Ladies Logic

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So the Star Tribune editorial board is miffed about the New Yorkers cover this week....

The cover cartoon on this week's New Yorker magazine is jarring, even by the standards of these culturally coarse times: Sen. Barack Obama, dressed in what most associate as Islamic garb, fist-bumping his wife Michelle, depicted as Black Panther-type militant, sporting a gun, an ammunition clip and a 1970s-style afro. Over the senator's shoulder hangs a picture of Osama bin Laden, and roasting in the fire aren't chestnuts, but an American flag (to see the cartoon, go to

The scene? The Oval Office.

"Tasteless and offensive," said the Obama campaign.

"We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it's tasteless and offensive," said a spokesman for Sen. John McCain's campaign.

We agree, too.

Well I am certainly glad to hear that. I assume that now they will speak out against Ted Rall portraying Condi Rice as Bush's "House Nigga" and Pat Oliphant's portrayal of Rice as a big lipped parrot riding on President Bush's shoulder and when Gary Trudeau called Rice "Brown Sugar"? Or maybe they will finally speak out against all of the published cartoons that have depicted President Bush as the devil or Hitler or any one of a number of negative images? Maybe they will speak up against this disgusting cartoon of Senator John McCain that was recently published in Rolling Stone (HT Michelle Malkin)?

Somehow I doubt I will ever live to see that happen.



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