The Consequences of High Gas & Oil
The rising gasoline and utility (natural gas) costs are having another adverse affect on taxpayers and their pocketbooks. Besides the direct affect of your daily commute going up, your home heating costs are going up precipitously as well. As a result many cities and school districts are looking for creative ways to cut costs. Many school districts are going to a 4 day school week in order to balance their fuel budgets. Working parents are finding this to be a disaster because it means increased day care costs for smaller children.
The month, the state of Utah got into the 4 day work week program. Earlier this month, many state agencies went to a 4 day work week in order to save energy. Some Utah Counties are also considering the change because the state agencies that they work with are closed on Fridays.
While I have long been an advocate of allowing businesses to provide employees with flexible and creative schedules (4 10 hour days, telecommuting, off shifts) to help reduce the number of cars on the road however, the creative schedules are not without challenges (see the day care challenge mention in the first paragraph). Many state employees find themselves having to choose between day care providers and jobs, between getting kids ready for school and jobs, between family and job. These are reasons why creative scheduling has not taken hold in the business community. As hard as it is for employees to balance the needs of work life and personal life, it is equally difficult for business owners to juggle the needs of the employees with the needs of the customer with the needs of the business!
Which leads us back to the root of this problem....the soaring costs of energy! The reason for the scheduling changes are due to high energy costs. Until Congress gets their act together and passes a comprehensive all-of-the-above energy plan, a plan that includes wind, solar, conservation, nuclear, geo-thermal, hydro AND additional domestic drilling, we will continue to have to make sacrifices.
Two years ago, when gas was $2.10 a gallon, Speaker Pelosi promised a "common sense energy plan". Gas peaked at double that and still the House Leadership has not delivered on that plan. It is time for Speaker Pelosi to quit promoting her own self interests and get back to DC and promote the interests of the American people.
The month, the state of Utah got into the 4 day work week program. Earlier this month, many state agencies went to a 4 day work week in order to save energy. Some Utah Counties are also considering the change because the state agencies that they work with are closed on Fridays.
While I have long been an advocate of allowing businesses to provide employees with flexible and creative schedules (4 10 hour days, telecommuting, off shifts) to help reduce the number of cars on the road however, the creative schedules are not without challenges (see the day care challenge mention in the first paragraph). Many state employees find themselves having to choose between day care providers and jobs, between getting kids ready for school and jobs, between family and job. These are reasons why creative scheduling has not taken hold in the business community. As hard as it is for employees to balance the needs of work life and personal life, it is equally difficult for business owners to juggle the needs of the employees with the needs of the customer with the needs of the business!
Which leads us back to the root of this problem....the soaring costs of energy! The reason for the scheduling changes are due to high energy costs. Until Congress gets their act together and passes a comprehensive all-of-the-above energy plan, a plan that includes wind, solar, conservation, nuclear, geo-thermal, hydro AND additional domestic drilling, we will continue to have to make sacrifices.
Two years ago, when gas was $2.10 a gallon, Speaker Pelosi promised a "common sense energy plan". Gas peaked at double that and still the House Leadership has not delivered on that plan. It is time for Speaker Pelosi to quit promoting her own self interests and get back to DC and promote the interests of the American people.
Labels: #dontgo, Energy Policy, Nancy Pelosi
The GOP causes an energy crisis, and then complains that the Democrats haven't solved it.
But the reason Congress hasn't passed legislation is because the GOP filibusters everything in the Senate.
This nonsense is pretty obvious and transparent, but apparently some people are fooled.
rmwarnick, at 10:08 AM
Oh, so Congress is totally amenable to producing our own fossil fuels for energy? Democrats refused to vote on that part because they really really like their 11% approval ratings? Please.
For the most part, Republicans in Congress want to allow industry to create our own energy, including fossil fuels, and Democrats want to do anything but allow fossil fuel use.
Cameron, at 12:28 PM
Cameron - take a look at rmw's comments. This is the Democrats answer to America's problems. Rather than do ANYTHING to fix it they sit around and blame others for THEIR inaction.
Take a close look America and think about it the next time you are tempted to vote for a "conservative" Democrat.
The Lady Logician, at 12:41 PM
Congress is doing a lousy job, and it's the fault of the Democrats. Why are they doing a lousy job? Because they won't impeach Bush and Cheney and can't overcome Republican obstructionism.
Check the Gallup Poll. More Republicans approve of Congress than Democrats. This has been true for at least year now.
rmwarnick, at 2:42 PM
Funniest thing I've read all week:
Congress is doing a lousy job, and it's the fault of the Democrats. Why are they doing a lousy job? Because they won't impeach Bush and Cheney and can't overcome Republican obstructionism.
Oh those poor helpless democrats. If only they could impeach Bush people would be distracted from the HORSESHIT JOB THEY ARE DOING!
Thanks RM. By the way, what flavor is that koolaid?
Kermit, at 4:06 PM
By now, everybody in America knows that the favorite GOP tactic is to accuse Democrats of doing what they themselves are guilty of. Congressional obstructionism, Kool-Aid consumption, you name it.
rmwarnick, at 4:30 PM
Congress is indeed doing a lousy job and WHO CONTROLS CONGRESS?
The Lady Logician, at 4:36 PM
What the Republicans are "accusing" the Dems of doing is not putting up a proposal to bring down the price of gas. TWO YEARS AGO the Democrats promised a solution. Since then the price of gas HAS DOUBLED! What does the Speaker propose - a short term fix (releasing a weeks worth of oil from the Strategic Reserve). WHERE IS THE DEMS PROPOSAL?
The Lady Logician, at 4:39 PM
Congressional obstructionism. Kinda like not allowing a debate (Nancy Pelosi)? You mean that kind of Congressional obstructionism?
There's a reason why Congress has zero credibility with the public, and it's name is Democrat.
Kermit, at 5:13 PM
Now to be fair Kermit, the Democrats don't have 0%....they're at a whopping 9%!
The Lady Logician, at 5:36 PM
Senate Republicans have filibustered the extension of renewable energy tax credits eight times, preventing any debate on the bill.
Blocking alternative energy is what they do. GOP obstructionism has put some projects on hold, such as the Solana concentrated solar plant in Arizona.
The 49-member Senate Republican minority has filibustered more bills than any Congress ever has. GOP obstructionism.
rmwarnick, at 10:05 AM
Time and Time again, the Democratic party tried and tried again to get energy legislation through the congress. Time and time again, the republic party obstructed and blocked and practiced the art of obstructionism to a science.
It is the republic party thats the blame for the gas prices which were 1.20 cents before george was appointed acting president in 2001.
A vote for McSame is a vote for a third term for george.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
Actually, President Bush proposed a comprehensive energy plan, including billions of dollars for alternative research, in 2001. And again in 2002, 2003...
Democrats in Congress played politics and wouldn't let it through.
Cameron, at 5:17 PM
Time and time again, the 'tics in Congress put up bill after bill designed to make the price of gas go UP AND UP AND UP. Whether it was legislation to "punish" big oil ("windfall profits" tax on 8-10% profit) or "punish" speculators or pass legislation to designed to make it more difficult to get any energy source that is not an unproven "alternative" fuel (corn ethanol) over one that is proven to work (sugar cane ethanol).
Yeah your guys did such a bang up job WITH A MAJORITY that they got nothing done but kill the economy.
And they want two more years?
The Lady Logician, at 5:57 PM
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