Ladies Logic

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Open Mouth...

As phenomenal as Hillary Clinton has been (for Barack Obama) the same can not be said of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Her open feud with the Catholic Church on abortion seems to be the final straw for the Obama Campaign (HT Gary Gross).

The Obama campaign has asked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to shut her mouth, but in as nice a way as they possibly can. That isn't to say they aren't mad about her recent activities.

"It's like 'Thanks, madam speaker, you've done quite enough. Please move along,'" says one Obama adviser. "She got us stuck on three different issues that we wanted no part of. She's no master strategist, no matter what she may believe. You may see more of her, but if her mouth is open, what comes out won't be anything that our campaign wants anything to do with.

Emphasis mine! It seems that the Speaker's ego has threatened to overshadow the Presidential nominee's ego.

According to several House Democrat leadership staffers, Pelosi grew increasingly angry several months ago that she was not being given a strategic role in directing the Democrat convention or being actively sought out by the Obama campaign for advice. "She made a point that she was queen of the far left, which was the group that really helped Obama get to where he was," says Democrat leadership staffer, adding, "She didn't call herself a queen, but you get the point, and so did the Obama people."
Emphasis again mine. Now having an ego is a necessity for a politician - especially a politician that wants to be President. However, Speaker Pelosi has to recognize that she is not the one with the power that she craves. Barack Obama is....

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