Can Someone PLEASE Explain This To Me?
Rep. Ron Erhardt (R?-Edina) is one of the six who voted for the Transit Bill that was going to raise the state and metro sales taxes. Yet he has also is the chief author of House File 2551 a bill to:
So let me get this straight....we are going to repeal the clothing exemption - thus raising taxes on working class Minnesotans EVEN MORE and then we are going to decrease the sales tax in this bill so that we can raise it in another? If we decrease the sales tax, Rep. Erhardt, how are we going to be paying for the toy trains in the metro? Inquiring minds really want to know.
A bill for an act
1.2relating to taxation; repealing the sales tax exemption on clothing; decreasing
1.3the sales tax rate; creating an income tax credit; adjusting local option sales tax
1.4rates; appropriating money;amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, sections 295.60,
1.5subdivision 1; 297A.62, subdivision 1; 297B.02, subdivision 1; proposing coding
1.6for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 290; repealing Minnesota Statutes
1.72006, section 297A.67, subdivision 8.
So let me get this straight....we are going to repeal the clothing exemption - thus raising taxes on working class Minnesotans EVEN MORE and then we are going to decrease the sales tax in this bill so that we can raise it in another? If we decrease the sales tax, Rep. Erhardt, how are we going to be paying for the toy trains in the metro? Inquiring minds really want to know.
Labels: MN Legislature, Roads and Bridges
Erhardt needs to go. I know Edina suffers from terrible success guilt but you would think the R's would get a bit more spine than to let this guy claim to be a part of the party.
Anonymous, at 2:25 PM
Ah, quit your whining and buy all of your clothes at the thrift shop. People don't need new clothes anyway!
Yes! We! Can!
Kermit, at 2:41 PM
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