Update From Forest Lake Part 2
Sgt H from Nine-Sixteenths blog has a report from the Forest Lake VFW.
Do I need to tell you to go read the whole thing?
Anyway, I made it to the rescheduled event in Forest Lake but only caught the last hour of he event and heard David Bellavia speak. He gave a pretty good speech about how war and combat aren't partisan events. He, and I, went to war with Republicans and Democrats. Seventy-seven Senators and 296 congressmen of both political parties voted to authorize force in Iraq. The VFF message is that regardless of political affiliation that we need to stay and win in Iraq. Three quarters of both houses of congress voted to send the military into harms way, and the government needs to honor the sacrifices the military has made while carrying out the national policy.
Do I need to tell you to go read the whole thing?
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