Jason Chaffetz On Glenn Beck
Jason Chaffetz was on Glenn Beck's program talking about the Obama Administrations move to move the Census Department out of the Commerce Department and directly into the supervision of the White House!
Labels: Jason Chaffetz
I am not always sure about Mr. Beck, but Jason Chaffetz is smart.
arc, at 2:50 PM
I look forward to the follow-through on the naming names. Turning the census into a political pseudo-mathematical "estimation" is just plain dangerous. I don't care who is doing it, it's just wrong.
Census numbers impact so many aspects of society from business to taxation to political boundaries and vote allocation, to name a few. Glen Beck and Jason Chaffetz are spot on in being concerned about this. I question the motives and/or depth of thought of anyone who thinks it's "no big deal."
Lynn Taylor, at 3:21 PM
Chaffetz is right on on this issue--there's no question for any who love and adhere to the founding documents of this country. Indeed, those founding fathers crafted this government precisely to AVOID this kind of political pandering and gamesmanship.
Keep going Dems--you're going to ruin any confidence the vast majority ostensibly had in you. And hopefully Republicans like Jason will be there to clean up the mess.
Anonymous, at 3:43 PM
This move would also most likely require a Constitutional ammendment. The Census does not fall under the purview of the Executive Branch.
Kermit, at 6:52 PM
simply put, impeachable offense.
Ben, at 7:47 PM
Jen - such intelligent discourse. Your professor must be so proud....how about actually DEFENDING this gross over-reach of Presidential power....if you can...
The Lady Logician, at 9:16 PM
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