Just Another Politian....
A few days ago I received a letter from Barack Obama, pleading that I "rush a generous contribution" to him. I placed the return envelope in my checkbook.
The same evening I got a call from his campaign asking me to door-knock on the weekend. I already had plans but I agreed to future weekends.
Then I requested a lawn sign. The volunteer informed me that I could buy one at campaign headquarters.
Buy one? Purchased in bulk, a two-color lawn sign might cost the Obama campaign $1. I checked the Obama '08 Web site. They offer the budget-conscious supporter a generic 26-by-16-inch sign for $8. For those Obamites into conspicuous consumption, the site advertises a variety of 22-by-15-inch designer signs for $19.99. If this were an oil company, the Democrats would be accusing it of price gouging. As Kurt Vonnegut put it, "So it goes."
The author, a sociology and social professor at Metropolitan State University, did what I probably would have done...he made a few calls. What he found out disillusioned him even more.
I called the Obama '08 Minnesota office for clarification. Media spokesperson Nick Kimball told me it is "generally a policy of the campaign nationally to charge a nominal fee for lawn signs." "An occasional exception might be made for an outstanding volunteer," he added. Kimball later called back to report that "if someone balks at paying for a lawn sign and really wants one, we'll work something out."
Gee, I guess I didn't protest enough.
I contacted Obama's national headquarters and was told that charging for lawn signs compensates for the income lost when Obama rejected contributions from PACs and lobbyists.
Here's what they failed to mention — any revenue lost from those special interests is more than offset by the cash windfall the campaign is accruing from having opted out of public financing.What's wrong with this picture? For a campaign that purports to be a movement, this mercenary marketing strategy is not only hypocritical but also counterproductive. Lawn signs should be an investment, not a revenue stream. Lawn signs are a biennial ritual for partisans and party activists.
Now I have never paid for lawn signs, bumper stickers or campaign buttons in the past. Especially not when I am an active volunteer for the campaign.
So what did Professor Bute learn from his experience.....
So I have learned that even heartfelt allegiances are conditional.
I will write no check nor will I knock on any door until the person answering that door can get a free lawn sign. I urge Obama supporters of conscience to do the same.
I recently spent countless hours writing an op-ed article favorable to Barack Obama. It was a labor of love and a proud contribution to his candidacy. I now realize I was a fool not to have billed my hours to Obama '08.
I will say this again, Senator Barack Obama is not what he is billed. He is NOT the post partisan candidate that he says he is. He is nothing more than a Chicago politician who is more concerned about raising the almighty dollar than anything else.
What is different about Senator Obama is how he has run his campaign. His average campaign donation is still less than $150, which is as grassroots as we've ever seen it in this country. He has organized a literal army of field offices, field organizers, and voter registration campaigns that will extend beyond this election into many to come. Quite arguably, his campaign architecture has changed the way campaigns will be organized permanently, and in a way that allows a larger, more broad coalition of voters and organizations to play a more direct role in the shaping and strategic implementation of policy and direction.
Many try to downplay this, as you have, but doing so only illuminates a lack of vision, and what is important in the process of taking back our government.
Obama is not the perfect candidate (I am still mad as hell for his FISA flip-flop), but refusing to acknowledge the obvious differences goes beyond willing belligerence into a realm of denial already too prevalent in the uninformed voting blocs that allow far to many politicians a back door out of accountability.
Obama's imminent election will not solve all of our countries problems, but it's at least a step in the right direction, moving our system of representation at least a smidge closer to actual representation and voter engagement no other candidate has offered in this cycle.
Call it what you want, but suggesting it's not different is intentional ignorance.
Jason The, at 2:11 AM
a literal army of field offices, field organizers, and voter registration campaigns
All to support a fraud who changed positions more often than a Nevada whore.
You think Obama's election will bring "actual representation"? Just remember the "hard work" and "pain" your Messiah is going to expect from you. Voter engagement. Heh.
Kermit, at 9:26 AM
Yes, all of those small contributors... Who just happen to send their contributions in over the internet from servers in Iran, Pakistan, China, etc. Many of them within minutes of one another.
"Taking back the government?" Obama will make the government so large and intrusive that you will NEVER get it back. He is a socialist, that's what socialists do.
J. Ewing
Anonymous, at 10:39 AM
This is some great reporting Ladylo. Very original. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, at 10:47 AM
Jason - you are correct this is new in that he is charging for lawn signs where every one else gives them away!
The Lady Logician, at 11:09 AM
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