Live Blogging the Veto Over Ride Vote
12:40 and there is much chanting and shouting from the gallery. I can't make out what is being said so if anyone reading this is there and can shoot me an update I would appreciate it. A lot of legislators are filing in so maybe something will start soon.
12:57 and we're gaveled to order!
12:58 - ok I thought Friday's prayer was a multicultural liberal rant.....YIKES.
1:06 Communication from the Governor - the over-ride has been read and Rep. Lieder brings HF2800 back to the floor for reconsideration. They're starting off with a bang.
1:08 - Rep. Lieder starts off with the lie that this is a "safe roads" bill and a bill that "strikes a balance between rural and metro". Gary and Drew and everyone else at True North who has covered this has already exposed this as a lie so I will leave that off.
For clarification - a green vote is a vote to approve Rep. Lieder's motion to over-ride the veto and a red vote is to sustain the veto.
The first speaker is Gary's adopted rep - Steve Gottwalt. He re-iterated that this bill was not a compromise as there has been no discussion with the Governor on transportation and no consideration of the minority report.
Rep Severson (Sauk Rapids) got up and spoke about a constituent of his that called him to tell him about how this bill would kill his limited income because he has to drive from Sauk Rapids to Rochester to the Mayo Clinic two times a week. He talks about all of the pork that is in this bill, the bike trails (Sue covered this yesterday) and urged that the members vote red on the bill.
Rep. Hortman got up and said that this was a compromise bill - after all Rep. Earhart wrote part of it....need I say any more?
Rep. Buesgens is speaking now about compromise again. He said that the Legislatures version of compromise was compromise between people who want to take a whole LOT from the people and those who want to take less. He called it a compromise of thieves! He said that if there was real compromise in this bill then there would be spending cuts to match the taxes increased. Mark is on fire today - he mentions that foreclosures are tripling and that people are on unemployment and barely squeaking by and yet there is talk of taxing them even more! He said that the lobbyists who are bellying up to the trough are the ones who are guaranteed to make millions off of this bill while the people of Minnesota will be working even harder in order to keep the trough full!
Rep Abler spoke next about how that he was not lonely over this weekend and that he had over 800 emails most of them decrying the bill. He said that we "don't understand" the bill. Well Rep. Abler - why don't you try living my life and then tell me how I "don't understand" how your bill is going to steal food from my family! Rep. Abler is taking Jason Lewis to task. He also took Phil Krinkie and bloggers to task - saying that we are only telling part of the story. He chastises us to "tell the whole story". We are telling the story that YOU refuse to tell Rep. Abler.....maybe YOU should tell the whole story. He asks "have you forgotten that a bridge fell in Minneapolis?" How can we forget when we have unscrupulous politicians campaigining on it sir? He said he has been asked "what about your career?" and that no one in the chamber considers it a career. If that is the case why have the Legislature been in committee every day since last year's session was gaveled out of session?
Rep. Wardlow is up next telling about his weekend. He mentioned that he heard from many of his constituents on this bill - everyday people struggling to make ends meet thanked him for voting against the transportation bill. He also brings up the lack of referendum on the sales tax increase in the metro. He asks "why do outstate residents get a chance at a referendum and the metro does not?"
Rep Olson is talking about an email that he got on the life of a democracy - how a democracy is doomed once people realize that they can vote themselves other peoples money (to see the whole thing go to Anti-Strib). These are serious times that we live in Rep. Olson says - we can not afford to be raising taxes in a time of economic uncertainty.
Rep. Holberg - what we pass matters! Amen to that. She also brings forward the lie that this is for roads because the money (in the Madore amendment) was taken out of roads while transit dollars stayed the same when the sales tax was reduced!
I'm starting to feel a little sorry for Rep. Hortman, she seems to be the only one who is willing to stand up and DEFEND this pig of a bill! Every time there is a criticism of the bill, she is the one that gets to recite the DFL spin on the issue.
Rep. Wenstrom - this will take a lot of money out of family budgets and small business budgets if this bill passes. We need to be better stewards of the PEOPLES money. There needs to be reform of how the money is spent! There isn't enough money in our family and small business budgets to pay for all of these taxes. A year and a half ago - I didn't hear anyone campaigning on raising taxes. They all said we could live within our means....
Rep. Demmer is echoing Rep. Nornes and Rep. Olson when he said that transportation spending is not a high priority for his contituents - not like housing and the economy. He talks about how the Federal Government is giving money BACK to the taxpayers while the MN Legislature is busy taking it away! He called this a Christmas Tree bill....I like that! He said that he read a quote from Thomas Jefferson in his local paper that sums this all up...."When Government is big enough to give us everything that we want it is big enough to take it all away!" We all know that a transportation bill that works on ROADS AND BRIDGES and maybe looks at transit is needed but in a time of economic trouble like we are facing now, we need to look at priorities! People come up and aske me about the "Gas tax bill"...if constituents do not understand what the bill is IT IS OUR FAULT!
Rep. Berns said that a compromise would be one where everyone was unhappy and I think he has it down....
Rep. Hortman got up again and Rep. Buesgens brings up a point of order asking whether Rep. Hortman is able to rise to speak again (this is her 4th time up) stating that according to Mason's Rules, a speaker was only allowed to speak on an issue twice. Rep. Kelliher has deferred the ruling saying that it is clearly within the rights if it the member is a part of the drafting of the bill which Rep. Hortman is a co-author of.
Rep. Hortman claimed that this bill would only cost families $126.00 a year. Rep. Emmer got up and slammed that back at her saying that by the DFL's own numbers this bill will cost every man, woman and child in the state of Minnesota $126.00 a year. He also slapped at Rep. Sertich's claims that the bill will create 33,000 jobs when it came out in committee that this job will only create eleven hundred full time construction jobs! He said that it will create temporary jobs, but nothing permanent. Rep. Emmer is now asking each of the freshman members (individually) if they campaigned on raising taxes and neither one of them would answer the question directly. Shelly Madore DID say that she would vote to raise taxes because a bridge fell and people died!
Rep. Seifert - there is some agreement here today. There is agreement between the liberal media, the DFL and the special interests agree to stick it to the poor and middle income citizens in Minnesota! Say one thing do another...campaign as moderates, pass the largest tax increase in the states history - but the people will be fooled no longer.
VOTING - 91 Ayes and 41 nays the veto is over-ridden. Look for updates on who turned to follow.
Labels: MN Legislature, Roads and Bridges
Rep. Tom Emmer for Governor, this guy is outstanding. Finally a Republican willing to take off the gloves.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
Unreal, they raised my taxes again, even in a bonding year. I am placing my home for sale this spring and moving from this state. I've had it.
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM
Be sure to get a list of the Senate (R) who voted for this also
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM
Will do Anon. Of course - another discussion to be had is why in heavens name was Governor Pawlenty in DC while this vote was being taken????? We do need to hold him accountable as well....
The Lady Logician, at 6:50 PM
The gang of six in the house:
1. 48b Abeler
2. 41a Ehardt
3. 22b Hamilton
4. 13a Heidgerken
5. 41b Peterson
6. 49b Tingelstad
The Senate had a couple as well.
Go to the state GOP website for the telephone numbers of these fine politicians to thank them for raising our taxes yet again. I have called all six at their offices. I may thank them at their home telephone numbers as well. Vote for a rhino, expect a socialist.
A 45B Conservative.
Anonymous, at 8:01 PM
AAA has the Senate R's who bolted.....
It was Dille and Frederickson...
The Lady Logician, at 10:11 PM
It is great to see that Rep Tinglestad did not get her party's endorsement at the convention this weekend.
Someone in Bloomington's District 41B who is a delegate can do the same thing to Rep Neil Peterson on March 8th. You need to make a motion from the floor not to endorse anyone at the convention. It needs a second and then a vote by the delegates. When there is no challenger, it is way to send a message to the gang of 6 that their votes to override are not appreciated and they will not get Republican party endorsements.
My rep Ron Erhardt is being challenged by Keith Downey for the Republican endorsement on March 8th, as well. Keith is a great conservative Republican candidate, see Since Ron could not be convinced to retire, it comes none to early to kick this RINO out. Unfortuneately, every tax the DFL can come up with will be raised in this session and the water will be carried by Ron.
Make your voices heard at your district conventions. It is not a party to celebrate Republican victories if we are getting our butts kicked. Let your district reps and candidates know how upset you are.
twice blessed, at 10:25 PM
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