Ladies Logic

Monday, December 03, 2007

Controlling What You Read

Last week, I wrote a little something about "Pastor" Nick Coleman and his screed against Archbishop John Nienstadt calling homosexuality a "grave sin". Needless to say, I was not the only one. Well today, I got this in the inbox.

The editors at the Star Tribune appear to be censoring the public's outrage in response to Nick Coleman’s recent attack piece against Archbishop John Nienstedt. The newspaper has published just six letters in response to Coleman’s column (besides Archbishop Nienstedt’s formal response). And four of the six letters were in support of Coleman. But here's the most revealing fact exposing the newspaper's bias -- NOT ONE of the over 60 letters critical of Coleman's column submitted through our online letter writing tool were published by the Star Tribune.

Emphasis in the original. Minnesota Majority, an admittedly conservative organization, has taken advantge of the technology available in order to track letters sent through their tool. It is a really slick set up. This tracking has confirmed what a lot of conservatives have long suspected...that the Star Tribune editorial board will not print conservative letters. Oh they will say that they don't get them or that the letter was in some way or another "unpublishable" but they will gladly print the most spittle flecked leftist conspiracy rant while rejecting conservative letters. I even had an e-mail exchange with one of their LTE screeners who accused me of all kinds of malfeasance for questioning their motives on letters and editorial policy. After one email that was particularily nasty, I reminded the screener that she WAS talking to a customer at which point the correspondence ended.

One of these years, the Portland Avenue Politbureau will get it. They will get the fact that the readers know that they are a bunch of rabid, unrepentant leftists posing as unbiased journalists and that readers are tired of them attempting to "control" the news. They will understand that they can no longer control the message that we hear because there are a multitude of choices out there for the average news consumer. They will understand that their advertisers won't spend money on advertising in a paper that does not get read! Unfortunately, it will probably be too late for them to recuperate...

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  • In your linked article, you quoted Leviticus:

    By the way since you quoted the verse:

    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

    EY: Does this mean you support the Death Penalty for Gays? This verse clearly says this.

    By Blogger lloydletta, at 7:49 PM  

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