Media Tougher On...
CBS News posted a wide ranging interview with Mark Penn over the weekend. While they did indeed cover a lot of ground in this interview, I wanted to focus on one particular part of the interview here.
Emphasis mine. The media swarm on Alaska (which I hear rivaled the late August mosquito swarms and were just as welcome) only managed to dig up the fact that when Sarah Palin took office she (gasp) fired the appointees of her predecessor who just happened to be a tiny bit corrupt and hire people she knew and trusted! Of course that didn't prevent some of them from breathlessly implying that there was something to be concerned about.
While I would caution that you take a lot of what Penn says at face value (he is a long time adviser to both former President Clinton and Senator Clinton) it is still one of those interviews that you should read in its entirety because it offers a lot of insight into this leg of the campaign. Your former colleague Howard Wolfson argued that you all unintentionally paved the way for Palin by exposing some of the unfair media coverage that Hillary Clinton received. And, therefore, a lot of the media may now be treating Sarah Palin with kid gloves. Do you agree with that?
Mark Penn: Well, no, I think the people themselves saw unfair media coverage of Senator Clinton. I think if you go back, the polls reflected very clearly what "Saturday Night Live" crystallized in one of their mock debates about what was happening with the press.
I think here the media is on very dangerous ground. I think that when you see them going through every single expense report that Governor Palin ever filed, if they don't do that for all four of the candidates, they're on very dangerous ground. I think the media so far has been the biggest loser in this race. And they continue to have growing credibility problems.
And I think that that's a real problem growing out of this election. The media now, all of the media — not just Fox News, that was perceived as highly partisan — but all of the media is now being viewed as partisan in one way or another. And that is an unfortunate development. So you think the media is being uniquely tough on Palin now?
Mark Penn: Well, I think that the media is doing the kinds of stories on Palin that they're not doing on the other candidates. And that's going to subject them to people concluding that they're giving her a tougher time. Now, the media defense would be, "Yeah, we looked at these other candidates who have been in public life at an earlier time."
What happened here very clearly is that the controversy over Palin led to 37 million Americans tuning into a vice-presidential speech, something that is unprecedented, because they wanted to see for themselves. This is an election in which the voters are going to decide for themselves. The media has lost credibility with them.
Emphasis mine. The media swarm on Alaska (which I hear rivaled the late August mosquito swarms and were just as welcome) only managed to dig up the fact that when Sarah Palin took office she (gasp) fired the appointees of her predecessor who just happened to be a tiny bit corrupt and hire people she knew and trusted! Of course that didn't prevent some of them from breathlessly implying that there was something to be concerned about.
While I would caution that you take a lot of what Penn says at face value (he is a long time adviser to both former President Clinton and Senator Clinton) it is still one of those interviews that you should read in its entirety because it offers a lot of insight into this leg of the campaign.
Labels: Media Bias
I don't know if I can remember a vice presidential pick that has so completely changed the outlook of a presidential race as this one has.
Democrats are putting on a front of being happy Palin is the nominee, and looking forward to debates and interviews and such, but they have to know that they are losing the race now, and it's largely because of Palin. Right?
And what the interview you posted shows is that the more the Obama campaign and the press treat her unfairly, the more people will like her.
This is why I've been pushing this as a brilliant VP pick since the get-go. What an exciting couple of months this is going to be!
Cameron, at 8:43 AM
Maybe the Drive Bys aren't eating enough meat and their brains have shrunk. :)
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM
Mark Penn? Hillary should have fired that incompetent crook.
BTW Palin is a gift to the Obama campaign that keeps on giving. She repeated her Bridge to Nowhere lie for the tenth time today.
The media narrative now says the McCain campaign is entirely based on lies. Palin really helped highlight that issue.
rmwarnick, at 1:36 PM
While Obama has but one overarching lie: "Change you can believe in".
Keep running against Palin. It's obviously doing The One so much good. Heh heh heh.
Kermit, at 4:09 PM
Been watching the polls Kermit? Heh. Keep watching. I predict Palin becomes the anchor, not the balloon. I've been wrong before, but I won't be this time.
And Mark Penn is almost as big of a hack as Palin herself. Nice company you use as sourcing.
This is how a true conservative, caring about the future of the GOP reacts to Palin: Rationally.
I may be a liberal myself, but I come from a long line of conservatives, and have a lot of respect for traditional conservative ideology. Propping Palin up as anything but incompetent, and a mockery of what it means to be qualified to lead our country makes a mockery of the GOP, and true conservatives still hungry for a real candidate. I no doubt anticipate (and relish) an Obama win this fall, but I am realistic enough to know that even my own party should not enjoy power unchecked by a challenging party. That Palin was good enough to symbolize the leadership the GOP has to offer up does not speak well of the direction the GOP is headed. Convservatives with vision need to reclaim the party.
Shorter version: Get real.
Jason The, at 9:47 PM
And Mark Penn is almost as big of a hack as Palin herself.
And Slow Joe Biden asked a man in a wheelchair to "Stand up so everyone can see you".
Obama: judgement we can believe in.
Kermit, at 4:24 PM
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