Contrast the following three headlines:
Sidelined GOP seen as a goal of Democrats
Democrats to start without GOP input
Democrats to tackle modest proposals
Now since when is silencing your opponents a "modest proposal? And the newspapers wonder why we don't trust them and why their readership is falling....
Sidelined GOP seen as a goal of Democrats
Democrats to start without GOP input
Democrats to tackle modest proposals
Now since when is silencing your opponents a "modest proposal? And the newspapers wonder why we don't trust them and why their readership is falling....
Actually, Pelosi and company WROTE the "minority rights" proposal a few years ago. From yesterday's Washington Post:
"Today, a group of GOP lawmakers is scheduled to propose a "Minority Bill of Rights," based on Democratic language written in 2004, which would guarantee the minority the right to offer amendments or substitutes to bills..."
What did the GOP do with the letter? Ignored it. Payback's a bitch, isn't it?
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
Well that is true anonymous, but the Republicans did NOT campaign on making this the most ethical, honest, open, anti-the last 12 years of Republican majority! The Democrats did and they are already going back on their word.
The Lady Logician, at 7:29 PM
They haven't gone back on anything. Being ethical, honest and open REQUIRES that the Republicans be kept out of all decision making whatsoever, so they're simply setting the stage for what they promised.
Anonymous, at 10:46 PM
Uh tell me, William Jefferson ...$90 in bribe money in his freezer...are you telling me he is a Republican? Jack Murtha - unindicted co-conspirator in ABSCAM....Republican too?
By your logic only the Republicans are ethically challenged and we know for a fact that is not the case.
The Lady Logician, at 1:00 PM
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