Doing His Masters Bidding.
Jason Chaffetz has been one of the bright stars of this election cycle and I am not saying this as a resident (albeit a new one) of his district. I had read many stories early on about his volunteer only shoestring campaign against a well funded incumbent and his strong conservative principles. One of the reasons why Chaffetz attracted as much support as he did in his primary challenge to incumbent Representative Chris Cannon was because of Cannon's support of amnesty in last years illegal immigration debate. Chaffetz had the radical thought that it was actually in the best interests of the country to actually ENFORCE our existing immigration laws. As part of that enforcement of our existing laws, Chaffetz had the equally bizarre notion that anyone who was an illegal immigrant that was convicted of another crime be jailed until they could be deported. Given the already over crowded state of our federal prisons (regardless of the crime, because US immigration law was broken first federal law would take precedent over state or local) Chaffetz suggested that states like Utah look into building temporary tent facilities that would shelter the prisoners from elements and yet would not cost the state or federal government a lot to build (similar to a plan supported by the Western Governors Assoc as I mentioned here). That was probably one of the flash points of the primary season.
About a month ago, Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) started appearing on Utah media denouncing Chaffetz' supposed plan to put ALL illegal immigrants (men, women and children) in "internment camps similar to the Japanese internment camps of WWII. Never mind that he had not heard or read anything that Jason had said on the subject.....well Utah blogger Frankie Ray did some digging to find out why an incumbent Democratic legislator in California would launch such an unprecidented attack on a candidate in another state and he found 94,200 clues as to why.
One of the amusing things about Honda's attack is that he admitted that he had never heard of Chaffetz or his plan or new anything about it. That is until....
So rather than talk about how illegal immigrants are being used and abused by our broken system, they send their puppets out to attack one of the few people who are shedding light on how the broken system is hurting the people La Raza purports to be advocating FOR.
Thus we get yet another glimpse at who is really pulling the strings in the Democratic Party.
About a month ago, Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) started appearing on Utah media denouncing Chaffetz' supposed plan to put ALL illegal immigrants (men, women and children) in "internment camps similar to the Japanese internment camps of WWII. Never mind that he had not heard or read anything that Jason had said on the subject.....well Utah blogger Frankie Ray did some digging to find out why an incumbent Democratic legislator in California would launch such an unprecidented attack on a candidate in another state and he found 94,200 clues as to why.
Checking Honda's FEC campaign filings for NCLR's fingerprints revealed that instead of any one reason, Honda actually had more than 94,000 reasons to criticize Chaffetz…and those reasons were in the form of at least $94,200 in campaign donations that NCLR’s partners have given to Honda’s re-election efforts since the 2002 election cycle.
One of the amusing things about Honda's attack is that he admitted that he had never heard of Chaffetz or his plan or new anything about it. That is until....
Then what did Honda base his criticisms on? After incorrectly quoting what he thought Chaffetz said, Honda explained to KSL that his criticism was based only on what was reported to him by the “National Council of La Raza” (NCLR).
So rather than talk about how illegal immigrants are being used and abused by our broken system, they send their puppets out to attack one of the few people who are shedding light on how the broken system is hurting the people La Raza purports to be advocating FOR.
Thus we get yet another glimpse at who is really pulling the strings in the Democratic Party.
Labels: Jason Chaffetz
You have no idea how any of this really works, do you. The naivete in our posting illuminates how you can get behind Chaffetz so easily. Were it that the world were as simple and black and white as you pretend that it is. Luckily Chaffetz will be but one childish voice in a sea of many that will (hopefully) govern as adults.
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM
It's obvious you're a liberal; the arrogant, condescending, elitist tone gave you away.
That and the fact you didn't have anything better to offer than just carping and detracting from the issue at hand, just like most liberals.
It sounds like the lady has a better grasp on reality than you do, in your imagined ivory tower.
Trenton, at 12:43 AM
You know, I am a state delegate and I listened to Jason Chaffetz and never heard the term "barbed wire tent cities", and yet the term just keeps surfacing...Things that make you go hmmmm.
Jason's plan is not at all similar to what Honda alleges. I see no reason why felons can't be temporarily in a tent if our brave men & women in uniform are so housed. Furthermore, if the Western Governors also favor such a plan, Jason's voice will hardly be a "childish" one in a "sea of many".
Anonymous, at 2:22 AM
Anon 1 - then why don't you EXPLAIN to us all why a Representative from California would get involved in a Utah race on nothing more than information that a LOBBYING ORGANIZATION "told him".
What ever happened to finding out FOR YOURSELF before shooting off your mouth?
The Lady Logician, at 9:14 AM
A few other ideas..
Rep. Honda and Senator Clinton have been sponsoring a bill which would spend $100,000,000.00 per year for 6 years to help immigrants (and their employers) to this country with English and jobs. I have found no mention that the immigrants would need to be "legal".
Could this be a reason to get a sympathy vote.
Two bills he has sponsored, the one in July and one in September could give him reason as well. Several large groups, including NCLR and JACL are backing the July bill. See
The JACL National Executive Director that Honda pulled in to this had lived in Alpine Utah, president of the board of Alpine Country Club.
Floyd Mori
which isn't listed anymore at
but it does list Mr. Honda..
Jason's democrat opponent, at this time, changed his stance on immigration, which has always had a pathway to citizenship, and still does..
See in comments, the NRCL statements from the candidates.
The original website is still at
Why would the democrat candidate soften his stance on this issue the same time Jason is being blasted, and why would he then create the new 15 second ad just on this, when his previous 3 were just on positives?
arc, at 9:28 AM
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