Fact Checking The President's Speech
President Barack Obama knows Americans are unhappy that their taxes will be used to rescue people who bought mansions beyond their means.But his assurance Tuesday night that only the deserving will get help rang hollow.
Even officials in his administration, many supporters of the plan in Congress and the Federal Reserve chairman expect some of that money will go to people who used lousy judgment...
OBAMA: "We have launched a housing plan that will help responsible families facing the threat of foreclosure lower their monthly payments and refinance their mortgages. It's a plan that won't help speculators or that neighbor down the street who bought a house he could never hope to afford, but it will help millions of Americans who are struggling with declining home values."
THE FACTS: If the administration has come up with a way to ensure money only goes to those who got in honest trouble, it hasn't said so.
OK to the President's defense, there isn't much of a way to "ensure" that money only goes to those truly deserving. If you were to research each person who needed the money and their circumstances....well let's jus say that 10 years from now we would still be working on it...
OBAMA: "And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."
THE FACTS: Depends what your definition of automobiles, is. According to the Library of Congress, the inventor of the first true automobile was probably Germany's Karl Benz, who created the first auto powered by an internal combustion gasoline engine, in 1885 or 1886. In the U.S., Charles Duryea tested what library researchers called the first successful gas-powered car in 1893.
Oh come on....couldn't the President's speech writers have taken five minutes to GOOGLE this smal factiod before embarassing their guy so badly?
Again - two minutes with Google would have saved the President a whole lot of embarrassment.OBAMA: "We have known for decades that our survival depends on finding new sources of energy. Yet we import more oil today than ever before."
THE FACTS: Oil imports peaked in 2005 at just over 5 billion barrels, and have been declining slightly since. The figure in 2007 was 4.9 billion barrels, or about 58 percent of total consumption. The nation is on pace this year to import 4.7 billion barrels, and government projections are for imports to hold steady or decrease a bit over the next two decades.
AP has a point. Politicians love to talk about how they are going to do this or do that but we won't see the effects for 10 years and 10 years later people have moved on to the next crisis de jour.OBAMA: "We have already identified $2 trillion in savings over the next decade."
THE FACTS: Although 10-year projections are common in government, they don't mean much. And at times, they are a way for a president to pass on the most painful steps to his successor, by putting off big tax increases or spending cuts until someone else is in the White House.
Obama only has a real say on spending during the four years of his term. He may not be president after that and he certainly won't be 10 years from now.
OBAMA: "Regulations were gutted for the sake of a quick profit at the expense of a healthy market. People bought homes they knew they couldn't afford from banks and lenders who pushed those bad loans anyway. And all the while, critical debates and difficult decisions were put off for some other time on some other day."
THE FACTS: This may be so, but it isn't only Republicans who pushed for deregulation of the financial industries. The Clinton administration championed an easing of banking regulations, including legislation that ended the barrier between regular banks and Wall Street banks. That led to a deregulation that kept regular banks under tight federal regulation but extended lax regulation of Wall Street banks. Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, later an economic adviser to candidate Obama, was in the forefront in pushing for this deregulation.
OK this is something that many pointed out during the course of the election!!!!! Of course why let a few facts get in the way of "Hope and Change".
There is more. You should read it all.
FactCheck.org has their analysis out. If you don't get their updates, you should.
Labels: President Obama
Ever wonder what a fact check of your blog would look like?
You conservatives need to stop being so desperate to attack Obama. When he actually does something wrong, no one will listen to you because you've made such a big deal, daily, of his every move, you'll be just a part of the background noise.
Anonymous, at 11:15 PM
Let's see. Bobby Jindal repeated two fairly common Republican lies about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and then delivered a false story about Hurricane Katrina (Jindal was in Baton Rouge during the disaster).
As for your questions about the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, there's a FAQ.
rmwarnick, at 10:16 AM
Speaking of being so desperate to blame Obama that they'll say anything, take a look at this:
The markets opened this morning with a sustained decline, which Reuters attributed to a new “report showing yet more deterioration in the housing market.” Matt Drudge, however, wanted to blame it on President Obama, so he posted an auto updating graph of the Dow Jones Industrial average. Under that, in large block letters, Drudge asked, WAS IT SOMETHING HE SAID? But as the day passed, the market rebounded, and Drudge was left suggesting that Obama was responsible for the rally. Drudge couldn’t let that stand so, several minutes later, he changed the headline: MARKET REBOUNDS. But then, shortly before the closing at 4:00 PM, the market declined again. What did Drudge do? He hurriedly changed it back, typos and all: WAS IT SOMETHING HE SAID?">WAS IT SOMETHING HE SAID?
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
Richard - how far do you think it is to drive (or take a helicopter for that matter) from Baton Rouge to New Orleans (Jefferson Parrish)? Any guesses?????
I'll give you a hint - it is as far from Baton Rouge (remember NOLA was under a MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDER at the time) to NOLA as it is from Salt Lake City to Nephi - less than 90 minutes!
Anonymous 1 & 2 - these are not my "facts" they are the AP's and FactCheck.org. If you have problems with THEIR FACTS then your problem is with them and not with me. I just found them to be of interest.
What happened to "intellectual curiosity"? Or is that no longer vogue since Bush is no longer in office?????
The Lady Logician, at 1:17 PM
LL- Are you saying that Governor Jindal's Katrina story is true? Just for the record?
rmwarnick, at 4:32 PM
I am not saying it is completely UNTRUE like you did. I am saying it is plausible.
The Lady Logician, at 10:37 PM
A spokeswoman for Bobby Jindal is now walking the story back.
The spokeswoman, Melissa Sellers, said the story Jindal told in his response to Obama actually took place some days later in Lee's office -- though still in Katrina's chaotic aftermath -- as Lee was "recounting" his frustrations with the bureaucracy to someone else on the telephone.
"It was days later," Sellers said. "Sheriff Lee was on the phone and the governor came down to visit him. It wasn't that they were standing right down there with the boats."
Why couldn't Gov. Jindal tell the story truthfully in his speech?
rmwarnick, at 1:04 PM
"Why couldn't Gov. Jindal tell the story truthfully in his speech?"
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! (waving hand)
Because he's a Republican?
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM
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