Ladies Logic

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


My friend Ed Morrissey notes the irony of the hypocrisy of the so-called "pro-choice" movement.

Tim Kaine, the Virginia governor and President Barack Obama's hand-picked choice as the head of the Democratic National Committee, infuriated abortion-rights groups Monday by signing legislation that gives abortion foes a long-sought victory.

Kaine brushed off intense lobbying by abortion rights supporters in Richmond to sign a bill that allows Virginia motorists to advertise their anti-abortion views by sporting "Choose Life" specialty license plates.

The revenue from the specialty plates would go to crisis-pregnancy centers, which many abortion-rights backers believe proslyetize against abortion and encourage women to keep unwanted children.

From Ed.....

The license plate doesn’t say, “Stop abortion” or “Make women sick”. It says “Choose Life”, and shows a simple drawing of the faces of two children. How is that a “divisive political ideology”? Successful gestation is an ideology?

More to the point, why is the phrase “Choose Life” such a threat to NARAL and Planned Parenthood? At least for the latter, convincing fewer women to have abortions cuts into their revenue stream. They’re going to lose money if women “choose life” and they’ll get to kill fewer fetuses.

And isn’t more than a little ironic that NARAL/Pro-Choice America has such a heated reaction to the phrase “choose life“?

NARAL (and the womens "rights" movement) have never been about choice - they have always been about THEIR choice and if your choice does not match with THEIR choice, it is obviously not a real choice.


Monday, March 30, 2009

The Buck Stops Here....

unless you are the Obama Administration and then the buck stops at President Bush's feet.....Last Tuesday night, in a prime time press conference, President Obama (in answer to a question about his deficit spending) whined.....

"as I recall I am inheriting a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit from them (Republicans)"

There is only one little problem with that little's called the US Constitution. You see the Constitution spells out the responsibilities of the Congress and the President and the Congress is solely responsible for writing budget legislation and who do you suppose has had control of the Congress? It's not Republicans. Oh to be sure, President Bush signed the Democrats budgets, but Congress wrote the legislation.....and included in that Congress was one Senator Barack Obama! So before he starts blaming ANYONE for his deficits....

Even the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has disagreements with the President on this...

Put it another way - in 60 short days, President Obama has more deficit spending under his belt that President Bush and the Republican Congress could have ever dreamed of!

So rather than blame his predecessor - President Obama needs to stand up and take credit for his accomplishment. Let's face it - it takes a lot to spend that much money in such a short amount of time.....


Over-Reacting Again

Where is the common sense in Connecticut?

A Connecticut middle school principal has laid down the law: You put your hands on someone -- anyone -- in any way, you're going to pay.

A violent incident that put one student in the hospital has officials at the Milford school implementing a "no touching" policy, according to a letter written by the school's principal.

East Shore Middle School parents said the change came after a student was sent to the hospital after being struck in the groin.

Principal Catherine Williams sent out a letter earlier in the week telling parents recent behavior has seriously impacted the safety and learning at the school.

"Observed behaviors of concern recently exhibited include kicking others in the groin area, grabbing and touching of others in personal areas, hugging and horseplay. Physical contact is prohibited to keep all students safe in the learning environment," Williams wrote.

Students and parents are outraged. They said the new policy means no high-fives and hugs, as well as horseplay of any kind. The consequences could be dire, Williams warned in the letter.

While I certainly understand the school being concerned about kids being hit in the groin, banning all touching is going just a weeeee bit overboard. I mean is the school going to ban basketball or football in PE class - there is "touching" involved there. Come to think about it, just about any sport is going to require touching if some sort - is the school just going to ban PE altogether?

Here is a common sense thought for Principal Williams - rather than banning touching altogether, how about going after the kid(s) that hit the other kid in the groin in the first place. I would venture to guess that in your school (as there is in the Junior Logician's middle school) rules already in place to prevent assaults of this manner. Shoot if nothing else charge the kid(s) with assault since the child they hit ended up in the hospital....THAT would be the common sense solution to this "problem".


Just A Reminder

This is a reminder to anyone who comments of the comment policy in the right sidebar! I had to delete a couple of rather offensive comments left by new commenters today. So consider this your reminder about the comment policy here at Ladies Logic.

It is my intention that this blog be a place where free speech can take place. However, free speech also includes responsibility. While discussion of the issues is necessary, a line must be drawn between free speech and potential slander. Therefore, effective immediately, all comments will be moderated. Any comment that can be construed by anyone, biased or no, as slanderous or libelous will be deleted. If a comment contains profanity, it will be deleted. If a comment contains a link that leads out to an site that contains content that is not PG-13, it will be deleted. If a comment contains any sexual content (or links out to a website that is sexually explecit) it will be deleted! If a comment contains a threat or other undesirable content (as defined be ME as this is my the words of my house - my rules) will not be published. There will be no appeals.

If you believe that there something going on that I might be interested in researching or publishing on, feel free to email it to me at ladylogician at the domain hope4america dot net. Any story leads left in the comments will not be published.

I will not bend on this. Comments that are in violation of the comment policy will be deleted with all due prejudice. Commenters who continue to post comments in violation of the comment policy will be banned.

I love the back and forth of debate, but those of you out there (and you know who you are...) who have no desire to do anything but slime and slander are simply not welcome here.

You have been warned!


Founders Morning Quote

"Wise politicians will be cautious about fettering the government with restrictions that cannot be observed, because they know that every break of the fundamental laws, though dictated by necessity, impairs that sacred reverence which ought to be maintained in the breast of rulers towards the constitution of a country."

--Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 25, 21 December 1787


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Big Stick Tea Party

The Independence Caucus is serving up a Tea Party protest - with a twist. They are not only collecting 1000 tea bags for each member of Congress, they are delivering it in person with a video documenting how 93% of the bailout money went to only 25 banking institutions. If you are interested in finding out more about the "Big Stick Tea Party" or anything else the Independence Caucus is up to, follow the link above or click on in the icon in the right sidebar to go to their site.

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Earth Hour

So were you one of the "millions" who took part in Earth Hour last night? If you were, raise your hand......

Congratulations on being one of the "millions" who have mastered the art of symbolism over substance. Let me ask you a few questions to see how committed you really are to cutting greenhouse gasses. What temperature is your thermostat set at? Closer to 60 or closer to 70 degrees? How many lights are on in your house right now? In the rooms where the lights are on, is there anyone in that room or is it empty? Do you have a gas or electric lawn mower, or did you go back to an old-fashioned non-motorized mower? How hot and how long is YOUR daily shower? What do you personally give up in order to minimize your use of fossil fuels in your home? What do you do without?

If you are global warming icon Al Gore, the answer is not a thing!

Even during Earth Hour. President of the Tennessee Center For Policy Research Drew Johnson takes a Saturday drive by Al Gore’s during the time most environmentalists went dark:

I pulled up to Al’s house, located in the posh Belle Meade section of Nashville, at 8:48pm – right in the middle of Earth Hour. I found that the main spotlights that usually illuminate his 9,000 square foot mansion were dark, but several of the lights inside the house were on.

In fact, most of the windows were lit by the familiar blue-ish hue indicating that floor lamps and ceiling fixtures were off, but TV screens and computer monitors were hard at work. (In other words, his house looked the way most houses look about 1:45am when their inhabitants are distractedly watching “Cheaters” or “Chelsea Lately” reruns.)

The kicker, though, were the dozen or so floodlights grandly highlighting several trees and illuminating the driveway entrance of Gore’s mansion.

I [kid] you not, my friends, the savior of the environment couldn’t be bothered to turn off the gaudy lights that show off his goofy trees.

Somehow this does not surprise me at all.

When the greedy enviro advocates decide to make the same kinds of sacrifices that they demand of every day Americans, well I might just be interested in what they have to say. In the meantime, I will be following the advise of Ed Begley Jr a little more closely. His ideas are certainly a heck of a lot more practical that anything that Al Gore has suggested.


Learning From History

HollyOnTheHill has the quote of the month.....

“The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

Cicero - 55 BC

What is that old saying about those who don't learn from history...


Another Day Another Potential Cure...

from ADULT stem cells.....

The prospect of transforming a patient's own skin cells into a life-saving therapy to treat incurable conditions such as Parkinson's disease has come a step closer.

Scientists have devised a safe way of producing stem cells for transplant surgery from skin cells without using either human embryos or the potentially harmful viruses normally used to transfer the special genes for transforming ordinary skin cells into stem cells.

Last year, scientists demonstrated that they could genetically engineer embryonic stem cells by introducing a handful of genes into a skin cell with the help of a virus. But the resulting stem cells could not be used in medicine because of the fear that viral genes may also be introduced into a patient. The latest study, however, has shown it is possible to produce these so-called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells without using viruses and without introducing any foreign genes into the embryonic stem cells, by using a different genetic engineering technique, according to Professor James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, whose study is published in the journal Science.

Many scientists believe iPS cells, which are made without the need for human embryos, bypass many of the ethical and moral objections to using embryonic stem cells. Researchers are still working on ways of guaranteeing their safety if they are ever used in transplant surgery.

Marion Zatz of the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences said: "This latest discovery by Thomson's group of a new method for generating iPS cells without inserting viral vectors into the cells' genetic material is a major advance toward safely reprogramming cells for clinical use."

So scientists develop a hEsc application that CAN NOT BE USED and then they find a way to make the same application WITHOUT using destroyed embryos that can be used in a therapeutic manner. So tell me again why we have to have additional funding for hEsc?


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Punishing The Poor, Middle Class and Small Business - AGAIN

Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT3) released the following press release this week.

Washington, DC – Data released today by the House Committee on Ways and Means demonstrates that every state in the Union – and every American – will be hit hard by a new and highly regressive “Cap and Trade” tax.

The President’s recently-released budget imposes a $3.01 billion tax on Utahns. On a per capita basis, each Utahn will be hit with $1,115.47 in new taxes on their electricity bill alone. Families will be hit even harder. The data show this new tax will increase the average Utah family’s (3.08 people/household) annual electricity bill by $3,435.65 or by nearly $290 per month. While other energy costs are low as a result of the recession, all energy costs will increase as the Administration increases the velocity of its frontal assault on American energy security.
At a recent congressional hearing on energy consumption, Mr. Howard Gruenspecht, an expert witness from the Energy Information Agency (EIA), a non-partisan federal agency dealing with energy issues, was asked what percent of Americans consume some form of energy. He replied: “All of them.” Further, he was also asked what percent of Americans would be impacted by a cap and trade tax. His answer: “Probably all of them.”

Emphasis mine. Congressman Mike Pence had this to say on the subject.

"The President's energy policy is yet another example that his budget taxes too much. Buried beneath the promise to not raise taxes on 95 percent of Americans is a ‘light switch tax' that will impact every working family at a time when many are struggling to make ends meet. Raising the costs of energy by up to $3,100 on every American household will have a devastating impact on our nation's families and small businesses.

"Americans vividly remember the days of spending more than $4 for a gallon of gas. The President's misguided energy policies will limit supply and ensure that high prices are the way of the future. Rest assured, House Republicans will continue to fight for energy independence."

The ranking Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee brought out this table.

Annual Increase in Electricity Costs
(based on the Stern Review's recommended carbon price of $85 per ton)
Cost at 100% Auction
(in millions)
Increase in Electricity Costs per Capita
.District of Columbia
.New Hampshire
.New Jersey
.New Mexico
.New York
.North Carolina
.North Dakota
.Rhode Island
.South Carolina
.South Dakota
.West Virginia
Source: Committee on Ways & Means Republican Staff analysis

An economic staffer to the Obama Administration admitted to a group of Senators that the Administration's Cap and Tax plan will net the government ALMOST $2TRILLION in additional revenue to the government over 8 years.

President Obama's climate plan could cost industry close to $2 trillion, nearly three times the White House's initial estimate of the so-called "cap-and-trade" legislation, according to Senate staffers who were briefed by the White House.

A top economic aide to Mr. Obama told a group of Senate staffers last month that the president's climate-change plan would surely raise more than the $646 billion over eight years the White House had estimated publicly, according to multiple a number of staffers who attended the briefing Feb. 26.

"We all looked at each other like, 'Wow, that's a big number,'" said a top Republican staffer who attended the meeting along with between 50 and 60 other Democratic and Republican congressional aides.

Emphasis mine. A big number that will be passed on to you the consumer. What will also be passed on to consumers is the additional cost of manufacturing goods and shipping goods. Every business that uses electricity will pass on a portion of their increased costs to their customer's as well. Any business that uses electricity will pass this additional cost of doing business on to the consumer! Think about that the next time you go to the grocery store or to buy clothes for your kids!

So are you ready to pay an extra $3400+ a year for light and heat? Because if the President has his way - you will be paying that very, very soon.

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Acceptable Bigotry

Marc over at KVNU's For The People blog has a very thought provoking post up about a column that appeared in last Sunday's Salt Lake Tribune (HT The Senate Site). When I read the initial column last Sunday, I knew that the comments were (in large part) going to prove the author's point and boy was I right. The anti-Mormon rhetoric on the SLTrib's comments were some of the most vile stuff I have read in ages. At least the some of the commenters at FTP tried to engage in thoughtful discussion. One that stuck out to me was a comment left by a gentleman named Craig...

This guy is a professor, and he bases his theory on comments on a newspaper website?!?! I’m sure we could look at the Waterloo Courier website and find quite a few similar comments. Someone should write a response based on that. And then he cites a collegiate sports rivalry as further “evidence?” This is a quintessential case of grasping at straws.

While I fully understand Craig's skepticism here, I would like to offer up a couple of thoughts in answer to his remarks. The "evidence" of an anti-Mormon bias in this valley is not just found on the SLTrib comment section. You need look no further thanlocal news sites like or local blogs like this.

Although Utah is a theocracy, it is still playing along with democracy for appearance's sake. They even have a semi-Democratic congressman, Republican-voting Blue Dog Jim Matheson. But the action is always inside the Mormon Cult-approved Republican Party, which has won every Senate race since 1970 and every presidential race since LBJ beat Goldwater in 1964. This morning CQPolitics reports that all the political action in Utah this year revolves around the lunatic fringe far, far right faction going after the lunatic fringe far right faction. Target: far right Senator Robert Bennett...Is a zero good enough for the Mormon radicals? No, of course not. These people are dangerous sociopaths busy poisoning the American political landscape. Utah's radical right maniac Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, is challenging Bennett in the Republican state party convention/HateFest. The kooks and nuts have attacked Bennett because he supported Bush? Huh? Yes, now that the Bush presidency is widely viewed on the far right fringe as an abject and catastrophic failure they have re-written history to make him-- and his supporters-- moderates! Bennett, once beloved by Mormons for being a brain-dead rubber stamp for Bush (who won 72% of Utah's vote in 2004!), is now being portrayed as someone who supported Bush's Business-friendly immigration policies and catastrophic economic agenda. And the crazy Attorney General goes even further, pointing out that his fellow extremists believe the bailout was “not only fiscally irresponsible but immoral.”
Bennett has brought in the heavy guns: the Mormon cult's undying hope for capturing the American presidency, Willard Romney (AKA, "Mitt") is in Utah raising money for him.

Now to be perfectly clear here - I am not a Mormon, nor am I a valley lifer. I am an evangelical Christian who just moved to this valley just in the past year and one of the very first things I noticed here was a not so underlying hatred for the Mormon Church and it's adherents. To be sure, the battle over Prop. 8 fanned those flames higher, but then again, the church was acting on it's teachings and the Bible clearly states that homosexuality (along with a whole host of other things like lying, cheating and stealing) is a sin. No amount of intolerance from the anti-8 folks is going to change that and they have been nothing LESS than totally intolerant of anyone who dares to disagree with their agenda.

I have my doctrinal issues with the Mormon Church to be sure, but I would never, ever EVER address those differences in the manner that is used on some of these local sites. Calling people that you disagree with "lunatics", "radicals", "sociopaths" or "cultists" is not the way to win friends and influence people. It is however, a great way to marginalize yourself.

Here is a "radical" about we try talking TO one another instead of yelling AT one another. There is much both sides can learn from and about one another if we tried. However, until that day comes it certainly seems that "oh so tolerants" on the left have a long way to go. If you want us to be "tolerant" of you, how about being just a little "tolerant" of the rest of us.

There is an old saying about treating others the way you wish to be treated...


Friday, March 27, 2009

Founders Morning Quote

"The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy."

--Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations, circa 1774


More Unintended Consequences

Two weeks ago, Congress pulled out the pitchforks and went after AIG over the fact that it was paying out $1.65 million in bonuses to employees who had stuck around (at a greatly reduced salary) to try to clean up the mess at the insurance giant. I'm not going to go into the who knew what when (Geithner knew about the bonuses last fall) here - what I want to do is go into some of the things that have happened to AIG employees since then. Take a look at the picture above....and read the text from the accompanying article.....

"Get the bonus, we will get your children," someone identified only as "Jacob the Killer" hauntingly writes in an e-mail.
His is one of dozens of threats against AIG and its employees that were obtained from Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's office under a Freedom of Information Act request by NBC Connecticut.

Here are some of the highlights (or rather, low-lights). We've cleaned up some of the nasty language, but you can use your imagination:

-- All you motherf***ers should be shot. Thanks for f***ing up our economy then taking our money.

-- Dear Sir: Ya'll should have the balls and come clean and give back the bonuses. I know you would never do this so the gov't ought to take you out back and shoot everyone of you crooked sonofb****es...I would be very careful when I went out side. This is just a warning. If I were ya'll I would be real afraid. Thanks, Bill.

-- I don't hope that bad things happen to the recipients of those bonuses. I really hope that bad things happen to the children and grandchildren of them! Whatever hurts them the most!!

-- You f***ing suck. Paying bonuses to the d*****s that made bad bets losing your company billions of dollars. I want to f***ing puke. Publish the list of those yankee scumbags so some good old southern boys can take care of them.

-- If the bonuses don't stop, it will be very likely that every CEO @ AIG has a bulls-eye on their backs. (ed - does this person not realize that there can only be ONE Chief Executive Officer? That is kinda what the title CEO means.....)

-- We will hunt you down. Every last penny. We will hunt your children and we will hunt your conscience. We will do whatever we can to get those people getting the bonuses. Give back the money or kill yourselves.

-- All the executives and their families should be executed with piano wire around their necks --- my greatest hope.

-- You mother-f***ing, c***s***ing, d***l****ers need to be taken out one by one and shot in the head. There's a special place in hell for you pond scum. Watch your backs because someone will come to get you, you can be sure.

-- The Revolution is coming. The family members of your executives are not safe. Your blood will run through the streets in the coming months.

THIS is what Congress and the Obama Administration wrot in their rush to demonize people who (for the most part) had nothing to do with the collapse of AIG. Many of these executives (like CEO Liddy) forsook an annual salary in order to clean up the mess and had their "salary" tied up in these bonuses! Many - like Liddy - came out of retirement in order to do THE TAXPAYER a favor and clean up the mess at AIG and how do they get repaid? They get vilified and threatened!

Many have likened the reaction of Congress, the Obama Administration and the thugs who left these messages to Nazi Germany in the days leading up to Kristalnacht and I have to say they make valid points.....Michael Reagan...

When the members of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) wanted to use anger as a political weapon they burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the Communists.

It's an old tactic -- when you are in trouble, create a crisis and then create a straw man to blame for the crisis. We are now seeing it played out as a giant insurance company, AIG, is given the role of straw man.

It's working. I'm mad, you're mad, and our anger over the mess created by Washington politicians and their Wall Street buddies is now being diverted away from Capitol Hill and toward AIG and a handful of executives, some of whom got huge bonuses as their company was being bailed out by the federal government.


For a dictator to get elected, they need large mobs of uninformed but inchoately angry people to put them into office.

But the mobs are like the soldiers in the first example; the dictator has to keep looking over his shoulder in case the mob turns on him.

So the dictator keeps the mob occupied. Hitler pointed them at the Jews; Kristallnacht sent mobs of young Nazis into the streets to harass Jews, destroy their businesses, and make their lives miserable. 91 died. Stalin kept the mob busy denouncing each other. Hugo Chavez and Ayatollah Khomeini and Fidel Castro and Saddam Hussein all found boogeymen, internal and external, to keep the mob from turning their wrath on them.

Now, Barack Obama is not a dictator. He’s a democratically elected president. In 2012, when he loses in an electoral landslide (provided the GOP can get its act together) he’ll hand power over.

But Obama - the least-vetted, most inexperienced president in American history - was elected by a huge popular groundswell, animated by fatigue with the sitting administration and actively disinformed by a media whose legs tingled at the thought of The One taking office.


If you think there are no consequences to hysterical, anti-corporate grandstanding in Washington, pay attention to what's happening across the pond: "This is just the beginning."

So warned a public letter signed this week by a vigilante group called "Bank Bosses are Criminals." The thugs claimed responsibility for vandalizing a former financial executive's home and car in Edinburgh, Scotland. The bank official, Sir Fred Goodwin, was excoriated by U.K. politicians for refusing to give up company pension benefits dubbed "obscene," "grotesque," "unjustifiable and unacceptable." The vigilantes were stoked by a former newspaper editor, one Max Hastings, who wrote a diatribe exhorting citizens to violence:

"The time has come to address the entire robber banker culture. Investment banks have been run not for the benefit of society, customers or even shareholders, but exclusively for the advantage of the bankers themselves. … This is why we must stand outside their homes throwing rocks through the windows until they do."

We have got to get beyond the politics of "feeling" and get back into the politics of sound rational thought. Feelings are great and where appropriate they are necessary and important. However, when we are talking about creating long term economic and social policy - feelings have to take a back seat to common sense, logic and boring things like research and thought.

The "professional protester class" has it's uses, but now is not the time or the place for Seattle WTO type vandalism and protests. You have made your point quite nicely (and it is a point that I share with you) - greater oversight needs to be had over the companies that are taking taxpayer money! However, these kinds of threats and demonization do not do anyone any good. NOW we need serious people to sit down and create the type of oversight that will benefit the taxpayer, the country AND the businesses that are being bailed out. Threats to the children and families of these execs do nothing more than make you look like a bunch of lawless thugs. Is that the message that you want to convey?

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