Reaching An Understanding
In the two weeks since the Transportation over-ride vote, much has been said for and against "The Six". If the "Dear Colleague" letter that Rep. Abeler has sent to his caucus is any indication, there are a few hurt feelings as well.
Dear Colleagues,
You may be wondering why I am behaving as I have been since my convention voted 58-42 to ratify my votes and actions over my 10 years.
Shockingly to me, Rep Emmer showed up at the convention on Saturday around 9:45, declaring himself as representing the caucus. “Marty went south, and I went north.”
Following a nice commendation of Rep Hackbarth for providing good representation of his district (no mention of me), Tom went onto bash the “Democrat transportation tax bill.” The entire speech lasted 7 or 8 minutes, during which time the crowd got actively engaged, since as a group they were about 3:1 opposed to the bill and many were angry at me anyway. When comments came about“those 6 republicans” Tom gestured in an encouraging way, and crowd whipped intoa frenzy against those 6 (including me) resembling an Obama rally.
There was nodoubt as to the local object of this aggression, me. As he closed, he received tumultuous applause and left.
When David Olson of the Mn Chamber arrived, he was treated harshly by the crowd and booed due to the firey mood of the crowd after Emmer’s speech.
When I approached Marty prior to the convention for a letter stating that I had been a good caucus member except for this singular vote with which he vehemently disagreed, he declined stating that didn’t I remember that the caucus was not going to do any help in my election. Which I accepted.
What shocked me is that the caucus would send Tom Emmer who has obvious and unresolved anger issues toward me and expect his appearance in already tense situation to go well. I think in human resource circles they call this theWorst Possible Decision.
I have been a member of the caucus for 10 years, but cannot recall even any stories about the caucus attacking a sitting member during an endorsing process,especially when the opponent is “no endorsement” and particularly when that member is supported by business and the MCCL.
The caucus punishment story about us 6 had died down with the advent of the budget forecast and the governor’s response. The Emmer rant at my convention has given all of this retribution talk new life, and we are now becoming known as the party of the robot.
I think we had better look inside each of ourselves and see where we are goingto wind up politically and as a coalition.
I am sending this to members and staff both, because we are all in this together. There has been too much silence already, and this matter has escalated way too far. All our loyal crew deserves to know what is going on and what transpired.
Now you know what happened. If you don’t happen to see
me at caucus, you shouldn’t be surprised. It is hard to leave your backside open
to a “family” who has tried to blatantly defeat you.
State Rep. Jim Abeler
Former Minority Lead
Health and Human Services Finance
Room 203
State Office Building
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Now I won't go in depth into the fact that Rep. Abeler ignores the fact that he needed 60 votes to "rafity" and justify his vote. I'll simply say that 42% of his delegation chose not to "ratify" his vote and that is the more significant number as that is what with-held his endorsement last week....Instead what I want to focus on is his focus on how hurt he is that his caucus would react so negatively on this "one vote".
The caucus is, essentially, a team. Or (as Rep. Abeler states "a family"). Teams and families work together toward common benefits and common goals. Teams and families tend to share core principles - the team/family well being being one of the most important of those core principles. If a team is not whole, if a family is working at odds, they can not reach the common goals. What Rep. Abeler (and Reps. Erhardt and Peterson) seem to forget is that THEY are the ones that broke from the team...they are the ones that turned their backs on the family and voted against the common goal - against the best interests of the family. Rep. Abeler professes his disappointment and hurt that the "family" would turn their backs on him. Did he give any thought (before going against the family) to how hurt the "family" would be by HIS actions? The Governor and Caucus leadership made it clear (before the over-ride vote) that there would be consequences to going against the family. Did Rep. Abeler think that the family would ignore HIS betrayal? Actions have consequences. I would think that someone as intelligent as Rep. Abeler would understand that and (most importantly) accept it. If he honestly feels that his vote was the correct one, why the continued attempt to "ratify" his actions in front of the caucus leadership?
Rep. Abeler points out how hurt he is over the actions of the caucus....did he give any consideration to how hurt the CAUCUS was when he went against the best interests of the "family"? If not, he really should.....for it is only when you attempt to understand the hurts on both sides that brings real healing. If you want understand, Rep. Abeler, put your pride aside and try to understand how the other side feels....maybe then you can understand what is going on within the caucus.
Labels: MN Legislature, MNGOP, Rep. Jim Abeler
I just wonder if any of these guys understand how much damage they did. It's clear that En-Abeler doesn't get it, LL, and the public comments I've seen from Erhardt and Peterson indicate the same.
They can't unring this bell.
Excellent post!
Mr. D
Mr. D, at 4:00 PM
I think he is hurt that he was not God-like enough to avoid the inevitable consequences of his actions. Usually, when you're told repeatedly, "Don't put your hand on that stove, you'll get burned!" you don't put your hand on the stove.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM
I'm so confused.
I see post saying how happy you are to get rid of these guys and posts saying how important it is to elect anyone with an R by there name.
Why should any of these guys "get it" when you are advocating electing anyone regardless of what they do in office, just so we can have more "R"s.
If any of these guys win the primary, I assume you will be out making sure they get elected.
Anonymous, at 3:43 PM
Anon 2 - you don't get it. A) I am not "happy" that anyone is gone from the caucus. I would have been "happy" if they hadn't voted the way they did.
B) what I am advocating is that people not stay home in November. I am also reminding people that are complaining about the tax and spend agenda that whoever holds the majority controls the agenda!
Yes we should vote for "R"s because they are going to be more philosophically aligned with our conservative values than a "D" would. That should be a no brainer to conservatives but it is not sadly. Some people would rather vote for a Dem in order to spite "the party" and then bitch because their taxes were going through the roof. I am simply reminding people of that fact.
Who the people of Edina vote for is their worry. If Erhardt or Peterson wins the primary, then the people of Edina can elect them. I've got my own district to worry about and we have a conservative here who almost lost because people decided to stay home to "teach the party a lesson".
The Lady Logician, at 4:19 PM
"I pledge allegiance to Karl Rove;
And to the Party for which he stands..."
Since when did all you supposed flag-waving Americans decide that loyalty and oath of office are sworn to your party officials and not to the citizens of the state and country?
Anonymous, at 12:24 PM
What does Karl Rove have to do with this Anonymous?
Seriously, it's a little thing called PRINCIPLES! Most people have them and hold them to be very important to their lives. Some people happen to believe that those principles are more important than people.
Let me put it to you this way - if Barak Obama decided tomorrow that he simply could not, in good conscience, pull troops out of Iraq starting the day after his taking the oath of office, saying that it was in the "best interests of the country" would you accept it? After all - it's putting the country ahead of the party.....
The Lady Logician, at 1:25 PM
King James Abeler is pathetic. He says whatever he thinks will please the audience in front of him. He has no allegiance to any principles of social or financial conservatism. King James Abeler is a pro-life DFLer. He voted less than 50% of the time with the Republicans during 2007. Jimmy boy has the disease of thinking he has some God given right to be in office and how dare anyone question his votes. Don Huizenga is running in 48B as a real moral, social and financial conservative. Don Huizenga deserves the support of all voters who want to keep their money in their wallets and help build private business, not government handouts. Good riddance to the whining victim, King James Abeler.
Reflections in Ramsey, at 12:45 AM
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