Camille Paglia On The Return To The "Fairness Doctrine"
Camille Paglia is the prototypical 1960's "hippie chick". Reading her bio is a blast back to the days of the origins of a movement that has become legend. Allahpundit at HA has a link to an interview with Ms. Paglia on the subject of the Democrats renewed call for the "Fairness Doctrine" that is essential radio.
Some key quotes....
Go listen to the whole thing. Ms. Paglia speaks a lot of wisdom in this interview.
Some key quotes....
"I don't get it, I don't get it...ok...the essence of the 1960' generation was about FREE SPEECH...that's what Lenny Bruce was about...
The Democrats, they've, they've totally betrayed the soul of the party to even mention this...
Every true liberal Democrat should be speaking up in defense of talk radio.
It's's immature for people of one political party to try to squelch and erase, okay, the thoughts of another, okay, in fact it strengthens any party to hear, you know, an opposite view....
Go listen to the whole thing. Ms. Paglia speaks a lot of wisdom in this interview.
Labels: Fairness Doctrine
Ah yes. How great it is that you can finally save us from a program long ened, never re-proposed, not supported by the President, under no serious consideration, and never likely to be put in place again. Go team!
We would also like to thank you for your concerted attempts to keep us safe from the non-existent threat of land sharks. You seem to be the one element saving us from that evil as well.
And as for Paglia? Molly Ivins put it best: "One fashionable line of response to Paglia is to claim that even though she may be fundamentally off-base, she has 'flashes of brilliance.' If so, I missed them in her oceans of swill."
Anonymous, at 12:00 PM
More than one Democrat US Senator has called for "looking into" reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.
Someone seems to be uncomfortable with their new role as Thought Police.
Kermit, at 3:09 PM
Never supported by the President eh anony?????
Even David Axelrod says it's a possibility....
If it is not a possibility why won't the Obama ADMINISTRATION come out and answer the questions?
But of course we should believe him. After all, he has not gone back on his campaign promises of transparency and getting completely out of Iraq in 16 months and ending rendition and closing Gitmo IMMEDIATELY and.....
Denial - it's not just a river in Egypt.....
The Lady Logician, at 6:10 PM
Administration says again: Obama opposes bringing back the 'fairness doctrine'
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM
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