Thirteen Months Ago
Thirteen months ago, we had a $2.2 Billion surplus. This year - we are $935 million dollars in the hole. What has happened in that time? The DFL had just been given the reins of power and they went on a drunken spending spree.....
To all of you "conservatives" who stayed home in 2006 in order to "teach the party a lesson" I hope that you are proud of yourselves.
To all of you "conservatives" who stayed home in 2006 in order to "teach the party a lesson" I hope that you are proud of yourselves.
Labels: 85
No hate mail at all, LL. You're spot on. And the truth should hurt the would-be pedagogues just as much as DFL control is hurting all of us.
Mr. D, at 1:38 PM
Its' worth asking: what would be the fiscal situation today had Republicans retained control of the House? Probably somewhat better.
But let's not pretend that the Republicans were the be-all and end-all of fiscal rectitude.
I did vote in 2006, but didn't have any illusions about the Republican commitment to fiscal conservatism.
Thrifty Scot
BootsOn blog
Thrifty Scot, at 9:42 AM
I can't say I will argue much Scot. We had our fair share of spendthrifts - but imagine if we still had Phil Krinkie's leadership in the House (he lost by 50 votes in '06). That was a devistating blow to fiscal conservatism in the State House.
I will say that our new leadership has done an admirable job repairing what had been done by prior leadership and we should reward them for a job well done, don't you think?
The Lady Logician, at 2:15 PM
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