Ladies Logic

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Not so hidden agendas

AAA, Mitch, LF and a few others have been having a good laugh at the expense of our local Soros "funded" bloggers over at Minnesota Monitor. Mini-money (as they call it) likes to claim that they are "unbiased", but it does not take long to figure out that they are just as biased as I am - the only difference is I admit my conservative leanings.

At the center of this laugh is an "interview" that AAA granted to Mini-money. AAA doctored his answers, to see what the "trained reporters" of Mini-money would print and Mini-money did not disappoint. While it may be easy to just brush this off as a local "feud" between local bloggers, this whole thing just may be the local front of a
much larger plan.

"Mark Malloch Brown spoke Monday to a crowded auditorium at the World Bank's headquarters, warning that the bank's mission was "hugely at risk" as long as Paul Wolfowitz remained its president. Only hours earlier, news leaked that a special committee investigating Mr. Wolfowitz had accused him of violating conflict-of-interest rules. A coincidence? We doubt it.
Mr. Malloch Brown, remember, was until last year Kofi Annan's deputy at the United Nations. In that position, he distinguished himself by spinning away the $100 billion Oil for Food scandal as little more than a blip in the U.N.'s good work, and one that had little to do with Mr. Annan himself. Last week, Mr. Malloch Brown was named vice president of the Quantum Fund, the hedge fund run by his billionaire friend George Soros. A former World Bank official himself and ally of soon-to-be British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Mr. Malloch Brown would almost surely be a leading candidate to replace Mr. Wolfowitz should he step down. Not surprisingly, Gordon Brown cold-shouldered Mr. Wolfowitz at a recent meeting in Brussels. "

Now I am really not a conspiracy theory type person. I find it laughable that there is this "shadow" government pulling strings all over the world that is totally undetectable. That is science fiction. However, that is not to dismiss the fact that there are some people out there who are playing back room games to try to further an agenda. I would warrant to guess that the partisans at Mini-Money will do anything that they can to help get candidates that they support elected to public office - just as AAA and I would. The difference between AAA, Mini-money and I is that AAA and I admit our biases. None of the bloggers at Mini-money do.

Jeff Fecke from Min-money is now stating that AAA "lied" to him, however, if you read the initial request for the interview, AAA's skepticism is there for all to see. In fact, AAA's final words to Jeff were "I have no problem that you are a liberal hatchet man against the GOP, my problem is you hide behind a phony public persona that you and your other Soros lackey friends are unbiased and have no agenda. That’s a complete and total lie.
You can send me your questions, and I will be the judge of what I will do with them." (emphasis in the original).

AAA was crystal clear what his intentions were - the same can not be said with Mini-money or any other Soros funded outfit. From lowly bloggers like yours truly to titans of talk like Rush Limbaugh we admit our biases. It would be refreshing to see the same out of MoveOn, Mini-money and all the rest.

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