Oh No She Didn't!
SAWYER: And last night we heard the Democrats say that on key issues in this complex new globe that Barack Obama has been right and John McCain has been wrong. Your reaction?
PAWLENTY: Well, my goodness it's amazing that we're three days into the Democratic Convention and 60 or so days away from the actual election and they're still trying to plead with the American people or convince us that Barack Obama is ready to be president. The fact of the matter, he is not. President Clinton had 12 years as governor as an executive and commander in chief of the National Guard before he became president and Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden all said during the primary season Barack Obama was not ready. Bill Clinton called it a roll of the dice. Joe Biden said he wasn't ready for the job as did Hillary Clinton and so for them to now say he's ready with great enthusiasm is quite hypocritical at least inconsistent with what they said previously. As to Senator Biden and Senator Obama's judgment, the record is replete with the fact they've made a lot of errors in judgment and John McCain has been a steady hand on the throttle.
SAWYER: But on the questions of resume, you know, some Democrats have said you're the same age as Barack Obama. You've been governor for just two years. You were in the state legislature. He was in the state legislature. Does this raise questions about your qualifications to be a heartbeat away from commander in chief?
PAWLENTY: Well, setting aside the issue of vice president, Diane, I've been governor for six years and commander in chief of the Minnesota National Guard for six years. When I was in the legislature I was also majority leader and did a variety of other things. But the questions continue to be, what have you done and what have you run? His accomplishments are nonexistent or essentially nonexistent and he hasn't run anything. He hasn't been an executive or been in charge of anything and lastly, the big problem or one of the big problems facing our country is the ability to work across party lines and get things done. John McCain actually has a record in that regard. Barack Obama does not. He has good oratory but when you shut the teleprompter off there's not much else there.
Emphasis mine.
For "journalists" they sure are doing a shoddy job of researching! I mean really - how could they mistake a two term governor for a two year governor? It is simply unconscionable that they could go into an interview like this!
If Tim Pawlenty is John McCain's VP pick and this is the best that the Democrats can come up with to ding him on, especially when the Democrats are bent on self-destruction, well shoot it may not be so glum of a year for Republicans after all.
Labels: Governor Pawlenty
hear, hear! Sawyer should fire her research assistant.
A NON Y Mouse, at 11:11 AM
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