$10 Gas? Absolutely!!!!!
A Washington-based anti-tax advocacy videotaped supporters of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign who support $10 per gallon gas during a protest stand-off Tuesday.
Ed Frank, vice president of public affairs for Americans for Prosperity, spoke to Obama supporters during an event organized on Capitol Hill by liberally-leaning MoveOn.org. According to an email MoveOn emailed to supporters the event was designed to “highlight the GOP’s extensive ties to Big Oil.”
There, AFP members handed MoveOn supporters a mock $8 bill and said “this is what Al Gore wants you to pay for gas.”
An older man dressed in an Obama shirt said, “This is too cheap! This is too cheap!” Waving the eight dollar bill he said, “Let’s get it up to ten! Let’s get it up to ten bucks.”
Frank asked the man, “How do you think that will affect the single mom who needs to fill up her minivan?”
The Obama-supporter replied, “A single mom probably doesn’t need a minivan.”
Another man, wearing an Obama pin, told Frank, “I’m hoping we have less supply and more demand, absolutely” because “then people won’t be able to afford it.”
Let this put to rest, FOREVER, the lie that the Democrats and their supporters "care for the little people". They don't care for anyone who stands between them and the power that they crave. They need to have that power in order to FORCE their ideological goals - which in this case is to drive the "little" people out of their cars. Let's not forget that the grand guru of the Global Warming movement flies around the world in a jet that uses more fuel IN ONE TRIP than the average Hummer uses in 2 years! If these people really believe what they say then let THEM be the first ones to sacrifice their lifestyles. As I said before, I have more respect (and will most likely listen to more) for Ed Begley Jr. because he actually walks the talk - unlike Al Gore and the MoveOn folks who drove THEIR SUV's (how else do you think they got all of their big signs and other protest equipment there) to Capital Hill to tell the world that $30.00 gas would be "phenomenal".
Labels: Energy Policy, Environmentalists, Liberal Fascism
It's always funny to see a person (you, in this case) expose how little they really understand about what got us into this situation.
The Oil Companies do not function in a free market. They haven't for quite some time. So let's go ahead and lay THAT to rest as well.
As for the "little people." Barack Obama's average campaign donation is just over $100, and comes mainly from online donations. That would be the "little people" like you and me. John McCain has accepted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars from Oil Company Executives, and corporate special interests in both 2004 and so far in 2008.
Asserting McCain is the man of the "little people" requires a nearly intentional ignorance.
Jason The, at 1:21 PM
Fact Check
Big Donors Key To Obama's Record Haul
Cameron, at 3:15 PM
Jason and others believe Big Oil has repealed the laws of supply and demand. God help us.
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM
The idea of openning up drilling that would otherwise be illegal is obvious to those who understand how economics works. How a company makes monopoly profits is by reducing production and forcing the price up.
You create a mark like $10/gallon of gasoline as a benchmark, the very oil companies that control production have at their disposal the ability to acheive that end, and make enormous profits in the process.
And don't try to label Obama by a couple of supporters. McCain has some really goofy right-wing nutters supporting him, but I prefer to oppose McCain based upon what he says he's going to do as President, not because some white supremacist from Mississippi has a McCain bumpersticker on his Dodge Dart.
Obi wan liberali, at 4:34 PM
It is funny to see a person (that would be YOU in this case Jason)expose how little they really know about Barack Obama. As Cameron rightly noted, the majority of Obama's money comes from BIG MONEY BUNDLERS not $100/$200 donors. The internet is a wonderful tool for educating yourself - you should try it sometime.
As to your remarks about supply and demand, have you by chance noticed what happened to the price of oil when the President rescinded the Executive ban on OCS drilling? And have you noticed what it has done over the last 5 days as this debate has been going on?
So are you and Obi Wan really ok with $10.00 a gallon? $20.00 a gallon? I thought you guys "cared".....
The Lady Logician, at 7:53 PM
Gotta love opensecrets.org they tell you want Obama apostles deny....
Through June, Exxon employees have given Obama $42,100 to McCain's $35,166. Chevron favors Obama $35,157 to $28,500, and Obama edges out McCain with BP $16,046 vs. $11,500. McCain leads the money race with nearly every other top giver in the oil and gas industry, though -- Koch Industries, Valero, Marathon Oil, Occidental Petroleum, ConocoPhillips, the list goes on. (You can see detail on all these companies in the spreadsheet linked below.) McCain also has a big edge with Hess Corp. -- $91,000 to Obama's $8,000 -- which has gotten some attention. And, overall, McCain's campaign has gotten three times more money from the industry than Obama's has -- $1.3 million compared to about $394,000.
Which candidate is the candidate of "big oil"?????
The Lady Logician, at 8:51 PM
The Oil Companies do not function in a free market.
Actually, Jason has an (unintentional) point. 90% of oil is owned and pumped by (foriegn) national companies. His understanding of the oil market is, sadly, defined by the Democrat party, and as such, limited.
Kermit, at 11:48 AM
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