One of my current favorite songs is called "I so Hate Consequences" by Relient K. That is true for everyone we all hate the consequences of our words and actions - especially the bad ones. The "fear" of the bad consequences is one reason why I try to be very careful about what I say and how I say it. I write as if my mother (or mother-in-law) is reading it. A lot of people may not understand it, but here is a good reason why.
"Two bloggers hired by John Edwards to reach out to liberals in the online world have landed his presidential campaign in hot water for doing what bloggers do — expressing their opinions in provocative and often crude language."
If you have read anything that the ladies in question have written, you would say that the Times description is kind and understated. Charles at LGF has links to some of the more over the top screeds.
Most of the blogs that I read do not fall into the Times description of "what bloggers do". To be honest, there are only two blogs that I read daily that fall into what the Times considers "typical". There is a reason for that - just as there is a reason behind my nom de plume. I chose Lady Logician because I knew that it would be a daily reminder to me of what I wanted this blog to be...a place where discussion can take place in a respectful manner. It was my hope that if I kept my posts "above board" that my commenters would follow and for the most part it has worked.
The ladies in question will, I hope, take something away from this situation. One need not be profane to make a point (a lesson I thankfully did not have to learn in quite so harsh a manner). Being shrill will not further dialog. Hopefully L’Affaire Marcotte (as Dean Barnett calls this) will help bloggers on both sides of the political spectrum see that.
"Two bloggers hired by John Edwards to reach out to liberals in the online world have landed his presidential campaign in hot water for doing what bloggers do — expressing their opinions in provocative and often crude language."
If you have read anything that the ladies in question have written, you would say that the Times description is kind and understated. Charles at LGF has links to some of the more over the top screeds.
Most of the blogs that I read do not fall into the Times description of "what bloggers do". To be honest, there are only two blogs that I read daily that fall into what the Times considers "typical". There is a reason for that - just as there is a reason behind my nom de plume. I chose Lady Logician because I knew that it would be a daily reminder to me of what I wanted this blog to be...a place where discussion can take place in a respectful manner. It was my hope that if I kept my posts "above board" that my commenters would follow and for the most part it has worked.
The ladies in question will, I hope, take something away from this situation. One need not be profane to make a point (a lesson I thankfully did not have to learn in quite so harsh a manner). Being shrill will not further dialog. Hopefully L’Affaire Marcotte (as Dean Barnett calls this) will help bloggers on both sides of the political spectrum see that.
Labels: Bloggers and Blogging
Yes. Let's talk about consequences. I think we can agree that Amanda's feeling a few right about now.
For example, she used swear words. She questioned the teaching of a major world religion. I know that the Lady Logician has never sworn, but she's had a few things to say about major world religions. But let's look at what people - religious, self-important, pious people doing the Lord's work - have been writing to Amanda in humble attempts to set her straight.
Let's hear from Amanda herself about the emails (For the benefit of the Lady's virgin ears, I've bleeped out the worst):
Andy Driggers from Dallas, TX was also so moved by Amanda's criticisms of religious anti-choicers, that he wrote:
Problem with women like you, you just need a good f***ing from a real man! Living in Texas myself, I know you haven't found that real Texan yet. But once your liberal pro feminist a** gets a real good f***ing, you might see the light. Until then, enjoy your battery operated toys b/c most real men wouldn't want to give you the f***ing you deserve b/c the s**t that would come out of you ears.
Anon here: Oh, how nice of Andy! How good of him to recognize that "one need not be profane to make a point," just like the Lady Logician wants.
Amanda's email again:
Paul Bernard of Scottsdale, AZ:
i like the way you trash talk i don't particularly want to have sex with you but i would like a b** j**.
Anon here: Another man who wants to make sure that Amanda recognizes that words have "consequences." Well, at least he's not advocating anal rape, so he must be an even better Christian than Mr. Driggers from Dallas.
Back to Amanda's mailbag:
Romanco De Leone was also moved by Donohue's poignant claims about insulating the Catholic church from legitimate criticisms.
Anon here: Wow, I'll bet Jesus talked like that all the time! Let's remember, it's Amanda's "over the top screeds" that are to blame here, not her reaction to people like Mr. De Leone.
More can be found here:
But remember: "Being shrill will not further dialog." So remember, girls, these simple rules: Don't swear, don't question the beliefs of major religions, accept the anal rape fantasies of every man, recognize that your role in life is to be polite, and above all, don't be shrill, no matter how disgusting the sexual violence aimed at you gets!
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
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