Big oil Versus Big Enviro
One of strawman arguments that the left trots out to try to dismiss the #dontgo movement is the charge that we are the "tools of big oil". As I posted earlier, if you look at the donor lists Exxon Mobile executives and employees had donated more to Senator Barack Obama's campaign than they have to Sen. John McCain's campaign. Another big special interest group that has their hooks into legislators in this debate is big enviro. Groups like the Sierra Club have long supported Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer and the rest of the so-called Democratic (I say so called because of the way Speaker Pelosi has handled the energy debate) Party's Congressional Caucus.
Today comes the bombshell that Speaker Pelosi is heavily invested in T. Boone Pickins (of the Pickins Plan that you see advertised on television) wind-energy corporation (HT Bill Collier). Her $100,000 to $250,000 invested could apparently end up netting her much, much, MUCH more should the Congress pass energy legislation that is favorable to CLEN's interests (ie no new drilling at all).
So now we know which side of the debate is in the pocket of K Street lobbyists (Sierra Club) and who stands to personally profit from this debate continuing down the road we are on now. Can we now get to the real discussion of FIXING the problem (as opposed to dismissing the other side as a tool of whomever)?
Today comes the bombshell that Speaker Pelosi is heavily invested in T. Boone Pickins (of the Pickins Plan that you see advertised on television) wind-energy corporation (HT Bill Collier). Her $100,000 to $250,000 invested could apparently end up netting her much, much, MUCH more should the Congress pass energy legislation that is favorable to CLEN's interests (ie no new drilling at all).
So now we know which side of the debate is in the pocket of K Street lobbyists (Sierra Club) and who stands to personally profit from this debate continuing down the road we are on now. Can we now get to the real discussion of FIXING the problem (as opposed to dismissing the other side as a tool of whomever)?
Labels: #dontgo, Energy Policy
Of course, the hole in your theory is the fact nobody is stopping oil drilling, or even slowing it down. Drilling on western public lands has gone up 75% a year since 2000, thanks to the Bush administration.
rmwarnick, at 10:04 AM
And the whole in YOUR theory is the fact that what little we have drilled has not kept up with GLOBAL demand. Also let us not forget that the 10-02 area of ANWR is still closed off to NEW drilling as are vast portions of the OCS AND all of the Shale oil areas....
But why let a few pesky facts get in the way of a good talking point...
The Lady Logician, at 4:47 PM
Increased demand is kicking in gradually, but unregulated market speculation and Bush administration warmongering are the biggest reasons why we're paying more at the pump.
But I'm glad you agree that massive increases in domestic drilling did not bring down prices...
rmwarnick, at 5:46 PM
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