Ladies Logic

Saturday, December 06, 2008

If Only In Your Dreams...

So I spent the day running around Park City with a bunch of other ladies looking for the bargain of the day (and we found some doozies). After I made myself some hot tea (we spent more time gabbing and laughing than anything else) I sat down to sort through some emails. One of the first ones I saw was a Google Alert for Al Franken. One of the links was to a site that commented on a WSJ column with the headline "Al Franken Camp Claims 4 Vote Lead". The other was to this progressive site which made the rather audacious claim that Franken actually had a 76 vote lead.

There is only one small problem with both of those scenarios. Reality does not match EITHER claim. According to the Secretary of State's website (and they have the final say on the results of this election kids) tells a completely different story.

Precincts Recounted: 99.98% (4129 of 4130) Last update was: 12/5/2008 8:00:01 PM
Nov. 4 Ballots Cast for Norm Coleman1210995
Nov. 4 Ballots Cast for Al Franken1210285

Yes there are still approximately 5000 disputed ballots out there, but the number of ballots are evenly distributed between the two candidates. If the votes that each candidate challenged were legit challenges (and most were not according to impartial witnesses) and upheld, there is not enough of a difference between the two. Even if you added in the "missing" 133 votes (which were overcounts for Franken in the first place) from Minneapolis Precinct P3-1 that is STILL not enough to make up a 710 vote deficit. So unless the US Senate decides to do something horribly stupid, it looks like Norm Coleman will indeed retain his US Senate seat.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the numbers just do not add up in Franken's benefit.

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