Ladies Logic

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Have We Learned NOTHING?

I have to shake my head in sheer disbelief. After 16 months of listening to whisper campaigns against Hillary (during the "Democratic" Primary) and Sarah during the general election, we are now starting to see the whispers against another ambitious woman politician - Minnesota's Laura Brod. The comments first started showing up on conservative leaning blogs within the past week. While the blog owners rightly pulled the comments down, it was not done before lefty blogs picked up on the allegations and ran with them. Shawn Towle at Check's and Balances ran with it as did AAA at Residual Forces (after digging into Towle's allegations to try to disprove them. AAA's post was filled with a lot of "various sources told me" type comments that led a lot of people to complain and in the end AAA pulled the post. However, one lefty blogger saved a copy of the post and posted it at his site. In all of the comments that were made about the situation (at RF anyway) not ONE COMMENTER had the dignity to condemn the rumor mongers. Not here - right here right now I join with the blogger at Change We Must Fight For in saying what needs to be said....

Before I go any further, I am in no way condoning these comments. In fact, I find them to be cowardly, childish, and completely against the values of either political party. Whether the comments are true or not, hiding behind false identities and performing drive by smears should never be tolerated.

Thus, I am calling these individuals out, I am daring them to comment on my blog. They either need to fess up or shut up.

I may not agree with Rep. Laura Brod, but I do respect her enough to put my name behind everything I write about her. She does not deserve the smears she’s receiving by the likes of these people.

They need to stand up and be accountable for their actions.

They need to show us they are people with courage and not cowardice.

Left or right, I don't care....who EVER is spreading these rumors about Representative Brod are the lowest of low - the slimiest of slime and they deserve to be brought forward and suffer the consequences of their actions....and if the slime mongers are indeed supporters or agents of another Republican candidate for Governor, I hope that the candidate will kick those people OUT of the campaign and that he will denounce those scurrilous allegations loudly and publically. It is the correct thing to do!



  • Here is what I do not understand: Why is it scurrilous to spread rumors about a candidate's infidelity, regardless of any truth, yet it is perfectly OK to smear a candidate by accusing them of STARTING such a rumor? One accusation of bad behavior is much like another, IMHO, and neither should be tolerated. Not only that, but the kind of sleazeball rumor-mongering and outright gossip ought to be outright dismissed, and certainly not passed on, to anybody. Accusing somebody of being a slime monger just makes others want to know what the slime is, and it doesn't help our vaunted political "freedom" one bit.

    In short, I don't know and I don't care about any of this. I'll be supporting whomever I think can best get the job done, and none of what's been said on any side of this slimy affair affects that one bit.

    J. Ewing

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:05 PM  

  • You may be interested in Seifert's response to this whole mess.


    Brian Falldin

    By Anonymous Brian Falldin, at 5:38 PM  

  • J.E. When you look at the comments that were left at TvM and other places were not sourced - AAA at least attempted to source his post. I'm not saying what he did was right but what he attempted to do (sourcing his material) was a hundred times better than the slime commenters were.

    Brian - thanks for the link.


    By Blogger The Lady Logician, at 9:40 PM  

  • 100 times better is not good enough. Whoever dredged up the allegations against Laura Brod was doing something they shouldn't have done. Whoever passed this gossip on shouldn't have done it. Accusing someone of gossip is, therefore, as bad as gossiping in the first place and, in the world of Republican politics, only "gives aid and comfort to the enemy." The only way to win is not to play. Can you hear me saying, "la-la-la-la-la" real loud?

    J. Ewing

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:10 AM  

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