this state and we need to GET BEHIND THEM! We need to support them with our money and with our time. It is simply childish to punish good conservatives like we did Tim Wilken and Phil Krinkie (in 2006) by staying home because we are ticked at the top of the ticket!
If you are really that determined to "make a statement" go to the polls and don't vote for the candidate that you are ticked off with. There are a lot of really good candidates down ticket that are busting their butts to earn your vote. Your one vote may not adversely affect the Presidential or Gubernatorial candidate that you are mad at, but it will hurt some really good folks who can actually get the work done that we need to have done!
If you don't go to the polls at all, no one will notice. However, if your Congressman gets more votes in your district than the Presidential candidate does, or if you State Senator gets more votes in your district than the Governor does - THAT will get their attention!
Labels: 2008, Presidential Politics
Great thoughts! I think all those who have claimed they wish to exit the political process really need to look beyond this presidency. As conservatives, we believe that the best government is that which is closest to the people, meaning that local and state governments should be making more of these decisions that the federal government has been taking over. Yet we act as if the central government were all that mattered.
If we all stood up, every election...even just for the little ballot initiatives and local school boards...and made informed choices based on conservative principles, the nation would not be where it is now.
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
Good advice, LL. In 50B, we have a seat to take back and three very good potential candidates. I'll be involved in that, starting at BPOU and beyond. You have to start somewhere!
Mr. D
Mr. D, at 10:10 PM
Thanks Dana and Mr. D.....It is time that we started getting people to realize that your school board and county board races are just as important - if not more so - than the Presidential race. Your school board, because they are local, is going to be more responsive to your concerns than the Federal Government will be. Plus it helps build up the farm team so that when we do have seats to take back, we have the a pool of candidates to choose from!
The Lady Logician, at 10:16 PM
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