Schadenfreude - pleasure derived from the misfortune of others.
As much as I hate to take too much pleasure at the misfortune of others, the events of the last few weeks have certainly given this conservative blogger many reasons to do so. The latest was this photo from an anti Israel demonstration in Indonesia. (HT Powerline).

This is for all of those who said that the Arab world would respect us as soon as Obama was elected.
There were many occasions when I posted that the Obama supporters were setting themselves up for disappointment by setting him up too high on a pedestal. I tried to tell you that he was not a "Superman" but merely a human being who chose to go into politics as a profession. I tried to tell you that the campaigning promises that he made were (in most part) promises of convenience - based on the limited "intelligence" that the candidates have. That is one reason why so many of the President-elects promises have fallen by the wayside now that he has become President-elect!
As I have said many times before, the Arab street does not hate us because of George W. Bush. They hate us because of the freedoms we have. Freedoms that include such "sins" as our women having jobs and wearing jeans. It hates us because our free society allows people to worship in the manner that they choose - even if it means not worshiping any God at all. It hates us because we allow the LGBT community to be OPEN in their lifestyle choices. It hates us because we are not Muslim!
Electing President Obama will not change any of that.
Labels: Barack Obama
I too am surprised that so few people on the left have realized that it is many of the things progressives cherish the most that the Muslim world reviles.
Notably, the internet and satellite TV pipe pornography into the homes of muslims.
When they look at TV, they see promiscuity, they see a nation that has aborted some 40 million babies. They see wanton disrespect for religion, etc..
The Marxist revolution created a left with a weird delusion that radical ideology would unite everyone against a common enemy and bring about peace. Notably, Camus and Sartre were active in bringing radical ideology to the Islamic world thinking that they would hop on board the socialist revolution.
In actuality, radical ideology simply divides everyone up into warring factions. These warring factions hate the other warring factions as much as they hate the bourgeoisie society that the radicals first desired to topple.
PS: I added a link to your blog on Salt Lake Sites.
y-intercept, at 1:08 AM
Thanks for the link. I will have to bookmark that page for future use. I saw a lot of great sites there.
I did a little soul searching after I posted this and I have to admit to taking a little pleasure in this - but mostly at the discomfort that the progressives that backed Senator Obama are feeling today.
The Lady Logician, at 11:04 AM
I don't think that the Arab world hates us because of GWB, but I don't think it is our freedoms they hate either. They hate us because our government has been so arrogant in their dealings with that area of the world (and all the world generally). We station our troops around the world and pretend that we can do no wrong. How could we expect them not to hate us
Anonymous, at 12:10 PM
That is an awfully simplistic view. Take a listen to what they have to SAY when they talk about America. We are not the "Great Satan" because of the military issues. Yes they say we do those military things but it is BECAUSE we are the Great Satan - not the cause of it. The reason we are the Great Satan is because our core beliefs are so diametrically opposed to Islam that make us the Great Satan.
The Lady Logician, at 1:52 PM
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