Ladies Logic

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hello again!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. The Logical family took a much needed vacation and part of that vacation was a promise to the Junior Logician to go completely unplugged for the entire vacation! No internet and (especially) no news programming. So I missed a lot of the fun that happened last week.

Never fear though. Give me a couple of days to get caught up and we will be back in business. I've had 1o days to recharge the batteries (and do some SERIOUS shopping). Now it's back to politics and life.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

School Daze

A couple of interesting school related stories in the news this week.

First, the City of Minneapolis is
closing 6 schools at the end of this school year.

"The closings are due to budget issues that the district if facing, as well as declining enrollment.

Enrollment is down 23 percent overall in the district compared to five years ago – and down 50 percent on the North Side."

This story doesn't tell you what they told in the 10pm news last night. The fact that the students that left the district went to charter schools, private schools and suburban schools! No mention of this in the Strib...just on the 10pm news broadcast. WCCO reports that many of the students went to Harvet Prep, a new charter school.

"The things we're providing, parents value and they feel a need for it," said Callie Lalugba, Harvest Prep's principal."

Parents value the things we are providing says Harvest Prep's principal....HELLOOOOO Minneapolis School Board....HELLOOOOOOO MEA...HELLOOOOO St Paul......are you listening??????

They also report the cold hard numbers....6000+ student lost to charter schools and over 2000 to suburban schools! KMSP talked to one Harvest Prep parent who said that the public schools just were not teaching the kids at all. That is astonishing.

In our own school district (here in the Savage lands) we are discussing cutting staff and instructional time because of an "erosion" of state support - according to one school board member. However, a quick peek at the Department of Education numbers shows a 4.4% average annual increase over the last 7 years! THAT is an erosion? If these people can not tell the difference between a 4% increase and a decrease - how can parents expect them to teach little Johnny that 1+1=2?

What is not so surprising is that we knew this was coming. The school districts have been crying poor for the last couple of years. It was a major issue for the DFLers on the campaign trail last fall. So you would expect, given the spending spree that the DFL led legislature is on that they would have out spent Governor Pawlenty in the way of education funding, right? WRONG!

"The bill introduced by the DFL-dominated Senate allocates $498 million more in funds over the next two years for early childhood education and K-12 schools. Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty has proposed more than $700 million in new spending for schools. "

While I do hate to chide the Dems for being fiscally responsible (for once) I do find it amusing that they spent all last fall telling their friends at Education Minnesota how they would make up for the "cuts" that the evil Republicans made and yet when time comes to put up, they don't.

This is one of the few things that the state SHOULD be providing. Not health care for everyone, not an income for everyone, not housing for education! With a decent education, people can get their own income and health care and car and housing and.....

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The guys (and gals now) over at Anti-Strib have a long running series on Islam and why Americans have a hard time understanding it. Ok - I just can sugar coat it that much...the series is entitled "Why Islam S*cks" (this is a PG rated blog guys...). This story, I think, wraps all the reasons up with in one tidy package...

"Insurgents in Iraq detonated an explosives-rigged vehicle with two children in the back seat after US soldiers let it through a Baghdad checkpoint over the weekend, a senior US military official said Tuesday.
The vehicle was stopped at the checkpoint but was allowed through when soldiers saw the children in the back, said Major General Michael Barbero of the Pentagon's Joint Staff.
"Children in the back seat lowered suspicion. We let it move through. They parked the vehicle, and the adults ran out and detonated it with the children in the back," Barbero said."

The brave mujahadeen used two kids to get past a security checkpoint and then BLEW THE KIDS UP while they did their best Sir Robin imitation and bravely ran away!

When ever I see stories like this I think of the Golda Meir quote "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." and I weep for us and for the children.

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Monday, March 19, 2007


Via AAA at Residual Forces.

"Inside Indoctrinate USpeech codes. Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such things with the worst excesses of fascism and communism, not with the American universities that nurtured the free speech movement. But American higher education bears a disturbing resemblance to the totalitarian societies that are anathema to our nation’s ideal of liberty. Evan Coyne Maloney’s documentary film, Indoctrinate U, reveals the breathtaking institutional intolerance you won’t read about in the glossy marketing brochures of Harvard, Berkeley, Michigan, Yale, and hundreds of other American colleges and universities.
“When we think of going to college, we think of intellectual freedom. We imagine four years of exploring ideas through energetic, ongoing, critical thinking and debate,” Maloney said. “But the reality is very far from the ideal. What most of us don’t know is that American college students check their First Amendment rights and individual freedom at the door.”

The people who made this documentary have a site where you can sign up to get a screening in your area because they are having a surprisingly difficult time getting screenings in the "normal" manner (I wonder why). As soon as they get 500 in an area, they will set up a screening. For your childrens sake, sign the petition and get a screening in your area.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Grass Roots....

AAA started a conversation yesterday based on Chairman Carey's appearance on the Jason Lewis radio show yesterday. Chairman Carey said (in response to a caller asking about RINO's that don't follow the platform) that the people passing the platform are the same people who nominate these RINOs. AAA got upset, saying that the Chairman "blamed" the grassroots. I responded that technically, the Chairman is correct and that is where the discussion got going. Into that discussion, we need to interject a few interesting points.

"The first rule of politics is, "take care of your base." That doesn't mean you give your supporters everything they want, but if your base isn't happy, you're going to have a rough time. Why? Because they're the people who donate money, volunteer to help candidates, talk you up to their friends, defend you when you're under attack, and, when they're happy at least, they’ll crawl over broken glass to come out and vote for you."

AAA is spot on here - the Chairman is not taking care of the base. The MNGOP base is HORRIBLY unhappy and while the Chairman says he is listening to the base, I have to wonder if he really is, based on his poorly choosen answer to the caller.

"2) Stay Out Of The Primaries: One of the most aggravating things about the 2006 election was the Republican Party’s involvement in the primaries.
The worst example of this was the National Republican Senatorial Committee's insistence on supporting Lincoln Chafee, a left of center Republican who didn't vote for George Bush in 2004, in a tough Rhode Island primary against Steven Laffey. What was the result of that brilliant maneuver? The NRSC lagged far behind their Democratic counterparts in fund raising because conservatives withheld their donations in retaliation and in the end, Chafee still lost. This isn't the only Republican Party screw-up of this sort either. Look at the Arlen Specter vs. Pat Toomey battle in 2004 and the Randy Graf vs. Steve Huffman race in 2006. In each case, the party's interference came back and bit them hard in the behind."

Not much to add here. It goes back to what I said about the GOP being a bottom UP organization. However, GOP leadership (including Chairman Carey) seem to think of it as a top DOWN organization.

"3) Sometimes, It is the Thought That Counts: Rich Lowry once said that, "(Bill) Clinton was in favor of small, popular things. Bush apparently likes to be in favor of big, unpopular things."
This is another area where the Democrats are smarter than the Republicans. The Dems are constantly doing small things to show their base that their hearts are in the right place. It's these little gestures, sometimes even throwaway lines in speeches that help keep their base happy, even when the left isn't getting everything they want."

Again - not much to add and no argument here.

"4) Hang Together Instead Of Hanging Separately: Liberals in the blogosphere have a reputation for being good at organizing and raising money for elections. It's well deserved and I can tell you that from experience, because last election cycle, I started a grassroots conservative group called Rightroots to raise money in the blogosphere. We raised around $300,000 from the right side of the blogosphere in about 3 months which may sound like a lot, but it's chicken scratch when it's spread over 20+ candidates. During that same time period, liberal bloggers raised millions and blew our doors off."

This is a common theme when you hear Congressman Kline's District Chief of Staff (Mike Osskopp) speak. He tells about seeing UAW workers toiling side by side with wealth distribution socialists to get the Democratic candidate elected. Meanwhile, the pro-life folks are fighting fiscal conservative candidates because the candidate is not "pro-life enough". This is not to say that the right to life crowd is not the only conservative caucus to do this....this is simply one example of many.

"5) Attack, Attack, Attack! We might as well change the Republican Party symbol from an elephant to a punching bag because the Republican wimps in DC just refuse to fight back. The base may have no qualms about going after liberals, but when we look for Republican pols on the Hill to show some leadership in this area, we're almost always sadly disappointed."

If I had a nickle for every time I heard a Republican supporter say "If only the President would fight back" I could retire a very wealthy woman! The reason it is said so often is it is true. President Bush is too kind, too determined to turn the other cheek in a city where politcs is a blood sport. To say that the President is bringing a knife to a gun fight is giving him too much credit. The Democrats and their supporters play to win - where President Bush plays to make friends. It's not working Mr. President! Please, please PLEASE stand up for your self and your administration. It is time to turn the money changers out of the temple....not turn yet another cheek.

John Hawkin's closing paragraph says it all.

" C'mon, guys, you don't have to start comparing Howard Dean to Hitler or anything, but how about showing a little moxie instead of cringing, apologizing, and rolling over like French poodles every time the Democrats go after someone? You Republicans on the Hill: the Democrats have spent the last 2 years smacking you in the mouth, taking your lunch money, and pushing you down while you keep hoping people will give you brownie points for being "nice" and "bipartisan." At what point does it dawn on you guys that it's time to go after the Democrats as hard as they're going after you?"

Chairman Carey - are you listening to the base?????

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Justice served and justice waiting.

I have not addressed this issue, in part because I don't know how Mark Lunsford has handled this situation. Every time I think about it, I wonder how I would react in that situation and I know for a fact that I could not conduct myself with the style and grace that Mark Lunsford has. So all I can say about this is that I am glad to see that there has been some justice in this case.

Now, I can only hope that there is justice for this girl.

"Two weeks ago, a gift-wrapped box was left at the house where she lives with her grandmother in St. Paul's Rice Street area. Inside the box, Crystal was horrified to find her dog's head."

Now I am the caretaker/mom/human companion of a 7 year old border collie cross. I know how conjoined the Junior Logician is with his dog. I can only imagine how heartbroken he would be should something happen to his dog.

"I told him everything and he never shared any of my secrets," said Crystal, 17, who has had some troubled times in her young life. Chevy was her therapy dog, and she leaned on him for comfort and support."

A therapy dog....even worse. People who have therapy dogs are very dependent on them. To lose a therapy dog is even more tramatic than losing a family member.

The Humane Society of the US is offering a reward to anyone who has information leading to the arrest of the animal who did this to Crystal and Chevy. It is my fervent prayer that they find this "person" quickly. Obviously whoever did this is not a mentally stable person and needs help.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Econ 101 taught by the King of Minnesota Economics

King Banaian from SCSU Scholars has a couple of very interesting posts up regarding taxes. Given that Professor Banianan is a professor of economics the posts are enlightening indeed.

"The IRS has released its new Statistics of Income Bulletin, and it contains some interesting data on who pays taxes in the country and how much.
Preliminary data for tax year 2005 indicate that taxpayers filed 134.5 million U.S. individual income tax returns, an increase of 1.6 percent from the preliminary estimate of 132.4 million returns filed for tax year 2004. Adjusted gross income (AGI) increased by 8.9 percent from the previous year to $7.4 trillion for 2005 and taxable income increased 9.5 percent to $5.1 trillion. The alternative minimum tax rose 31.6 percent to $15.9 billion, while total income tax increased 11.8 percent to $928.3 billion. We're making more and paying a WHOLE lot more; this explains part of the decline in the budget deficit. And who is paying it?
For tax year 2004, taxpayers filed 132.2 million returns, of which 89.1 million (or 67.4 percent) were classified as taxable returns. This represents an increase of 0.2 percent in the number of taxable returns from tax year 2003. Adjusted gross income (AGI) on these taxable returns rose 9.0 percent to $6,266 billion, while total income tax showed the first increase in 4 years, rising 11.2 percent. Also for the first time in 4 years, the average tax rate for taxable returns rose, increasing 0.3 percentage points to 13.3 percent for 2004. Taxpayers with an AGI of at least $328,049, the top 1 percent of taxpayers, accounted for 19 percent of total AGI, representing an increase in income share of 2.2 percentage points from the previous year. These taxpayers accounted for 36.9 percent of the total income tax reported, an increase from 34.3 percent in 2003." (emphasis added)

One percent of the taxpayers are responsible for 36.9% of the total income tax reported. What was that about the "rich" not paying their fair share?????

What about Minnesota?

"Taxpayers in the top decile (incomes of $102,427 and over) bore 36.8 percent of the total tax burden while having 38.8 percent of total income. By tax type, taxpayers in the top decile paid 52.2 percent of the individual income tax, 28.0 percent of the consumer sales tax, 24.5 percent of the gross residential property tax, and 26.6 percent of business taxes. This is important to understand. The income tax is plenty progressive, but the DFL is proposing returning the top income tax rate to 8.5%. They will argue that this is because the effective tax rate on the top 10% of income is declining. But that's because the sales and property taxes are being shifted as rich individuals are able to move income around to avoid taxation. Those us in the second-to-fourth deciles end up paying more because we have not the same means to shift where we receive our income."

Again...what was that about "fair shares"?????

The other post was complimentary to the above post.

"Who says state government doesn't have enough resources? Not the respondents to the Minnesota Citizen Compass report.
In this survey, 54% percent of Minnesotans stated that the state’s tax burden is too high, 42% believe it is just right and 2% believe the state’s tax burden is too low.Meanwhile, 47% percent of Minnesotans report taxes and fees are growing faster than their income, 36% report their taxes and fees are growing (but not as fast as their income) while 9% reported taxes are going down compared to their income. Of those who reported their tax burden is increasing, 84% identify property taxes as the leading cause of those increases.But you can't do many good things! The answer from the survey is, you don't need to.
79% of Minnesotans believe the State Legislature should determine how much money is available, and then decide what programs to fund, compared to 18% who believe the State Legislature should figure out how much is needed and then tax us appropriately. The intensity of opinion is most strongly felt by those who believe the state should spend what it has, not what it wants.Support for this fiscal approach is consistent among demographic groups. For instance, strong majorities of Democrats (79%), liberals (75%), government employees (73%) and residents of core cities (75%) all supported the position of spending based on the resources available. Even those Minnesotans who believe that health care (84%) and education (73%) are among the two most important issues facing the state agree that the State Legislature should budget based on what they have, not what they want."

The people of Minnesota realize what the DFLers in St Paul refuse to admit. Minnesotans are over-taxed and they are fed up! It is well past time for Governor Pawlenty and the House and Senate Republicans to draw a line in the sand and say "NO" to all the new taxes and all the new spending in the budget and to return a portion of the surplus to the over-taxed citizens!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sharia in Minneapolis?

We have all heard the controversy at the Minneapolis airport with the taxi drivers. However, there is a new workplace clash of civilizations happening here in Minneapolis.

"I'm a reporter who covers Target for the Star Tribune and the other day, I got a call from someone who said that an employee at the Target store downtown refused to run his bacon through a scanning machine. He was mighty upset, arguing that the cashier had "no right to work as a cashier at Target" if she wasn't prepared to swipe his groceries.
But he was a little vague on the details, so I decided to check it out myself. At the Target store on E. Lake Street, a cashier wearing a hijab looked uncomfortable when I showed up at the cash register with a frozen pepperoni pizza. She immediately called for help, and another employee rang up the pizza and placed it in the basket.
I asked her if it was because she was Muslim, and she nodded her head. "I can't even touch it," she said.
The E. Lake store has only has a few aisles of food. How do Muslim workers adapt in Super Targets where there are full-fledged grocery sections? And is anyone other than this caller bothered by this? Are there some Muslim workers at Target who feel they have to suppress their beliefs to avoid conflicts? "

The comments were almost as instructive as the post itself was. A majority of my fellow Minnesotans said "if you can't do the job, you should look for other employment". That is a logical statement. When a bunch of Christian pharmacists said that they would not fill a prescription for RU486, a lot of lefties said (along with yours truly) "if you can't do the job, you should look for other employment". That is the logical answer to that particular complaint. However, there were many in the comments who just not understand that logic. Their response to the above logic was to call those that said it "racists" and worse!

The beauty of this country is that you are not forced to work in one job versus another. You can chose to apply to all kinds of jobs. If your religion prohibits contact (versus consumption) of alcohol, don't take a job at the local liquor store! Likewise if you can not touch a vacuum sealed package of pork or a pepperoni pizza, don't work in a grocery store. Find a video store or a fast food outlet (most fast food outlets do not serve pork as a safety precaution) to work for. For me, I can not work part time in my chosen industry, so because I need to have the flexibilty to work part time, I took a different job. It is one of the daily choices that millions of Americans have to make every day.

It's a matter of priorities. There is no "right" under the Constitution to have a job. There is a right to practice ones religion as one sees fit. If your religous dictates are more important, then so be it.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ah the oh so tolerants

on the left strike again. The Man made global warming proponents tell you that there are no scientists who dispute their claims and then when one speaks out.....

"Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five deaths threats by email since raising concerns about the degree to which man was affecting climate change.
One of the emails warned that, if he continued to speak out, he would not live to see further global warming.
"Western governments have pumped billions of dollars into careers and institutes and they feel threatened," said the professor.
"I can tolerate being called a sceptic because all scientists should be sceptics, but then they started calling us deniers, with all the connotations of the Holocaust. That is an obscenity. It has got really nasty and personal."

But this is the money line of the whole article.

"Richard Lindzen, the professor of Atmospheric Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology - who also appeared on the documentary - recently claimed: "Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves labelled as industry stooges.
"Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science."

Thank you Al Gore. For those of you on this side of the pond who want to see the BBC special "The Great Global Warming Swindle", Charles Johnson at LGF has a link to the video.

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

How to fix (and not fix) health care...

I don't have a lot of time for posting today, but I wanted to bring a couple of health care related items to your attention.

First is yet another reason why government run health care is a raw deal. (free registration required)

"The state Department of Community Health's board of directors voted unanimously Thursday to freeze new enrollments in the financially strapped PeachCare for Kids health insurance program as of Sunday.
Dr. Rhonda Medows, a physician and commissioner of the department, said the program will run out of money March 31. She said there is no plan yet to stop paying the medical bills of children currently enrolled in the program. The agency must notify families 30 days before doing so, she said."

This is similar to the plan that Governor Pawlenty has proposed. It does not go as far as a plan that is currently going throught the MN Senate which is mandating that all Minnesotas buy health insurance though. Need I say more?

Logical Lady Mary Katherine Ham, talked to those who have a vested interest in fixing the VA medical system.

"A WWII vet and POW from Texas named Tiger told me he believes in veterans’ power to get things done. That’s why he’s come to the VFW convention, and met with his representatives every year for 40 years, though he admits that the stairs at the Capitol are starting to get to him.Others aren’t so sure. The retired Major ranted to me about Congress—Republican and Democrat alike—to an approving audience.“Get the politics outta the system,” he said. “I don’t know how to do it except don’t make it government employees…Stop that pork-barrel crap and take care of what needs to be taken care of.” (emphasis mine)

Honestly, the best thing for ALL Americans health care is just that...get the politics out of the system. Let's get back to letting the doctors and their patients making the call. Get the HMO's and the governments out of our medical decisions. After all, isn't that the whole genesis for the argument FOR Roe v. Wade??????

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Friday, March 09, 2007

Womens wisdom

The Wall Street Journal featured a couple of logical ladies in their pages today. First was Peggy Noonan speaking on the state of our national discourse.

"One of the clearest statements ever about the implied limits of legitimate political discourse was made by the imprisoned Socrates in his first dialogue with Crito, when he said, "That's not nice." Actually, it was your grandmother who said "That's not nice." She's the one who probably taught you the wince. It is her wisdom, encapsulated in those three simple words, that is missing from the current debate.
We tie ourselves in knots trying to explain why it is, or why it isn't, always or occasionally, helpful or destructive to use various epithets, or give full voice to our resentments. But the simple wisdom of Grandma-- "That's not nice"--is a good guide. (I should say that when I was a kid, grandmas were older people who had common sense. They had observed something of people, had experienced life directly, not only through books or TV. Almost all of them had religious faith, and had absorbed the teachings of the Bible. Almost all of them sat quietly at the kitchen table, and even when I was a kid they were considered old fashioned. They were often ethnic and had accents. As a matter of fact, all of them were.)
I think that as America has grown more academic or aware of education, the wisdom of Grandma has been denigrated. Or ignored. Or stolen and dressed up as something else. For instance, Rudy Giuliani's success in cleaning up and reviving the city of New York is generally attributed to his embrace of what is called, in academic circles, the broken-window theory. It holds that when criminals see that even small infractions are met and punished, they will understand that larger infractions will be met and punished. It also holds that when neighborhoods deteriorate, criminals are emboldened. People from Harvard won great prizes for these insights.
But all of broken-windows theory comes down to what Grandma always knew and said: "Fix the window or they'll think no one cares! When people think no one cares, they do whatever they want." There was not a single grandmother in America circa 1750-2007 who didn't know this. But no one wants to quote Grandma. She's so yesterday. And her simple teachings have been superseded by more exotic forms of instruction. "

The second was Kimberly Strassel.

"The meltdown among House Democrats over Iraq is rightly being described as the first big test of Nancy Pelosi's leadership. It's also an early example of just how much political damage the antiwar left is capable of inflicting on their new speaker.
Ms. Pelosi has been backed into a tight corner over President Bush's $100 billion request for war funding. Hoping to quell a revolt from a liberal bloc that wants out of Iraq, pronto, the speaker unveiled a new, new plan yesterday that includes a timetable for withdrawal--to begin as early as July. Ms. Pelosi needs to win this vote, the first real showdown over Iraq. But it's becoming increasingly clear she can do that only by sacrificing her moderate wing, which opposes her plan and could pay heavily for it in next year's election.
Talk about a downward spiral from just a few weeks ago, when Ms. Pelosi stepped in to save Senate Democrats from their own Iraq irresolution. Ms. Pelosi's own approach was politically clever, if nothing else. The House resolution criticized the troop buildup, making Congress look as if it were taking a stand against President Bush--even if it had no binding force. Yet it also contained a sop about the "bravery" of those troops and vows of "support," words designed to coax war-weary Republicans into joining with Democrats. Republican leaders were privately admitting they were beat, and even the White House was bracing for as many as 70 GOP defections.
Had Ms. Pelosi served up that vote quick, she may have presided over a stinging bipartisan rebuke to the administration's troop buildup and gained some breathing room. Instead, Madame Speaker gave into the lure of a Bush-bashing event, stretching the resolution "debate" over a week. That delay was more than enough time for her liberal base to get beyond her control. "

Both of these logical ladies are worth the read. The message that they bring is worth serious contemplation.


Pretzel Logic

The local media has been heavily covering the story of Jacob and Jordan Heck, the Mankato conjoined twins who are in state custody because of parental abuse.

"A Mankato couple was accused Wednesday of abusing their 4-month-old son, one of two conjoined twins who underwent separation surgery last fall at the Mayo Clinic.
Valerie J. James, 20, and Robert L. Heck III, 27, were charged with one count each of felony first-degree assault and aiding and abetting the alleged crime, said police Lt. Dan Muyres."

Thankfully, the abuse was discovered before the baby was killed. Not all have been that fortunate.

I am all for putting parents in jail who beat their kids so hard they break bones, who sexually assualt and otherwise physically and emotionally abuse children. Which makes this law all the more insane.

"Anti-tobacco forces are opening a new front in the war against smoking by banning it in private places such as homes and cars when children are present. "

What is wrong with this country when we jail parents for smoking in front of a child and yet we put kids back with parents who break their bones and rape them? Can someone please show me the logic in this. Can you really, honestly say that 2nd hand smoke is more harmful to a child than having daddy bounce their heads off of a brick wall? Someone please explain this to me???

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Two way streets

I don't normally fisk Star Tribune letters to the editor because there are others who do it so much better. However, this one just blew my mind.

It's only a play
As someone who received 12 years of Catholic education, one of the principles I was taught was tolerance. I also have a strong belief in looking at oneself with a critical eye. Some self-deprecating humor never hurts either.
It seems to me that Catholics in an uproar over the play "The Pope and the Witch" miss these points.

R.S. Minneapolis"

I wonder, if R.S. held the same point of view last year when the Danish newspaper Jyllans-Posten published a set of cartoons that were seen as insulting to Islam. I seem to recall many, like R.S., who chastised the editors at Jyllans-Posten for not being "sensitive" to the feelings of the Muslims....

Nope - no double standard here...

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Several states are exploring the idea of moving their primaries up in 2008 (in a bid to be "relevant" to the Presidential process) including Minnesota. However, one state is already finding this change may put them at odds with the Voting Rights Act of 1995.

"Last year, Alabama's Legislature voted to move the state's presidential primary from early June to the first Tuesday in February in order to make the state a more enticing campaign stop for national politicians.
That created a conflict for 2008, as both the primary and Fat Tuesday are scheduled for Feb. 5.
Fat Tuesday parades run through three Mobile voting precincts, all of which are majority black, according to U.S. Census Bureau data for 2000:
Precinct 14, which votes at Bishop State Community College and includes land north of Beauregard Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard, has 5,360 residents, 5,266 of whom are black.
Precinct 16, which votes at the Springhill Avenue Recreation Center and includes the downtown loop and parts of Midtown, has 3,832 residents, 2,086 of whom are black.
Precinct 18, which votes at the Mobile Civic Center and includes the Down the Bay community, has 2,752 residents, 2,169 of whom were black. "

That is the problem with reactionary legislation. You end up shooting yourself in the foot. It would be better, albeit slower, to take a more deliberate pace and finding out all of the potential problems before you enact legislation. It's just logical...

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

How my eyes were opened to the barbarity of Islam

I'm not going to editorialize this one. I'm just going to let this brave lady speak for herself. Some emphasis added.

Once I was held captive in Kabul. I was the bride of a charming, seductive and Westernised Afghan Muslim whom I met at an American college. The purdah I experienced was relatively posh but the sequestered all-female life was not my cup of chai — nor was the male hostility to veiled, partly veiled and unveiled women in public.
When we landed in Kabul, an airport official smoothly confiscated my US passport. “Don’t worry, it’s just a formality,” my husband assured me. I never saw that passport again. I later learnt that this was routinely done to foreign wives — perhaps to make it impossible for them to leave. Overnight, my husband became a stranger. The man with whom I had discussed Camus, Dostoevsky, Tennessee Williams and the Italian cinema became a stranger. He treated me the same way his father and elder brother treated their wives: distantly, with a hint of disdain and embarrassment.
In our two years together, my future husband had never once mentioned that his father had three wives and 21 children. Nor did he tell me that I would be expected to live as if I had been reared as an Afghan woman. I was supposed to lead a largely indoor life among women, to go out only with a male escort and to spend my days waiting for my husband to return or visiting female relatives, or having new (and very fashionable) clothes made.
In America, my husband was proud that I was a natural-born rebel and free thinker. In Afghanistan, my criticism of the treatment of women and of the poor rendered him suspect, vulnerable. He mocked my horrified reactions. But I knew what my eyes and ears told me. I saw how poor women in chadaris were forced to sit at the back of the bus and had to keep yielding their place on line in the bazaar to any man.
I saw how polygamous, arranged marriages and child brides led to chronic female suffering and to rivalry between co-wives and half-brothers; how the subordination and sequestration of women led to a profound estrangement between the sexes — one that led to wife-beating, marital rape and to a rampant but hotly denied male “prison”-like homosexuality and pederasty; how frustrated, neglected and uneducated women tormented their daughter-in-laws and female servants; how women were not allowed to pray in mosques or visit male doctors (their husbands described the symptoms in their absence).
Individual Afghans were enchantingly courteous — but the Afghanistan I knew was a bastion of illiteracy, poverty, treachery and preventable diseases. It was also a police state, a feudal monarchy and a theocracy, rank with fear and paranoia. Afghanistan had never been colonised. My relatives said: “Not even the British could occupy us.” Thus I was forced to conclude that Afghan barbarism was of their own making and could not be attributed to Western imperialism.
Long before the rise of the Taleban, I learnt not to romanticise Third World countries or to confuse their hideous tyrants with liberators. I also learnt that sexual and religious apartheid in Muslim countries is indigenous and not the result of Western crimes — and that such “colourful tribal customs” are absolutely, not relatively, evil. Long before al-Qaeda beheaded Daniel Pearl in Pakistan and Nicholas Berg in Iraq, I understood that it was dangerous for a Westerner, especially a woman, to live in a Muslim country. In retrospect, I believe my so-called Western feminism was forged in that most beautiful and treacherous of Eastern countries.
Nevertheless, Western intellectual-ideologues, including feminists, have demonised me as a reactionary and racist “Islamophobe” for arguing that Islam, not Israel, is the largest practitioner of both sexual and religious apartheid in the world and that if Westerners do not stand up to this apartheid, morally, economically and militarily, we will not only have the blood of innocents on our hands; we will also be overrun by Sharia in the West. I have been heckled, menaced, never-invited, or disinvited for such heretical ideas — and for denouncing the epidemic of Muslim-on-Muslim violence for which tiny Israel is routinely, unbelievably scapegoated.
However, my views have found favour with the bravest and most enlightened people alive. Leading secular Muslim and ex-Muslim dissidents — from Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, Syria and exiles from Europe and North America — assembled for the landmark Islamic Summit Conference in Florida and invited me to chair the opening panel on Monday.
According to the chair of the meeting, Ibn Warraq: “What we need now is an age of enlightenment in the Islamic world. Without critical examination of Islam, it will remain dogmatic, fanatical and intolerant and will continue to stifle thought, human rights, individuality, originality and truth.” The conference issued a declaration calling for such a new “Enlightenment”. The declaration views “Islamophobia” as a false allegation, sees a “noble future for Islam as a personal faith, not a political doctrine” and “demands the release of Islam from its captivity to the ambitions of power-hungry men”.
Now is the time for Western intellectuals who claim to be antiracists and committed to human rights to stand with these dissidents. To do so requires that we adopt a universal standard of human rights and abandon our loyalty to multicultural relativism, which justifies, even romanticises, indigenous Islamist barbarism, totalitarian terrorism and the persecution of women, religious minorities, homosexuals and intellectuals. Our abject refusal to judge between civilisation and barbarism, and between enlightened rationalism and theocratic fundamentalism, endangers and condemns the victims of Islamic tyranny.
Ibn Warraq has written a devastating work that will be out by the summer. It is entitled Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism. Will Western intellectuals also dare to defend the West?
Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies at the City University of New York

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PETA vs. Al Gore

Just a quick glimpse into the mindset of the folks at PETA. It's just another reason why I so love them.

"This morning, PETA sent a letter to former vice president Al Gore explaining to him that the best way to fight global warming is to go vegetarian and offering to cook him faux “fried chicken” as an introduction to meat-free meals. In its letter, PETA points out that Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth—which starkly outlines the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming and just won the Academy Award for “Best Documentary”—has failed to address the fact that the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions."

This group is a totalarian group. You are not a good enough ______ until you are walking lockstep with their philosophy. There is no such thing (according to PETA) as a good pet owner. You can't be a good environmentalist if you eat meat, you are not a good enough PERSON if you wear or use animals in any way! Their website says it all...

"PETA believes that animals have rights and deserve to have their best interests taken into consideration, regardless of whether they are useful to humans. Like you, they are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives; therefore, they are not ours to use—for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, or any other reason." (emphasis mine)

Which is why any anti-cruelty legislation that has the PETA stamp of approval on it (like H.F. 1046 and S.F. 121) should be looked at with more than just a critical eye.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Health care for vets

Much has been said about the growing controversy surrounding the Veterans Administration Medical system of late. Whether it is in DC or here in Minnesota, our veterans are not getting the care that they deserve. The Logical Husband is former US Army. He has been out for 17 years now. This is nothing new.

After the Logical Husband left the military, he went to work in telecommunications. As the result of a couple of job transfers, he (and I) ended up working at the VAMC in Madison Wisconsin. The VAMC Madison was under scrutiny the year we went there because several veterans had died from heat stroke in the 8th floor ICU that previous summer. We saw a lot of good and bad things at the VA when we worked there. To the point where the Logical Husband told me that if he ever got injured on the job or had a heart attack, he wanted me to grab him by the ankle and drag him over to the adjacent University Medical Center!

With that in mind, I think I hit upon a solution to the problem. What the US Government needs to do is they need to put more money into the VA system. Oh I can hear you know..."OK Miss Conservative Know-it-all Hypocrit - where are you gonna get the money?" Well, if you listen to the Democrats there is only a limited, never changing pool of money that we can use. So my solution is to take the medical dollars that the being spent every year to provide free health care to illegal immigrants and give it to the veterans that have sacrificed their health for the country! Just think what an additional couple of hundred million dollars in the VA system could get these wounded heros.

I have nothing against these illegal immigrants, but these veterans deserve to have the best of health care, given what they have been through. If the illegals need health care, well then they can buy it like the rest of us.

However, I know our friends on the left will be quick to reject that idea...just as they are quick to lay the blame for a 50 year old problem at the foot of President Bush.

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Be thankful they don't take it all

Last fall, Minnesota voters voted on an amendment to the constitution that would dedicate 100% of the Motor Vehicle Sales Tax to transportion (roads and transit). The backers of the amendment told the voters that money would be able to pay for the road work that needed to be done, now and in the future, plus it would be able to help develop transit such as bus, trains and other forms of transit and all without raising taxes! Well we were either sold a bill of goods, or the Democrats in the Minnesota Legislature are drunk on taxes for there are now proposals on hand to:
1) raise the gas tax ten cents a gallon
2) charge a wheelage tax on every car licensed in several metro counties
3) impose a .50 percent sales tax on the seven county metro area
4) imposing additional county sales taxes of vehicles
5) allowing cities and counties to impose vehicle "impact fees"

All of these additional taxes (and the last 2 were in the same bill) are ostensibly to "fund transportation projects".

Which leads to this question...were the people of Minnesota sold a bill of goods with the MVST Amendment? Or are the Dems drunk with taxation power? Either way, the DFL legislature are bound and determined to tax the lower and middle class straight out of the state of Minnesota. Once they do that, just who do they think will pay the bills?

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

How much is enough?

How much is enough? I am refering, of course, to Rep Mindy Greiling's proposed tax increase "for the children". The DFL legislature has already proposed spending a 2.1 BILLION dollar surplus, the Governor's budget is a whopping $34+ BILLION and Rep Greiling wants to tax us MORE??????

We are not talking about taxing people making "millions" of dollars either.

"Under the proposal, income taxes would go up for married couples who make more than $123,750 and file jointly, unmarried heads of households who make more than $105,410 and single filers who make more than $69,990."

What will it take to satisfy Rep. Greiling? Will she be happy taking just enough to keep my family out of the poor house or will she not rest until we can no longer pay our bills and feed our children?

Maybe Rep Greiling will be happy when all the citizens move out of this state. Because I for one can not afford the DFL's tax increases. I will move rather than have this state confiscate more of my hard earned dollars. There is NOTHING that this state does that is worth my giving up 40% of my income. I have no problems paying my "fair share" but when the government demands so much of my income so that I can no longer feed my family...well so long Minnesota. I can get a job in Iowa or the Dakotas or just about anywhere that pays as much and the cost of living - ESPECIALLY TAXES - is a much lower burden on my family.


Women, in context

I have been attacked (anonymously of course) in the comments for my continued posts about the abuses that women who live under Sharia law are subjected to. My anonymous friend seems to think that I am somehow hypocritical in saying that women here have it sooooo good, especially compared to women in 3rd world and Islamic countries, and that the so-called womens rights movement needs to concentrate on making life better for these poor women as opposed to working on meaningless UN resolutions. Anonymous refuses to see the real hypocricy that is right under his/her nose....the hypocricy of the movements that claim to help women and yet stay silent on the daily abuses that happen to women outside of this country. Well I will not ignore these abuses. I will continue to point out this:

"When she was one, Rasheeda Begum’s late father promised to marry her off to a relative to settle a poker debt. Fifteen years later the man came calling to collect his winnings.
The teenager’s fight to escape being handed over despite alleged threats to her family is the latest case highlighting how women’s rights in Pakistan are still threatened by conservative customs. "

Many apologists for Islam say that there is no justification in Islam for this.

"For Ali Bardakoğlu, who heads Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate, there are two common mistakes that underlie problems faced by women in the modern world; one is the failure to acknowledge the true value of woman as the “perpetrator of the adventure of existence,” and the other is the attempt to seek support from religion in justifying this failure."

Unfortunately that is not an accurate statement. Here are some direct quotes from the Koran regarding the treatment of women.

"Men are the managers of women for that God has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their property" (Suraal-Nisa´ 4:34).

"[4.11] Allah enjoins you concerning your children: The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females"
In Islam, a woman's testimony is worth half the testimony of a man's, as both the Qur´an and the Hadith state. The Qur´an says, "...if the two be notmen, then one man and two women, such witnesses as you approve of, that ifone of the two women errs the other will remind her..." (Sura al-Baqara2:282). Muhammad accounted for this rule by the deficiency of woman'sintelligence: Once the Messenger of God went out to a prayer place to offer the prayer of Greater Bairam or Lesser Bairam. He passed by the women andsaid, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell- fire were you [women]." They asked, "Why is it so, Messenger of God?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands.I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.

"Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all)," (4:34). "

"If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice," (4:3).

Now when arguing Bible passages with others, I am the first to remind that you are to remember context....context of the passage and context of the times when the passage was written which is why I add that the Koran is a not a collection of stories, as the Bible is. It is a collection of sayings...sayings of the prophet Mohammed. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong necessarily with that...just that you lose some of the context. As far as the context of the time goes - that is another story. Take for example the time context of Sura 4:3 - marry women of your choice, two or three or the time this was written it was important that the tribes had as many children as possible in order for the tribe to grow and survive. Life then was harsh...most children didn't make it out of childhood, women didn't often survive childbirth so having multiple wives was a necessity. Plus there is the admonition not to take more than one wife if you do not feel that you can treat her "justly". Now I am still trying to figure out the context for beatings...

There is also little context for gambling away your 1 year old daughter. Nor is there context for punishment like this.

"A Saudi woman who was kidnapped at knifepoint, gang-raped and then beaten by her brother has been sentenced to 90 lashes — for meeting a man who was not a relative, a newspaper reported yesterday.In an interview with the Saudi Gazette, the 19-year-old said she was blackmailed a year ago into meeting a man who threatened to tell her family they were having a relationship outside wedlock, which is illegal in the kingdom."

Men - is this what you want for your wives and daughters? Women - you ready for this?


Just a couple of quick thoughts

I've been rather busy lately, helping out friends with a couple of projects and that has really cut into the blogging time. However, I wanted to start the day with a couple of quick items that I hope will spark discussion.

First - why is it when an Evangelical Church makes available a voters guide (that is published by an outside interest like the League of Women Voters) to their congregants, they get into trouble with church/state watchdog groups. Yet Democratic candidates can get away with campaigning in the pulpit? Can you say double standard?

Second, am I the only one wondering if John Edwards has figured out the brouhaha over Amanda Marcotte yet? I mean he hires a woman who calls Christians "godbags" and now he is miffed when Ann Coulter returns the "compliment". Don't get me wrong...I think Ann stepped way over the line. I thought what she said at CPAC was in extremely poor taste. I have heard Ann's defenders and I think their excuses ring as hollow as Amanada Marcotte's lefty defenders excuses did. However, for Edwards to so vocally express his indignation when it took him a week to even respond to L'Affaire Marcotte seems just a wee bit hypocritical to me.

But then again, I just a right wing "godbag". Obviously I'm just not as smart as our friends on the left are.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

This was hardly a surprise

Want to know which side of the blogosphere uses the most profanity? Well someone actually did the "research" (H/T Hugh Hewitt)

"But how different are the Rightosphere and Leftosphere when it comes to "dirty" language? Which side produces the most profanity-laced diatribes? Via Instapundit, I happened upon this interesting challenge from InstaPunk:
I propose an exercise to be performed by those who have the software and expertise to carry it out. The exercise is this: Search six months' worth of content, posts and comments, of the 20 most popular blogs on the right and the left. The search criteria are George Carlin's infamous '7 Dirty Words.' [Click this link for the list of expletives.]And this is what I found, using what I deemed -- through a mix of TTLB and 2006's Weblog Award lists -- to be the 18 biggest Lefty blogs, and 22 biggest Righty blogs. I couldn't account for the 6-month time period, and I even gave the Lefty blogs a 4 blog advantage. But it didn't make much of a difference.
So how much more does the Left use Carlin's "seven words" versus the Right? According to my calculations, try somewhere in the range of 18-to-1."

18 to 1 wow - I didn't even think it was that bad. You have to follow the link for the details, but the blogs searched included DailyKos (146000 instances), Huffpo (109000 instances), Wonkette (78200 instances) and MyDD (30400 instances) from the left and Powerline (68 instances, LGF (230 instances), Instapundit (121 instances) and Michelle Malkin (103 instances) from the right. But wait...there's more.

"Great point by reader Joe.
What? No Democratic Underground? No IndyMedia? No FreeRepublic? No Townhall? No FrontPageMag?

And thus, the numbers:
Democratic Underground: 947,000
IndyMedia: 206,000
FreeRepublic: 4010 (minus HH blog): 156
FrontPageMag: 11,800

It only gets worse... 1537788-to-37285. 41-to-1. Holy mackeral."

41 to 1. Now we know just who is "elevating" the discussion.


Death to (fill in the blank)

I'm sure you all heard about the suicide bomber that blew himself up outside of Baghram AFB when Vice President Cheney was there. Well the reaction of the left would have been shocking if it were not so typical. What was atypical was this response by a newspaper!

"THE assassination attempt on Vice President Dick Cheney in Afghanistan drew praise from a few members of the antiwar left. Have these people lost their minds?
At the popular Huffington Post Web site, dozens of comments were posted. Right-wing columnist Michelle Malkin captured them and posted them at her Web site. "

The thread was taken down and comments suspended but the "damage" was done. In an attempt to mute the outrage, the proprietoress of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington lamented that "make up a very, very small unrepresentative portion of our readers,". That lead to this inquiry from William Kristol.

"Arianna disapproves of those of us who called attention to the comments posted on her site Tuesday morning lamenting the failure of a suicide bombing in Afghanistan Tuesday to kill Vice President Cheney. These commenters "make up a very, very small unrepresentative portion of our readers," she now assures us.
How does she know? If the HuffPost commenters are unrepresentative of HuffPost readers, how does she divine the views of her readers?
Enlighten us, Arianna. Poll your readers. Ask them: Are they pleased that the attempt against Vice President Cheney failed? Are they grateful that he is alive and well? Do you hope the U.S. prevails in Afghanistan? In Iraq?
And if the poll turns out the way you hope, perhaps you should arrange to moderate the commenters so they don't convey the impression that your readers are--as you put it--"unhinged" and "fringe."

Both sides have their unhinged fringe. It behooves both sides to reign them in. However, the first thing that needs to be done is to define "unhinged fringe". Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh, while caustic are not the "unhinged fringe". Neither is Oliver Willis or Markos Moulitsis. However, those who wish death, dismemberment and prolonged pain on their political opposits ARE the unhinged fringe and it behooves us all to put a stop to their insanity by speaking out against them and their remarks. Then maybe we can get the debate back on the issues and off of the people.


The Energizer Bunny has nothing on this guy!

You have to give Representative Murtha credit. He just refuses to give up on a plan that has no backing.

"Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified on Tuesday to the Senate Appropriations Committee that my plan to restore military readiness in order to meet current and future threats and to require the Pentagon to uphold its own guidelines, standards and policies would somehow be damaging on the battlefield.

I would think that General Pace would know better than me, better than Representative Murtha what would and would not be damaging to the military.

"Gen. Pace himself recently issued a report to Congress that said because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a significant risk that our military wouldn't be able to quickly and fully respond to another crisis. Two weeks ago, Gen. Peter Schoomaker, the Army chief of staff, said the president's surge in combat troops in Iraq will further erode the Army's ability to respond to other incidents around the world."

That is probably true, Congressman, however where ARE the incidents happening right now in the world. Are they happening in Kosovo? In South Africa? In Australia? Or are they happening in Afghanistan and Iraq?

"Gen. Pace also indicated that if he were forced to adhere to established Defense Department readiness standards, one-third of units currently programmed for Iraq could not be deployed. This statement is alarming. Is Gen. Pace saying that he is willing to accept that in the near future one-third of the total military force in Iraq will not be fully manned, fully trained or fully equipped?
Gen. Pace is trying to shift the blame, when in fact it is this administration's polices that are hurting our military."

Excuse me Congressman, but we ARE at war. At least we were the last time I looked. The Logical Husband was in the military and when he was in, he never got "off time". He was always on duty. It comes with being in the military...something the Congressman appears to have forgotten.

"Let's revisit history. On Nov. 17, 2005, I said that the failed war policies of this administration were destroying the future of our military. I said that our military is stretched thin, that the war in Iraq is resulting in significant shortfalls at our bases in the United States and that we must rebuild our Army. I knew then that the war policies of this administration were unsustainable and that our military preparedness and strategic reserve would suffer.
After visiting Iraq in 2003, I was the one who found severe shortages in body armor and shortages in armor and spare parts for our military vehicles. I worked with my colleagues to fix these problems. Since the start of this war, Congress has provided an additional $145 billion for essential war fighting and life sustaining items which the president did not ask for but which were needed. Congress also provided funding for 30,000 extra troops as a "temporary increase in end strength" because our military asked for it."

Timeline issues aside, let's just cut to the chase. What does the man that is the commander in Iraq want? What do the experts want? They want more troops in the field! Even Senator Joe Liebermann wants more troops in Iraq! However, that will now sway the intrepid Representative. He wants to withdraw the troops and that is that.

The people of America are indeed uneasy about this war, but they are not willing to withdraw in defeat. If nothing else, we learned the lessons of VietNam - something that apparently the Democrats in Congress have not.

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