Lies and Half-Truths From The Left
H.R. 3089, No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007 Reduces the price of gasoline by opening new American oil refineries; investing in diverse energy sources such as wind, nuclear, and clean coal-to-liquid technology; and making available more homegrown energy through environmentally sensitive exploration of the Arctic Energy Slope and America’s Deep-Sea Energy Reserves.
H.R. 2279, Expand American Refining Capacity at Closed Military Bases Reduces the price of gasoline by streamlining the refinery application process and by requiring the President to open at least three closed military installations for the purpose of siting new and reliable American refineries.
H.R. 5656, To Repeal the Ban on Acquiring Alternative Fuels Reduces the price of gasoline by allowing the federal government to procure advanced alternative fuels derived from diverse sources like oil shale, tar sands and coal-to-liquid technology.
H.R. 2493, Fuel Mandate Reduction Act of 2007 Reduces the price of gasoline by removing fuel blend requirements and onerous government mandates if they contribute to unaffordable gas prices.
H.R. 6368, Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rates for Americans Act Increases the mileage reimbursement rate Americans could claim for business travel and charitable travel.
H.R. 6566, Comprehensive American Energy Act To bring down energy prices by increasing safe, domestic production, encouraging the development of alternative and renewable energy, and promoting conservation.
Bold was in the original and the red and italics is my emphasis. Note the number of times these bills refer to alternative energy, renewable energy and conservation! This is not just drilling only! Get that out of your heads now.
Now to the second question - this is just legislation that was put forward in this last legislative session. There is plenty more where that can be found.
Now how about we sit down and have a real talk about comprehensive energy bill not just talking points.
Labels: #dontgo, Energy Policy
Ah, but you missed a valuable piece of recent energy legislation.
HR 6251 (95% opposed by Republicans)
I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
Jason The, at 5:52 PM
Lets see a bill that penalizes a company for not developing a leased piece of federal land that ignores the fact that there be no actual oil on the land or that drilling is being blocked by outside organizations filing multiple law suits..
I noticed nowhere in the bill does it include being blocked by outside influences as a condition under which the companies can avoid paying penalties . Funny how that loophole escaped all those Democrats that voted for it but didn't escape all those Republicans that did catch it.
I guess it was just a coincidence that happened
Rob, at 6:32 PM
Oh and Gary pointed out another one to me....
The New American Energy Act would accelerate tax depreciation for RENEWABLE ENERGY INVESTMENTS and other energy technologies.
So far ONLY the Republicans are talking COMPREHENSIVE REFORM - as opposed to the Democrats who can ONLY talk about fining speculators and punishing oil companies for making money.
The Lady Logician, at 7:29 PM
Thanks to the Bush/Cheney administration, the big petroleum corporations have everything they want. The invasion of Iraq was about oil. The Bureau of Land Management has been turned into the Bureau of Leasing to the Max. Bush has been buying oil at premium prices for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve since 2001, with the profits going directly to his pals.
Offshore oil? Bush has already leased 80 million acres of the Outer Continental Shelf.
Big Oil and the congressmen on their payroll have nothing left on their wish list, and everybody knows it.
rmwarnick, at 8:14 PM
So let me get this straight. A land developer walks up to you and says: "We don't want to keep developing land for subdivisions (we've all gotta have houses, right?). It's expensive for us. It's hard. So we want you to open up the nice, flat, pre-cleared land surrounding the Old Faithful monument for a housing development. We'll make millions!"
And your response is "Sure thing! You guys have had a hell of a time of it!"
Well if that isn't the most brilliant policy idea ever!
See my problem with this debate is more the way the debate plays out. There is bad data everywhere, and (evidenced in the comment above by "Rob") many are even willing to accept "no data" as good enough. (Rob, non one knows if there is oil, that's why the 10,000 leases laying dormant on Oil Company shelves are called "undeveloped" leases) And our elected representatives think that we are stupid. They claimed their childish protest lowered gas prices, for chrissake! That's how dumb they think we are!
All we will see from the opening of the continental shelf is more dormant leases and a few more Republicans keeping their seats. And if we, the public, are not smart enough to see this for the campaign ploy that it is, then we deserve that.
The bill I linked to above would have returned leases to the government (for other, smaller Oil Companies to develop, mind you) or would have resulted in much needed revenue. Nearly every member of the house grandstanding in Washington right now voted against it. And yet, when they tell us this is about gas prices, that they are going to lower gas prices, that they are fighting for us against high gas prices... we buy it, like fools.
So my objection is that we are smarter than this, and should begin acting like it by demanding actual solutions, not theatrics and campaign talking points masquerading as sound policy.
Jason The, at 9:05 PM
Has anyone actually read HR 6566? In the area where they discuss what percentage is to be spent on what, the majority of the money is going to oil and coal... There are also references to practices of contracting with states for the storage of dirty by-products, I even searched further and found that certain chemicals have been taken off the epa's "right to know list" which informs citizens of possible hazzards with the use of coal... People need to check this out... You'll have all the fuel you'll need to drive your selves to your doctors when you get ill from all this crap.
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM
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