I paid very close attention to President elect Obama's press conference when he stressed that HE had not had discussions with the Governor's office. Although I have to admit one thing. In a conversation with my good friend Gary Gross, Rahm Emmanuel's name came up and I stated that I thought he was too smart to get caught up in something this stupid. It appears I was woefully wrong.
Then came the this post by my good friend (and fellow Chicago escapee) Rick Moran who dug up an old interview with David Axelrod (the man behind the Obama campaign). The subject of the interview was the Fitzgerald investigation into Chicago political corruption.
Then in 2005, the Chicago Sun Times broke a fairly routine scandal involving the use of (or, in this case, the non-use) of city trucks – contracts to politically connected (and sometimes mobbed up) trucking firms that paid millions of dollars for little or no work. The city was entertained for weeks with stories of bribes being paid by city employees to steer truck contracts to specific firms, ghost payrolling, lolligagging truckers drawing taxpayer monies for going golfing, and other examples of extraordinary venality on the part of city politicians.
Once Fitzy got involved, the investigation expanded to include the entire patronage system in Chicago. And what prosecutors found was simply astonishing; 30 city pols who routinely violated the patronage law by doctoring documents to show interviews with candidates that never happened, resume tampering, and other fraudulent actions all to get loyal campaign workers city jobs. Fitzy’s investigation eventually reached deep into Daley’s office as two of his closest aides – including his patronage chief Robert Sorich – were convicted in the case.
Here’s how it worked:
In February 2005 a grand jury indicted Sorich for devising a scheme to “provide financial benefits, in the form of city jobs and promotions, in exchange for campaign work.” As part of this scheme, it charged, Sorich and other officials “corrupted the city’s personnel process” by awarding “jobs and promotions” to preselected candidates “through sham and rigged interviews.”At the Sorich trial Kozicki, then in the buildings department, testified that as managing deputy commissioner he had altered 19-year-old Andrew Ryan’s interview rating to ensure that Ryan scored high enough to get a building inspector’s job for which other applicants were more qualified. Andrew Ryan is the son of Tom Ryan, secretary-treasurer of Carpenters Local 13, a union that was a major financial contributor to Daley’s 2003 reelection campaign.
And Axelrod? Here’s what the new Senior Advisor to the President had to say about it: back in 2006:As Axelrod has said, a too-zealous prosecutor can look at normal political behavior and suspect impropriety. In a 2006 Vanity Fair interview, the Obama aide complained about Fitzgerald’s scrutiny of Chicago politics.“He goes after fleas and elephants with the same bazooka,” Axelrod said. “At some point there’s a line … where you begin criminalizing politics in its most innocent form.”
Emphasis mine. Graft in Chicago has long been a practiced art form. Those that are good at it (the first Mayor Daley comes to mind) never put themselves in a place where they could get caught. Oh sure you could see that there was "something" going on there, but there was never enough there to warrant prosecution. Take a look at Paul Powell. There were multiple investigations into his corruption but nothing stuck and it was not until he died that we learned the depths of his corruption
That is, to me, the thing that makes this whole thing with Governor Blagojevich so laughable. It was the ham-handed nature with which he did business. It was the brazen nature of his corruption that gives pause. It was almost as if Governor Blagojevich wanted to get caught.
I still don't know what impact this will have on Team Obama, but if there are many more ties to this scandal in his transition team it may make his first hundred days in office very uncomfortable.
Labels: Rod Blagojevich, Senator Barack Obama
The Lady's hopefulness is palpable. Yet the closest you can come to Obama is that an advisor criticized Fitzgerald two years ago?
In the meantime, Fox News is saying this:
Citing "a source familiar with the investigation," Fox says that Emanuel had "multiple conversations" with Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris, who was also arrested Tuesday on federal corruption charges, about the seat and that they we're "likely recorded and in FBI possession."
Fox's source said that Emanuel gave the governor's office a list of "candidates that would be acceptable to President-elect Barack Obama" but no "quid pro quo" or "dealmaking" is suspected.
It's to be expected that Obama would make recommendations for candidates. Do you think Bush and the Republican party haven't made their wishes known too? And where is the crime if there's no quid pro quo?
Bekkieann, at 7:01 PM
Bekkieann - talk about reading something where nothing is....where did I say there was a quid pro quo? I am merely pointing out that President Elect Obama is surrounded by guys that think that this kind of graft is AOK.....
The Lady Logician, at 7:22 PM
That's my point, LL, the whole "Connections" post seems to be trying to make a connection, but never quite does.
Bekkieann, at 10:10 PM
So because he is not connected to the crime, it's ok to be connected to criminals? Does that mean if I go back through your archives I will find posts defending Tom DeLay (for example)?
I thought it was the whole appearance of impropriety that we were concerned about? Or does that only apply to Republican politicians?
The Lady Logician, at 3:56 PM
I don't think there is an appearance of impropriety if Obama's connection to Bloggy is more like 6 Degrees to Kevin Bacon.
But I think I've made my point and you've made yours. So I'll let you have the last word, if you wish.
I do want to offer condolences for the loss of your father-in-law. It's sad to lose a family member anytime, but especially during the holidays. I do wish you and your family comfort as you deal with this loss.
Bekkieann, at 6:20 PM
The only "six degrees" you are going to find at this rate are six degrees of corruption. The LATEST shoe to drop is Governor Richardson being under investigation.....
That leads to two questions. 1) How many more tainted appointees are out there and 2)WHO IS VETTING THESE PEOPLE??? This is really getting crazy!
The Lady Logician, at 8:07 PM
Oh or maybe Carol Browner who destroyed computer files that the government was required to keep.
One really wonders if he is this snake-bit, this inept or this crooked?
The Lady Logician, at 8:26 PM
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