There is no single issue that is having a greater impact on our family budgets, our nations economy, and our national security than our dependence on foreign oil. America currently consumes 20 million barrels of foreign oil per day, 70% of of which is for automobiles. America must move towards greater energy independence. We must invest in clean energy; this includes the next generation of biofuels and development of commercial scale renewable energy. We need to double our efforts in science and research funding for energy projects that include biomass, solar and wind resources. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in 20 years, wind can generate 20% of the U.S. electricity supply. It would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 25% while creating half a million new American jobs.
We must continue to find new ways to: reduce carbon emissions; develop cleaner coal technology, and digital smart grids that could be used not only in America but also throughout the world. We must support and provide incentives to the development of more fuel-efficient vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and transportation that uses alternatives to gasoline. A mass transportation system for Utah County is critical in reducing congestion throughout the county and providing citizens with an alternative form or transportation.
I support developing oil shale in Utah. Here in the west we are sitting on 1.8 trillion barrels of oil from oil shale. We can ease our dependence on foreign oil while creating jobs at home.
For the most part, I do agree with everything he said except for the one big whole in the policy.....DRILLING. There is no mention of drilling anywhere. However in radio and television interviews during August's "Don't Go" debates, Mr. Spencer made it clear that "we can't drill our way out of this crisis". At both the Sutherland Institutes bloggers debate and the UVU debate last week (both of which happened in September after a month of voter outrage over the Democrats stalling on the subject) Spencer had this to say:
Question: ...Your proposal for relief at the pump says nothing about drilling for more domestic oil. Why not drill offshore and in Alaska now?Mr. Spencer:"Drill everywhere...I say...I think we have to make sure that the oil stays in the United States for part of it and we can't say, 'Well, because it goes on the open market that's part of our free trade policy.' It's not free to subsidize the oil companies so what do we benefit from this? China's putting 1500 cars a day on the road. By the time we get oil in ANWR, China will have more cars than we have. So we've gained nothing. But I think drilling, we have to have the incentive that we have a comprehensive energy policy so that we're not going to drill our way out of this problem. But I guarantee you talk to oil executives and every drop you drill out of ANWR is going to go on the open market, and this country may not even see a drop."
Emphasis mine. It seems to me that there is a discrepancy between the official position found on his website and the position that he holds in debates where the public is watching. One must wonder why the discrepancy in positions. Is it because he honestly changed his mind on the issue? If that is the case why hasn't the official policy on the website been changed? Maybe it is because he really does not believe that drilling, combined with other energy sources that include wind and solar and conservation and shale, will really make a difference? If that is the case then why does the candidate not say what he truly believes? Is it because he knows that it is not politically expedient to admit? Maybe it is simply that Mr. Spencer does not have a passion for an issue that hits all Americans hard in the wallet every single day! Maybe he just does not care that this country is sending $700 billion dollars a day to foreign countries who don't like us much...that Utahans are hurting financially because of the high cost of gasoline in Utah. Maybe it is just not his priority.....
Well high gas prices (and the high price of food and everything else that is shipped here) are a priority for every middle and lower class family in the state. Every dollar that goes to pay for gasoline and diesel costs are taken away from things like mortgages and other necessities. Representatives Bishop and Matheson get it....why doesn't Mr. Spencer?
Labels: Bennion Spencer, Jason Chaffetz
It's pretty simple, actually. A trained monkey could figure it out. Bennion believes we should drill everywhere, because, well, we have to do what we can. But he also believes we can't drill our way out of the energy crisis, which we can't. Glad I could help you out on this one. So sad to see the mentally challenge struggle so with the issues.
Anonymous, at 5:51 PM
So you, as a trained monkey, are saying that he honestly changed his mind? Fair enough but then why not change his official campaign website with an explanation for the change in policy.
I mean if a trained monkey can figure out that it was an honest change of heart.....
The Lady Logician, at 6:48 PM
Politicians can be so two-faced. What they don't seem to realize is that we are craving honesty and guts in Washington and elsewhere. They may never wake up until it is too late. That doesn't mean we shouldn't warn them. Thanks for this post!
tsh, at 3:47 PM
I so appreciate Jason Chaffetz taking a firm, clear and passionate stand about energy independence. Chaffetz also brings to the forefront the real reason we need to be more aggressive in developing our resources - national security. Thanks for posting.
Anonymous, at 6:55 PM
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