Bureaucratic Nightmares
Sarah Jan Olson (aka Kathleen Soliah) is going back to prison. (HT Lassie)
This is just one more example of the type bureaucratic inneptitude that runs rampant in big government. Do you really want to give bureaucrats like this - who can not perform simple math - control of YOUR healthcare????? I know I don't!
Just days after being told she could serve her parole in Minnesota, Olson is back in a California prison, where she'll stay for almost another year.
California Corrections Department officials said Saturday that criticism of Olson's release spurred a review of her case. That review showed that her parole date had been miscalculated -- she was not supposed to be released until March 17, 2009.
This is just one more example of the type bureaucratic inneptitude that runs rampant in big government. Do you really want to give bureaucrats like this - who can not perform simple math - control of YOUR healthcare????? I know I don't!
Labels: Universal Health Care
While I agree with the sentiment Anonymous, I dislike the language used to present it. I will leave the comment stand and ask that you refrain from it going forward. If you can not honor my request, the comment will be deleted.
The Lady Logician, at 9:02 PM
I don't agree with the sentiment, LL, because it's typical foul-mouthed Republican-bashing.
One bridge, built improperly, crashes, but only after over 40 years of exceptionally heavy use and a series of modifications the original designers could not have imagined, and after 40 years of inspections conducted under the auspices of DFL, Republican and Venturaite administrations.
Can we assume that the brave anonymous poster would have preferred that the United States attack Saudi Arabia? Wonder how that approach would have gone within the Islamic world? Or should we have just shrugged it off, as the immediately previous administration did?
Anonymous foul-mouthed trolls stink. Sorry that this coward polluted your fine blog, LL. And on Easter Sunday, yet....
Mr. D, at 9:32 PM
And a blessed Easter to you too Mark.
Here is why I agree...
The government is tasked with doing things LIKE building roads and bridges and doing things LIKE protecting American citizens at home and abroad. If our government can not even do that then WHY in heavens name would we want to give them control of something as important as our health? I have yet to get an answer to that very simple question....
The Lady Logician, at 9:58 PM
Agree! That's why I love Newt Gingrich's much watched YouTube video discussing the world that works vs. the world that doesn't using the FedEx vs Govt Bureaucracy examples. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15D3ElV1Jzw
Anonymous, at 5:48 AM
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