Ladies Logic

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nothing Better To Do focus on, we have the prospect of a Congressional investigation into the BCS...

Rep. Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., the incoming chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said he will hold hearings and possibly subpoena NCAA officials, college presidents, players, coaches and athletics directors in an effort to force a playoff in Division 1-A football, USA Today reports.

Now I can certainly buy into the argument that Utah deserves the National Championship but the ARGUMENT about who is the best team in college football adds to the excitement and the hype and what drives INTEREST in college football. People care more about college football when there is a controversy about the national championship. It gives alums something to talk about during the rest of the year.

Sure the BCS system is flawed. I will grant you that and add that the NCAA has done a horrible job of deciding the national football championship FOR YEARS - I don't care what system they used. A playoff system (a la the Men's Basketball championships) probably won't be much better and it would certainly not be as fun. Given all of that, I still think that Congressman Towns would have many more important things on his plate - don't you????

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