Rock Star!
Remember this John McCain ad? It was put out (in part) as a reaction to the cult of personality that has sprung up around barack Obama after his European tour, among other things. The reactions (and denunciations) that came from the Obama Campaign were heated. So why is it Senator Obama (and his campaign) continue to do things that perpetuate that celebrity/rock star perception?
Emphasis mine. Senior Democrats are concerned about the whole thing.... well they should be. The campaign seems determined to undermine (at every possible opportunity) to hand deliver ammunition to the McCain campaign. I mean what better way to say "I'm not a rock star" than to deliver your acceptance speech in a football stadium on a set designed by Britney Spears set designers! I wish I were kidding, but I am not.
If there was ever further evidence needed (especially after Wednesday's speech) that the Democrats picked the wrong candidate to be their nominee this just might be it.
UPDATE: It gets better. Apparently a replica of AF1 is being brought in for the speech tonight!
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.
The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.
Emphasis mine. Senior Democrats are concerned about the whole thing....
Senior Democratic officials are expressing serious concerns about the political risks posed by Barack Obama’s acceptance speech at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium Thursday evening.
From the elaborate stagecraft to the teeming crowd of 80,000 cheering partisans, the vagaries of the weather to the unpredictable audience reaction, the optics surrounding the stadium event have heightened worries that the Obama campaign is engaging in a high-risk endeavor in an uncontrollable environment.
A common concern: that the stadium appearance plays against Obama’s convention goal of lowering his star wattage and connecting with average Americans and that it gives Republicans a chance to drive home their message that the Democratic nominee is a narcissistic celebrity candidate. well they should be. The campaign seems determined to undermine (at every possible opportunity) to hand deliver ammunition to the McCain campaign. I mean what better way to say "I'm not a rock star" than to deliver your acceptance speech in a football stadium on a set designed by Britney Spears set designers! I wish I were kidding, but I am not.
If there was ever further evidence needed (especially after Wednesday's speech) that the Democrats picked the wrong candidate to be their nominee this just might be it.
UPDATE: It gets better. Apparently a replica of AF1 is being brought in for the speech tonight!
It all reminds me of a bit of Biblical wisdom....something about pride and a big fall...But his grandiose style lends itself to accusations of hubris – the Greek word for pride before the fall - and he was advised to keep last night simple as he made an impassionaed call for change.
Presidential image: A full-scale replica of Air Force One fuselage arrives at Invesco Field before Mr Obama speaks
Let's face reality, shall we? The biggest crowd John McCain ever drew was 5,000 students on Chris Matthews' "Hardball" college tour.
Have you forgotten the GOP primary debate at the Ronald Reagan Library? They had the entire airplane, not a partial replica. It was on camera the whole time, you couldn't miss it.
This last night of the Democratic National Convention was better than the three previous nights put together!
Meanwhile, on Monday President Bush might have to cancel his convention speech because a category 3 hurricane is on its way to New Orleans...
rmwarnick, at 11:25 PM
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