Today's post is brought to you by the number eighty-five. Why is the number 85 so important, you ask. It's really simple.
Because they control the agenda, the 85 DFL House members have given us the following:
A $6.6 BILLION tax increase purportedly in order to fix our roads (even though a large portion of the money goes to "transit")
A Universal Health Care Bill (more on that later)
A Bonding Bill that (strangely enough) gives more money to DFL held districts - regardless of merit
A $2.2 billion dollar surplus frittered away
A $935 million dollar deficit!
A rapidly shrinking economy
Free towing for welfare recepients
Increasing government intervention in every aspect of PRIVATE life including what you eat and what kind of dog the government will graciously allow you to own!
The list grows every day that the Legislature is in session.
The bottom line is this. Politics is a numbers game. The candidate with the most votes wins. The party with the most of their people in the seats controls the agenda. In our case, the DFL has 85 of their people in the House - we don't. If we want to control the agenda, if we want to reduce the size and scope of government, if we want to reduce taxes, if we want to reduce government spending, if we want to make a difference at all then we have only one option. We have to reject the calls to stay home and "purify" the party by attrition. I admire Jason Lewis greatly, but he is wrong here. This is not about what is "best" for the party, it is about what is best for the citizens of the state of Minnesota and I'm sorry, it does not matter how you spin it....giving this crop of metro Democrats further control of the state purse is not good for the state. It is the worst possible thing that can happen to the REAL hardworking Minnesotans....I am not speaking of Rep. Kaplin's "hard working" welfare recepients...I am refering to the small business owners who are struggling to provide jobs and services to the people of Minnesota. I am referring to the single mom who is working two jobs in order to provide for her kids. I am refereing to the family of four who has both parents working and driving 10 year old cars because they can't afford anything newer. I am talking about every wage earner who goes to a 60 hour a week job in order to pay taxes that are given to those "hard working welfare recepients".
Because they control the agenda, the 85 DFL House members have given us the following:
A $6.6 BILLION tax increase purportedly in order to fix our roads (even though a large portion of the money goes to "transit")
A Universal Health Care Bill (more on that later)
A Bonding Bill that (strangely enough) gives more money to DFL held districts - regardless of merit
A $2.2 billion dollar surplus frittered away
A $935 million dollar deficit!
A rapidly shrinking economy
Free towing for welfare recepients
Increasing government intervention in every aspect of PRIVATE life including what you eat and what kind of dog the government will graciously allow you to own!
The list grows every day that the Legislature is in session.
The bottom line is this. Politics is a numbers game. The candidate with the most votes wins. The party with the most of their people in the seats controls the agenda. In our case, the DFL has 85 of their people in the House - we don't. If we want to control the agenda, if we want to reduce the size and scope of government, if we want to reduce taxes, if we want to reduce government spending, if we want to make a difference at all then we have only one option. We have to reject the calls to stay home and "purify" the party by attrition. I admire Jason Lewis greatly, but he is wrong here. This is not about what is "best" for the party, it is about what is best for the citizens of the state of Minnesota and I'm sorry, it does not matter how you spin it....giving this crop of metro Democrats further control of the state purse is not good for the state. It is the worst possible thing that can happen to the REAL hardworking Minnesotans....I am not speaking of Rep. Kaplin's "hard working" welfare recepients...I am refering to the small business owners who are struggling to provide jobs and services to the people of Minnesota. I am referring to the single mom who is working two jobs in order to provide for her kids. I am refereing to the family of four who has both parents working and driving 10 year old cars because they can't afford anything newer. I am talking about every wage earner who goes to a 60 hour a week job in order to pay taxes that are given to those "hard working welfare recepients".
Labels: MN Legislature
I'll say it again: Those Republicans who sat at home two years ago saying, "The GOP hasn't done much, how badly could the DFL screw things up," simply don't know much about Democrats. They have a TREMENDOUS talent for screwing things up! We cannot even afford the legislature we've got now, do NOT under any circumstance let them have two more years! RINOs are more like elephants than they are like donkeys, and where you can find RINOs you can usually find good, strong elephants; you just have to work a little harder.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM
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