Ladies Logic

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Follies of Feminism

Jeff Jacoby hits on an unintended consequence of abortions that my feminist sisters are curiously silent on.

THE UNFETTERED "right to choose" is a progressive value, we are instructed by the abortion lobby - one indispensable to the empowerment of women. But a new study in PNAS (the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) prompts an awkward question: How exactly are American women empowered when abortion is
deployed to prevent the existence of American girls?

This something that conservatives have long been concerned about. Our concerns have also been long pooh-poohed by our feminist sisters..."oh abortion will never be used for that..." they tell us.

Population experts have documented for years the use of abortion for sex selection in regions of the world where sons are more highly prized than daughters.

But is that really happening here in the US (as Jacoby claims)? A pro-life organization says "yes".

The practice of sex-selection abortions is most commonly associated with the cultural mores of Asian nations like China or India. But a new report indicates the influx of immigrants to the United States has brought the grisly practice here and census data is beginning to show a slight gender imbalance as a result.
Asian culture values sons as they are looked to for carrying on the family name and inheriting property and possessions. In India, girls are seen as an expense that poor and middle class families can't afford due to costly dowries.

Emphasis mine. I want my feminist sisters to take note of the above paragraphs. These immigrants...these cultures do not value women in the same way that you want the average white male to "value" them. Like Islam, women can't inherit possessions and property and can't carry on the "family name" so they are considered to be disposable.

So my challenge to my leftward leaning about these issues. Talk about the subrogation of women in Islam. Talk about the fact that women are treated, by many cultures, as second class citizens. Talk about the issues that impact ALL women all over the world! Then maybe you will speak for conservative women like me.



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