Ladies Logic

Monday, April 07, 2008

"Full Disclosure"

Oh is the backside story (of the AG Swanson investigation) getting interesting! Minnpost has a story today of an email that was sent by DFL Rep Debra Hillstrom (Duluth) to her some of colleagues in the DFL caucus (HT MDE)

Now MinnPost has obtained an email sent Monday by Rep. Debra Hilstrom, DFL-Brooklyn Center, doubting the motives of Simon's efforts.

Simon, in turn, is defending himself and said — without naming names — people are "engaging in character assassination."

Hilstrom's email was sent to a number of House members, and carried the subject line "In the interest of full disclosure."

The disclosure was simple and quite telling...

Hilstrom, a fourth-term lawmaker, notes that she is an intern in the law office of former Attorney General Mike Hatch, Swanson's predecessor and ally.

"I have talked to Mike Hatch," Hilstrom wrote. "I think that as long as Representative Simon spends his time talking about his time working down the
hall from Lori Swanson, he ought to disclose to people the facts and circumstances under which he was transferred without his consent from the consumer division to the education division by Lori Swanson."

So Rep. Hillstrom, under the guise of "full disclosure" is infering that a fellow caucus member is being less than honest about his tenure in the AG office.

As I said before...this is not an matter of left and is a matter of right and wrong. Apparently there are some people in the DFL that don't appreciate the fact that Rep. Simon was just trying to do the right thing and they are making it political. That's fine by me, because it just goes to show everyone that they are only about attaining power...not about doing what is right for the people of Minnesota.

UPDATE: A reader of Minnesota Democrats Exposed left the following in the comments:

The real story here is that disclosing information in an employee personnel file (past or current) is a misdemeanor under the terms of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Cut and dry.
So either Hatch is lying, or former AG Hatch just violated the law. One or the other.

The commenter raises a fantastic point. We will have to wait and see I guess.

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