Ladies Logic

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

CPISA Update

KARE 11 did a report on this story last night. HT Pheisty

While the Consumer Product Safety Commission is reviewing this, Pheisty has a suggestion. She suggests that concerned parents (and thrift store owners) call the CPSC and let them know how badly this law, as written, will hurt people who depend on thrift stores.

First, please do your part and call the CPSC. It will only take a minute, and you’ll have done your civic duty. This issue crosses party lines. This law will affect every common American citizen who has to watch their budgets closely (the vast majority of us).

Here’s the number:


(TTY 800-638-8270)

If you don’t want to call, send a fax:

Fax: (301) 504-0124 and (301) 504-0025

If you don’t want to do either, write a message on their online contact form.

And if you’re a real serious sort of protester, please go to this page for a list of officers and their respective contact information.

Sounds like a plan to me!



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