Mitch and Ed bring us stories today of the total lack of.....I don't know what that tends to run rampant in "progressive" circles. Call it a stunning lack of knowledge of history or simply an over-use of over wrought rhetoric these stories echo a common theme.
Let me put this as plainly as I possibly can....waiting for a cup of "free range, vegan Guatemalan" coffee is not torture. Neither is anything that is happening at Gitmo. What is torture is having food and water with-held from you. What John McCain went through in Viet Nam is torture. What IS torture is having cigarettes put out on your body just because.
What we have at Gitmo or in "Gitmo by the Platte" is not a "concentration camp". To quote my friend Doc Farmer...
Thanks Doc for the timely history lesson.
Let me put this as plainly as I possibly can....waiting for a cup of "free range, vegan Guatemalan" coffee is not torture. Neither is anything that is happening at Gitmo. What is torture is having food and water with-held from you. What John McCain went through in Viet Nam is torture. What IS torture is having cigarettes put out on your body just because.
What we have at Gitmo or in "Gitmo by the Platte" is not a "concentration camp". To quote my friend Doc Farmer...
Concentration Camp?CONCENTRATION CAMP?
Uh, Earth to lib/dem/soc/ commies. This isn’t a concentration camp…
This, however, IS.
As is this…
And This…
Oh, and keep this in mind. Those “original” concentration camps weren’t devised by Bush or Cheney or Halliburton. They were devised by Hitler. A political SOCIALIST.
Thanks Doc for the timely history lesson.
Labels: Words Mean Things
Sometimes posting only serves the blogger's impulse to vent, rant or spew.
Anonymous, at 1:13 PM
Maybe you could spend 6 to 10 hours in a cage with no running water and no bathroom facilities and tell us whether you think your rights have been violated.
rmwarnick, at 2:14 PM
Maybe a little waterboarding is in order. You wanna go first double L? After that, we'll go through all the things Rumsfeld approved of in his "torture memo." We can deprive you of sleep, light, remove your clothes and religious items. We can interrogate you for 24 straight hours and see if you'll confess to be a member of a extremist organization such as the Eagle Forum.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, that you have no recourse if you happen to be innocent. We're just going to keep you here indefinately. I'm sure you won't mind.
Sounds like fun.
Obi wan liberali, at 3:08 PM
Hey Obi, publish your address. There's a nice little jihadi with a bomb vest who wants to pay you a visit.
Kermit, at 8:03 PM
RMW - no running water or toilets? Then how DID those Gitmo guards manage to FLUSH a Koran down that non-existent toilet?
The Lady Logician, at 9:26 PM
I was talking about the Denver cages. Maybe the Gitmo cages are nicer?
rmwarnick, at 10:44 AM
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