Ladies Logic

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Stupid Is As Stupid Does - Illinois Division

Well my phone has been buzzing all day with calls and texts from friends and all of them start out with "Did you hear about Blago?". Blago is Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich who was arrested today on charges of selling the US Senate seat that is about to be vacated by Senator Barack Obama. You just can't make this up!

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on charges he brazenly conspired to sell or trade President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat to the highest bidder as part of what federal prosecutors called a "political corruption crime spree." A federal judge later ordered Blagojevich released on his own recognizance.

Even more surprisingly stupid is that Blago threatened the biggest newspaper in the area because they were actually sniffing around the story and making his political life miserable.

A criminal complaint filed in federal court outlines wiretapped conversations between Blagojevich and his chief of staff—who also was arrested Tuesday—in which the governor said he wanted the Tribune to fire its editorial board, which has called for the Illinois House to explore impeaching the governor. In one wiretapped comment in the complaint, Blagojevich is quoted as saying the Tribune's owner should be told to "fire those [expletive]."

The Chicago Sun Times was not as delicate in quoting the transcript and the transcript is a profanity laced tirade that lashes out at not only the Tribune and their reporters, but President-elect Obama as well.

Rod Blagojevich said that the consultants (Advisor B and another consultant are believed to be on the call at that time) are telling him that he has to "suck it up" for two years and do nothing and give this "motherf***er [the President-elect] his senator. F*** him. For nothing? F*** him." Rod Blagojevich states that he will put "[Senate Candidate 4]" in the Senate "before I just give F***ing [Senate Candidate 1] a F***ing Senate seat and I don't get anything." (Senate Candidate 4 is a Deputy Governor of the State of Illinois). Rod Blagojevich stated that he needs to find a way to take the "financial stress" off of his family and that his wife is as qualified or more qualified than another specifically named individual to sit on corporate boards. According to Rod Blagojevich, "the immediate challenge [is] how do we take some of the financial pressure off of our family." Later in the phone call, Rod Blagojevich stated that absent getting something back, Rod Blagojevich will not pick Senate Candidate 1.

Governor Blagojevich has been under investigation (for corruption) practically day one in office so the fact that this was coming was no surprise. In fact, the Tribune recently reported on the fact that the federal government might be tapping the governor's phone calls which lead to this comment.

"It kind of smells like Nixon and Watergate," the governor told reporters. "But I don't care whether you tape me privately or publicly, I can tell you that whatever I say is always lawful."

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, not surprisingly, disagreed with the governor on the "lawful" nature of his conversations.

"The conduct would make Lincoln roll over in his grave," Fitzgerald said, quoting Blagojevich as saying the Senate seat is "a bleeping valuable thing. You just don't give it away. ... I've got this thing and it's bleeping golden."

Fitzgerald called the corruption charges against Blagojevich "a truly new low."

Blagojevich wasn't against the corrupt deal for the Senate seat, he was against "being stiffed in the corrupt deal," Fitzgerald said.

The FBI Special Agent in charge of this case had harsher words for Blago in particular and Illinois in general

"If it isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's certainly one hell of a competitor," Grant said. "Even the most cynical agents in our office were shocked."
And out of that political climate comes our new President-elect. Now I am not in any way suggesting that Senator Obama had anything to do with this particular story - he didn't. However, the electorate would indeed be wise to keep a very close eye on what comes out of the White House. We don't know how far from the tree that this apple has fallen. Until we do know that, it is in our country's best interests to be watchful.

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  • "I am not in any way suggesting..."

    Except that was the whole reason you wrote this. So the comment seems kind of stupid in that light.

    Reading the transcript (as you obviously had no time to do) would tell any thinking person that Obama was actually a target of this moron because he WOULDN'T reciprocate. Isn't that cause for praise in the president-elect? Or is that beneath you?

    Probably beneath you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:34 PM  

  • "Except that was the whole reason you wrote this. "

    No Don - the whole reason why I wrote this is because Blago is a arrogant idiot. He KNEW he was being investigated, he KNEW his phones were tapped and yet he.....

    Nice try though.


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 8:59 PM  

  • Hey there LL, let's find some common ground. Yeah, this turd-muffin should be excorciated if what has been reported is true. But the evidence suggests that Obama was NOT party to this idiot's scheme. It may actually come to light that Obama's people helped federal investigators. If that is true, will you issue an apology?

    By Blogger Obi wan liberali, at 11:11 PM  

  • "I am not in any way suggesting that Senator Obama had anything to do with this particular story"

    If that's true, then why the photo juxtaposing the two? I don't buy it, Lady L.

    By Blogger Bekkieann, at 11:16 PM  

  • "And out of that political climate comes our new President-elect."

    That's the point, people. Chicago politics is apparently not a pretty thing. John Kass of the Chicago Tribune called it the "Chicago Way", saying,

    "any child in Illinois knows the Chicago Way leads through the most politically corrupt city in America, in a politically corrupt state, where muscle trumps reason, where Democratic warlords brazenly promote their offspring into public office, where even souls are offered up for sale.

    The national media have never wanted to understand, much less expose, political corruption here, or examine how Obama prospered under the Daley machine's guidance. A trip down the Chicago Way would force them to re-examine their ridiculous narrative that sets Obama as a political reformer riding a white horse..."

    By Blogger Cameron, at 12:39 PM  

  • But the evidence suggests that Obama was NOT party to this idiot's scheme.
    Nope. And yet, and yet, Obama felt it necessary to lie through his teeth about never discussing his replacement in the Senate with the governor. Anyone who believes that is still firmly in the Easter Bunny Apologetics camp.

    By Blogger Kermit, at 8:48 PM  

  • Anyone who believes that is still firmly in the Easter Bunny Apologetics camp.

    Count me in that camp then Kermit. At this point, with the evidence at hand I do not believe that President Elect Obama himself knew. I have no doubts that people within his transition may have known....but there really is no love lost between Blago and Obama.

    The reason for the picture it is indicative of Illinois politics and a reason why we voters must be vigilant now that we have a Chicago politician in the White House. I don't care which party they are from Illinois politicians are something to be very, VERY wary of.....


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:55 AM  

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