Gimme, Gimme, Gimme...
That is the cry of the city and county entities that appeared before a House committee yesterday.
GIMME....I don't care if YOUR budget is already stretched to breaking....I don't care if you are $5.8 billion dollars in debt....GIMME MONEY.....we don't care if we take food out of your kids mouths, we don't care if you can't put shoes on their feet and clothes on their backs WE WANT YOUR MONEY. Who cares if you lost your job....we have things to spend the money on! GIMME NOW.....
What is it going to take Minnesota? What will it take for the voters to finally realize that these government entities are out of control and they need to be told "NO" once and for all?
A common refrain heard by testifiers at a House meeting was: “We want our LGA.”
Officials from cities, counties and organizations representing the entities said they could be in dire straits without the expected payment of Local Government Aid.Gimme...
“It’s money we need. It’s money we counted on,” Julia Whalen, a councilmember from Champlin, told a joint meeting of the House Taxes Committee and the House Property Tax Relief and Local Sales Tax Division. “It’s hard to make a budget work that is already cut to the bone.”
GIMME....I don't care if YOUR budget is already stretched to breaking....I don't care if you are $5.8 billion dollars in debt....GIMME MONEY.....we don't care if we take food out of your kids mouths, we don't care if you can't put shoes on their feet and clothes on their backs WE WANT YOUR MONEY. Who cares if you lost your job....we have things to spend the money on! GIMME NOW.....
What is it going to take Minnesota? What will it take for the voters to finally realize that these government entities are out of control and they need to be told "NO" once and for all?
Labels: LGA
I strongly suggest you get an education about the purpose and intent of local government aid such as how and why it is paid. You have to look back to the 70's era when the State passed the "Minnesota Miracle".
I do not disagree that all entities need to share in the solution to the budget crisis, but to characterize cities and counties as whiners and takers is simply wrong without knowing all of the facts or if you know all of the details posting those facts on your blog along with your commentary.
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM
Anon, is that the job of government? The founders of this great country would roll over in their graves if they heard talk like we do today. John Jay in the Federalist papers stated that the main purpose of Gov't is to protect its people. After that, it seems that the more Washington gets involved in our lives, the more money they take from us and the less freedoms we possess. I am a strong believer in living responsibly and not looking for government solutions to the problems of life (e.g. refusing unemployment compensation when I can be doing odd jobs). If more of us would learn to sacrifice a little (not be leaches on handouts) it could free up more to go into paying off the debts.
tsh, at 8:29 PM
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