ALF/PETA Strike Again
Over the weekend, several thousand mink were released from a Kaysville mink ranch. Today, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) paid terrorist group the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) took credit for the release.
There is a reason why ALF has earned it's classification (from the FBI) as a "terrorist" organization. I have no doubt that the mink that they terrorized will testify to that fact.
What really got to me was the "justification" that one of the spokespeople for the group gave for doing what the did. On KSL radio, the spokesperson said (in response to the comment that their actions were DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths of many mink) that while it was regretable that several hundred died on the highway it was worth it because these animals were "wild" and "it's not like they will starve or die from dehydration" as a result of their actions. That was about the time that I almost drove off of the road! These animals were born and bred in captivity and have absolutely no survival instinct at all! The mink have never had to fend for themselves, never had to forage for food or to hide from predators like coyotes and mountain cats! But ALF never let little things like facts or common sense stop them from releasing domestic animals to their impending doom. They certainly never let something stupid like reality get in the way of ideology!In a communique posted on the group's Web site and sent to Utah news-media outlets, the ALF said three members were behind the "liberation" of the minks.
"On releasing about 10,000 mink we found and destroyed all breeding records. We also vandalized the trucks and various forms of equipment, including destroying the electrical fence and cutting about a hundred holes in the fence's perimeter," the group said. "Don't let the animals be destroyed so their skin can be worn by some rich (expletive). There is nothing glamorous about wearing an animal's carcass."
There is a reason why ALF has earned it's classification (from the FBI) as a "terrorist" organization. I have no doubt that the mink that they terrorized will testify to that fact.
Labels: PETA
I totally agree. This is mistreatment of the worst kind. I am wondering about something though. You mention Peta, but are they the same as ALF? (I am from Denmark, so I donĀ“t know much about these organizations)
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM
PeTA helps fund ALF.
The Lady Logician, at 10:06 PM
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