Chicago Politics - A Primer
Regardless of his background, it was never a problem for anyone — including Republicans and Chicago's most powerful business leaders — to work with Ayers on Chicago's public schools. In fact, Ayers is widely respected in the field of urban education.
"It was never a concern by any of us in the Chicago school reform movement that he had led a fugitive life years earlier," said former Illinois state Republican Rep. Diana Nelson, who worked with both Obama and Ayers over the years. [...]
"I don't remember ever hearing anyone raise concerns or questions or concerns about [Ayers'] background," says Anne Hallett, who has worked closely with Ayers on the Annenberg Challenge grant and with Obama on education and other community and legislative matters. "And that included everybody I was engaged with," including prominent Republicans and corporate and civic leaders in Chicago, Hallett adds.
Why do Chicago Republicans hate America?
Unless you have grown up with Chicago politics (which I have) it is a hard duck to fully understand. You don't fully appreciate how much a political "machine" has over every day life if you have never had to work with one. Chicago has the mother of all political machines and it is and has been run for over 60 years by one family - the Daley family. Now Mayor Richard M. (Ritchie) Daley is not the hard core progressive that the majority of Democrats today are. He is the last of the Scoop Jackson/JFK/Richard J. Daley Democratic Party. Because of that, the Progressives and the Republicans all have to put aside a lot, if they ever want to get something done in the City of Chicago. Once Bill Ayers got the Richard M. Daley stamp of approval, the local Republicans had no choice but to work with him in order to get things done. That is what happens when you control a city as thoroughly as the Daley family does.
The difference between former state Rep. Nelson and Senator Obama is that Rep. Nelson is NOT applying to run the US Military in the global war on terror where Senator Obama is. Rep. Nelson also admits that Bill Ayers is more than just "some guy from the neighborhood" where Senator Obama has not. These kinds of associations in a state legislator are local a national leader they can be deadly (politically). It is not a matter of "hating America" as it is a matter of judgment - something that the President of the United States of America needs on a daily basis. There will be times when the only thing between the US and war IS the President's judgment. So I think it is more than fair for the voters in the US to know exactly what kind of judgment Senator Barack Obama has. Don't you?
Labels: Senator Barack Obama
Yes, but unfortunately voters can't find that out because Wingers won't shut up about the Ayers connection.
Let's make it simple for you.
He served on a board with him. He attended a meet and greet set up by him.
End of story, and no one cares. This is a distraction from real issues (and seriously, two posts on this in one day? Sean Hannity overdose this week or something?). You can go on and on about the importance of this, but sticking your head in the sand on the polls and the reaction voters are having to this gets you nowhere. The reality is, no one cares about the Ayers connection, and the negative attacks are hurting McCain more than they are helping him.
The idiocy of this, from a purely strategic point of view, even if I pretend for a moment I, like you, want McCain in the White House, is impossible to ignore. It's not working. Perhaps it's time to move on.
Jason The, at 10:51 PM
Thanks for writing your insider peak on Chicago politics. I'm just off to read Part 2, but I wanted to say something before doing so:
Since when do Parties take advice on how to run their presidential campaign from their opponents?
Spare us the lectures, tips and hints on what the American public should hear, and how we should conduct an election.
For a Party which has had only 3 Democrats re-elected to a second term in ALLL of the 20th century, it ill behooves you to be cocky.
Try electing a guy into the White House again, like you couldn't even do against a polarising figure like George W. Bush, and then we might sit up and take your advice.
See you in November. Until then, we'll take the fight to you good and hard.
vbspurs, at 9:00 PM
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