Conduct Unbecoming
Logical Lady Sue Jeffers brings us this.
Carver County Republican has the details.
Obviously it is now time for Rep. Erhardt to be retired if he has no desire to serve "we the people".
Carver County Republican has the details.
Rep. Ron Erhadt, in responding to acaller asking him to uphold the Governor's veto and not support the Democrat overrride attempt responded with anger and profanity, telling the caller to "tell the people who told you to call to go 'F***' themselves."
The call was made by Tom Winterer of Chanhassen to Erhardt's home this morning. Winterer is new to grassroots politics, and just joined the Carver County Republicans at the Feb. 5 precinct caucuses.
In the call, Erhardt asked Winterer why he was calling, since he was not a constituent or Edina resident.
"I'm calling because I'm going to be taxed under your veto override," Winterer said. "He told me I didn't know what I was talking about. I told him there are vast sums of money that are not being directed properly."
Erhardt responded, "Tell the people to go "F***' themselves and that they are full of 'S***'."
Erhardt has a challenger and Hennipen County's Republican endoring convention is meeting today.
Obviously it is now time for Rep. Erhardt to be retired if he has no desire to serve "we the people".
Labels: MN Legislature, Roads and Bridges
Wow, is all I can say, that and I guess I'll have to give him a call myself. I'll let you know how it goes.
Anonymous, at 12:46 AM
Sounds like the calls are getting under his skin. There's no reason for him to listen to people outside of his district. He doesn't represent people outside of his district. He's probably been getting lots of other calls at home.
I remember when John Hinderaker of Powerline responded in a similar fashion to an email.
lloydletta, at 10:08 AM
This is the same errogant little man that blew up a condom in a public forum with counties describing how the budget works if you push down on one area another area pops out. He also stated that we have a Congresswoman who is trying to get laid by the president--referring to Bachmann after the grip last year. He needs to be ousted. He makes the GOP look bad. Family values--sure doesn't look like the GOP cares about that if they let him continue to use abusive language and make horrible remarks in public about other office holders.
Anonymous, at 11:14 AM
I have to say that I do have a certain problem with someone calling Rep. Erhardt at home, but you still do not talk to voters like that Eva - whether you represent them or not.
Honestly Eva, Rep. Erhardt has already sent the precedent of listening to outside of his district influences. He is listening to the lobbying efforts of groups from outside of his district and even outside of Minnesota, so why shouldn't he listen to a taxpayer who is going to be adversely affected by a bill he (Erhardt) might be singly responsible for slamming us with.
The Lady Logician, at 12:51 PM
I'm not defending his response - but remember, you are only hearing one side of the story. Did the person rail at him on the phone for example?
As you know, I've worked on the Dump Bachmann blog for a long time. I've NEVER given out home phone number information for Bachmann during that time - in my opinion, that is wrong. Instead, when the blog has urged contacting Bachmann, it's been through her office.
Also, what do you think of the threatening emails Rep. Larry Howe has received - it's come from someone opposing the transportation bill? It might be worth encouraging people to contact legislators - but to do so politely.
lloydletta, at 2:44 PM
Erhardt is a loose canon. Does anyone remember him sitting in session last year with a bag over his head. He has brought this on himself.
He was kindly asked to retire ater 18 years and we have a very fine conservative to take his place. Ron has refused.
He is currently being challenged at the March 8th District 41A BPOU by Keith Downey, I have been working for Keith's candidacy and feel he will be victorious in the Republican endorsement.
Nevertheless, Ron has said in some circles, he will then run as an Independent. If he is as popular as he says with all Edinites, including the DFL, then he should just run for the DFL primary.
twice blessed, at 10:34 PM
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