Ladies Logic

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A House Divided

I imagine that this story will be of cold comfort to my friends in the MNGOP.

The House is on fire, and Republican factions are busy dousing each other in gasoline.

Long-running feuds and tension in the Utah House of Representatives have erupted recently in name-calling, ethical charges and countercharges, and claims of retribution and character assassination.

I say cold comfort because it shows that the infighting that we have been seeing for the last couple of years in Minnesota are not an anomoly. Sadly though, this infighting does not show any sign of abating any time soon. Especially when you have people like Chris Cannon saying things like this about the party and party leadership.

Rep. Chris Cannon is angry.

Not at the voters who tossed him from his 12-year perch, but at the Republican leaders and those vocal few hammering on about earmarks and lobbing stinging criticism at their own party members. While he says he's not bitter, Cannon argues that some Republicans are tearing apart the Grand Old Party.

"I'm angry at Republican leadership and I'm angry at the people who have demeaned the political process by claiming corruption," Cannon said during an interview this week.

Sound familiar Minnesota? It should...

Again, the people speaking out, whether it be the voters themselves or the grassroots volunteers in the county and state organizations, who felt that the politicians have quit representing them are the ones at fault....not the politician! It is frustrating to no end for the grass roots workers to be this roundly ignored day in and day out and we are the ones at fault for daring to speak out against it Rep. Abeler and Rep. Cannon. You don't get it do serve at the pleasure of the voters - we don't serve you. That is the lesson that you need to take to heart here!

Here is a radical thought for everyone....let's get back to doing what is right for the COUNTRY and the STATE. I mean that is what we elect you to do...not line your pockets or spend other peoples money. Do what is best for the state and the country and we will all get along a little better. If we don't agree about "what is best" you should be able (with all of your years in the Legislature) to articulate your position better than just saying "you're not from my district go away!". We can and should be able to discuss that with our legislators - shouldn't we?

What do you say? Can ya do it?

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