Ladies Logic

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


She just doesn't get it. We need to be producing our OWN oil.

House Democratic leaders and protesters waving McCain signs had a war of words Tuesday at a press event outside an old train station. The demonstrators interrupted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with chants of “Drill here! Drill now!”

Pelosi paused and asked the group, “Right here?”

Seeming to enjoy the back and forth, she followed with another question: “Can we drill your brains?”

Only if we can drill yours too Madame Speaker.....

She went on to refer to the protestors, who continued to chant sporadically, as “handmaidens of Big Oil.” (I'm still waiting for my check since I too am apparently a paid operative - at least according to the liberal commenters here!) Arguing that increased offshore drilling would only reduce gas prices two cents in 10 years, she referred to the demonstrators as the “two-cents-in-ten-years-crowd.”

That is a lie that has been debunked time and time again Madame Speaker. It's called basic economics. Maybe you can take a refresher class AFTER you take a refresher in Catholic theology.

Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer swiped at the demonstrators, too, saying that “sophomoric chanting” (yet it will win the war in Iraq or get rid of President Bush right?) won’t solve the energy crisis and that “all thinking Americans know” — stressing the word "thinking" and looking at the crowd — that America doesn’t have a quarter of the word’s fossil fuels yet uses a quarter of the world’s energy.

That too has been debunked many times. Between oil shale, oil sands and crude oil we have enough oil to power this country for over 100 years.

Look - I have said multiple times that drilling ALONE is not the answer. However, the Democrat Majority needs to get off of their cynical aversion to domestic oil production. It is an absolutely necessary part of a well round approach to domestic energy!

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