Eight young men are accused of taking turns stomping on and kicking the head of the 41-year-old man, who was knocked unconscious as his wife and three daughters tried to help him. Prosecutors say more serious charges could be brought against the men if the man's injuries are permanent.
What many of you may not know is that this is not as isolated an incident as the Star Tribune editorial board would have you believe. From the comments on the editorial:
Visited your fine city, went in to MOA. I have a very pretty 13yr. old, unfortunately has developed fast, looks 18. She does not dress "provocatively". We are very used to obnoxious men falling all over themselves to get a second look, and she has had to learn to ignore stupid comments. Sometimes I will respond back and let them know she is far too young for their attentions. Back to MOA: Had a trio of young men, all black, start following us, and make comments like "I'd hit that" and "Hey, girl, need friends" and "Sweet thing, let's have a little fun" I finally turned and confronted them, said she's only 13, leave her alone, so what do they say? Come on momma, let the kid grow up, it's time to learn about *******, she's at the prime age. And lots more crap. We finally had to call 911 and get them removed. Did we have a fun time at the famous MOA? Absolutely not, and we won't be back, either. Mall security was a joke, and tried to diffuse the situation by "getting us to talk it out" NO, we wanted to enjoy our visit in peace.
Then we have this report of rampaging youths on Route 68 bus.
A Metro Transit bus driver was hospitalized after he was beaten by a group of teenagers Tuesday evening in downtown St. Paul.Metro Transit spokesman Bob Gibbons said the driver was assaulted by six to eight teenagers on Robert Street between 4th and 5th Streets as his bus was arriving downtown.
Sadly stories like this are becoming more and more common. Jazz and I spoke earlier today about the Pope's recent speech condemning moral relativism in our society. His post on the subject earlier today was the basis of the discussion.
The moral relativism that has taken over this country, saying that there are no unacceptable actions has gotten us to a point where people think it is perfectly acceptable to grope 12 year old girls in front of her parents. It has gotten us to a point where roving bands of thugs tell adults that a 13 year old is in the "prime age" to learn about being raped. It has gotten us to a point where people act like there is not right and no wrong. We need to get back to a point where there are actions that are unacceptable in a civilized society so that we can all live at peace with one another.
Labels: Moral Relativism
The problem isn't that we have young men who believe it their right to grope a young girl and then stomp anybody that gets in their way. The problem is that the rest of us have been told too often that it's "inappropriate to judge" such misbehavior. There was a day when these rabid dogs would have died on the spot from multiple gunshot wounds, or at least taken a worse beating than the father received. It's still true in Saudi Arabia. Tell me again who's the enlightened society?
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM
Until these kids that attacked the driver are caught, we cannot know what happened in their life that let them think they have the right to beat a man bloody and leave him for dead. I know the victim. Some on the bus cheered the attackers on, some cried in shock. At least one called 911 on her cell. We pray they will be arrested and brought to justice.
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM
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